Monthly Archives: February 2022

No spin accepted here

I try to live up to my avatar’s motto: “logical”. I don’t always succeed, but I try. I try especially hard to come to conclusions only based on evidence, not on wishful thinking or propaganda. Both wishful thinking and propaganda – especially propaganda promoting wishful thinking – are flying thick and fast in discussions of geopolitics in the past week.

Russian Strikes Targeting US-Run Bio-Labs in Ukraine?” The included map shows 15 alleged biolabs. What a great idea – bombing an alleged biolab… Putin cannot be that foolish.

I have also come to accept the Democrat claim that pro-Russian trolls play a large part in online discussions (in addition to the pro-Chinese trolls), for example claiming that Putin will complete the alleged Q mission of exposing the deep state. It is hilarious to see Vladimir Putin lauded as the savior of the white race by carrying out a war against alleged Ukrainian Nazis – when the audience for such an appeal carries an obscene nostalgia for Hitler in the same role. (And those alleged Nazis elected a Jewish president with support by 72%!) Two dictators who “save” whites by killing whites? Ah well, national socialists and international socialists – not much difference, after all.

After my previous post with graphics on international power rankings, and considering the problems created in the last several years around the world, I have decided that the world would benefit from a partition of America, China, and Russia. The margin of this blog contains several maps of a New America. China should let Tibet (Xizang, Qinghai, Gansu), East Turkestan (Xinjiang), and Inner Mongolia go, and divide the rest along the Yangzi River. Russia should be divided along the Ob-Irkutsk River. American borders should be enforced zealously.

Russia Has Attacked More Than a Dozen Towns as Ukraine Government Pledges ‘All-Out Defense’” Suddenly, Putin becomes the best recruiter for NATO in decades!

Yes, Tucker, There Is a US Security Interest in Ukraine” No Americans are fighting there in American uniform, so please, no straw man arguments. Some people are horrified to find that there is corruption in Ukraine. There is also corruption in Russia, and in America. So what? The map below depicts the highest ethnic Russian concentrations in yellow. Why is the entire country being bombed?

Hold the Narrative and Win the Game of Risk

This threat explains why countries are interested in joining NATO in the first place.

Brave woman. I suspect the soldier is not enthusiastic about his mission.

Russian troops enter Ukraine’s second city of Kharkiv and fierce fighting breaks out after Putin was said to be ‘raging’ at stalled invasion: Ukrainians obliterate Chechen special forces column of 56 tanks outside Kyiv and kills top general

Dementia Joe in action.

Very dangerous: “A National Vaccine Pass Has Quietly Rolled Out – And Red States Are Getting On Board

Doctor fired for refusing the COVID shot says health network misled employees to encourage vaccine uptake

The original tweet by Dr. Peter McCullough was deleted by Twitter. Twitter is conspiring in crimes against humanity, and have the blood of millions on their hands. “Alden et al, Lund University, Sweden, confirms one of our worst fears. The exogenous genetic material coding for the dangerous Spike protein is reverse-transcribed into the human genome; possible long-term constitutive expression/synthesis of disease promoting/lethal Spike.” Hat tip Nitzakhon.

US Supreme Court to hear case of web designer who objects to gay marriage

Democrats Announce They Now Have the Votes to Pass Reparations Bill” As long as they are going to lose Congress, they might as well go out with a bang.

Federal judge rules that admissions changes at nation’s top public school discriminate against Asian-American students” Careful, Democrats.

Biden Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson could face scrutiny for overturned decisions

Wow: “Proposed Canadian Law Would Penalize INTENT to Commit Online ‘Hate Speech’

Guide to Gold-Backed Cryptocurrency” Now here is an intriguing proposal for a hybrid currency.

See you soon!

Back in the USSR

There can be no doubt now that Vladimir Putin is trying to reconstitute the Soviet Union. He is on record as stating that the fall of the Soviet Union was a disaster. That was a rare setback in the centuries of Russian expansionism. He has a strong influence on Belarus, and has stolen parts of Georgia and Ukraine earlier. Today we witnessed a blitzkrieg like the German invasion of Poland. This was completely unnecessary if his goal was to acquire only the Donbass (Donetsk and Luhansk) in eastern Ukraine. He is clearly attempting to overthrow the government of Ukraine and strip of them of any and all military capability. I am no fan of Ukraine, but I am revolted by the pro-Putin cult on the far right.

By the way, the Russian stock market fell by one-third in one day. Great work, Mr. President.

Gravitas Plus | Explained: The Russia-Ukraine crisis” This is an excellent explanation of the history of these countries from Indian news source WION; the presenter, Palki Sharma, is knowledgeable and intelligent. 9.5 minutes. Highly recommended.

This is not about Donbass (the small region at the right of the map).


Trump Calls Putin, Xi ‘Twin Sisters’: Taiwan ‘Going to Be Next’

Russia and the West

Using data on gross domestic product, population, and area, I created a statistic that measures the potential power of nations. Here is a first pass at the results, in the form of a map and a pie chart. In the map, the most powerful nation is dark blue. Less powerful nations are in shades of green, heading to pink at the other extreme. It must be emphasized that nations do not always manifest their full potential power, depending on their cultural priorities.

Is the Russian war against Ukraine an invitation to irredentism worldwide? “Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada should start worrying

Where Did Our Freedom Go?” “The big surprise isn’t that the Western world is giving up its freedom: The surprise is that freedom is already gone and nobody knows exactly when or where it went.”

Traison des clercs: “The Treason of the Ruling Class


Canada Votes Away Its Freedom, 185 to 151

Uh-oh – just ruined your economy’s credit rating, Minister of Finance?


Cops, convoys, conservatives, and tyranny

Tyranny in France.

Tyranny from SCOTUS: “Supreme Court Denies Request From 2,000 Christian Health Care Workers to Block COVID Vaccine Mandate

Teacher is crazy: “VIDEO: Texas Middle School Teacher: “Those Conservative Christians Need to Get COVID and Die”

Senator Marshall is also an MD. He is fighting to end the permanent “emergency”.

The American Truckers Freedom Convoy Just Added Two Powerful Conservatives to Their Ranks” Allen West and Ted Nugent.

Pentagon Approves Deployment of National Guard Troops for DC Trucker Convoy Protest

Also found on WION, this news item about research done at Australia’s Monash University regarding the effectiveness of an anti-parasitic drug against CoVID: “Australian Scientist: Anti-Parasitic drug could help cure pandemic Coronavirus” THE VIDEO’S DATE? April 5, 2020!!! Why was this suppressed???

Dr. Pierre Kory: “The Disinformation Campaign Against Ivermectin – JAMA’s “Diversion”

Steve Kirsch: “New JAMA paper show Ivermectin blows the COVID vaccines out of the water

‘Stroke’ is 11,361% more likely to be suffered as an Adverse Reaction to the Covid-19 Vaccines than the Flu Vaccines per Number of Doses administered” How can doctors remain silent??? Other than the well-known dissidents, are the rest soulless?

CDC Did a Study on COVID Vaccine Boosters. It was Beyond Brutal.

I am not familiar with this website. If they are correct, this is world-ending psychotic. “Bill Gates-Linked Lab Developing Vaccine That Spreads Like a Virus To Vaccinate Anti-Vaxxers

‘Scientific fraud’: Drs. Robert Malone, Ryan Cole react to CDC hiding data” Great interview.

Dr. Malone follows up on that interview further with Steve Bannon, using the phrase “smoking gun of scientific fraud“. He got a sardonic laugh out of Bannon when he said that the retired Dr. Collins is now “whispering in Brandon’s ear”.

German Insurer Warns: “More Vaccine Side Effects Than Previously Known”‘ Again, it is the insurance industry that will unravel this democidal conspiracy.

More: “Data Show ‘Significant Underreporting’ of Vaccine Side Effects: German Health Insurer

Look at the pictures of this child. “12-Year-Old Suffers Painful Blisters All Over Body Following 1st Moderna Dose – Doctors Still Urge 2nd Dose” The doctors are insane or evil.

If there is any remaining doubt: “COVID Spike Protein Contains DNA Sequence Patented By Moderna THREE YEARS Before Pandemic Began, Scientists Discover

Supreme Court Case Could Finally Define Religious Freedom Protections

Daniel Greenfield: “White Supremacy Is Alive and Well – and Living in San Francisco

Here’s a pleasant surprise: “Meat-eating extends human life expectancy worldwide

Emerald Robinson: “What Happened To Hannity?” Inquiring minds want to know!

A friend sent me this article. I could not drag my eyes away from the employee pictured at the top of the article, in fascinated horror. “Some Companies Ditch Annual Raises and Review Worker Pay More Often

Dr. Shiva: “Scientific Study Reveals Maricopa Counted 200,000+ Ballots With Mismatched Signatures Without Review (“Curing”)” OK, so now what are we going to DO about it?

GOP to Win House Based on Democrat Retirements Alone

Senator Rick Scott’s promising 11-Point Plan to drain the swamp and fulfill the MAGA agenda” This could be a point of unity and success.

China’s Property Bubble Collapse Gets Worse” This could spill over to Western economies.


Bullish on Bitcoin

Jack Kerwick: “Philosophy and the History of Science in the Age of COVID: Part IV” This is getting to be an interesting series. I hope he publishes this series in book form.

Pray for peace. See you soon!

Shall we have ourselves a convoy?

The People’s Convoy website. I wish them well. I hope they are prepared for a long prison term in the District of Corruption without access to Bibles, the Bill of Rights, lawyers, edible food, or bodily integrity. I still think that a general strike is the better option. They can’t arrest you for staying home.

Interesting gauge of American public mood.

Twitter Takes Down Video By Freedom Convoy USA 2022 Organizer Calling For Peaceful Protest” But OANN has the video. This is a good man.

More from Bayou Renaissance Man: “Fascism comes to Canada. Next stop: the USA.” “…the powers that be in the USA are no more willing to tolerate this level of civil disobedience and protest than Justin Trudeau and his jackbooted thugs were prepared to tolerate it in Canada.  They have to crack down on it, or watch as a groundswell of popular protest builds up until it overwhelms them.”

Matt Taibbi: “When Boring People Turn Dangerous: Canada’s Insane Power Grab

Trudeau will not cancel Emergencies Act despite protests being over” Superseded by today’s events, but still relevant. Why did he cancel the emergency today? Bank – run. Not generosity.

Tyranny: Canadian Parliament Votes for Emergencies Act Motion” A vote that will live in infamy. A century from now, Canadians will shake their heads in shame about this vote.

Majority of Democrats Support Justin Trudeau’s Crackdown on Freedom Convoy Protesters” 87% of Republicans disapprove, but 66% of Democrats approve. Remember that.

Trudeau-Style Tyranny Is Already Here” “As freedom-lovers justifiably recoil at Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s crackdown, Americans worry it could happen here. They’re too late. It already has.”

Italian police.

Glenn Greenwald: “The Neoliberal War on Dissent in the West

Losing control of the narrative?

7-Year-Old Boy Allegedly Choked, Put In Restraint Hold, Thrown Across Room For Not Wearing Mask In School” The school employee needs a long time-out. In prison.

Uppity parent, uppity child, concerned doctor.

The Nation Isn’t Divided, the Left Is Just Too Sick to Deal With” Both can be true. The nation is divided; the left is more numerous than you think. And they are nasty. This statement by KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov reminds me of many blogs by Nitzakhon: “Exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures, even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it until he is going to receive a kick in his fat bottom. When a military boot crushes his b***s then he will understand, but not before that. That’s the tragic [sic] of the situation of demoralization.”

Washington and Lincoln Call the American People to Reclaim their Rights from Government

Daniel Greenfield: “The Left Goes Full Orwell” ‘”Freedom,” warned the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, which is funded by the Trudeau government, is a word that has “become common among far-right groups.” To prove its point, the CBC quoted Elisabeth Anker, a George Washington University prof, who claimed that freedom is a “slippery concept” and that those on the right want “violent” freedoms that reject being “bound by norms of equality” or “norms to remedy inequality.”‘ And I know the type that will take the assertion of “experts” over the evidence of their own eyes. They are called leftists.

FBI: Thou shalt not think!

Victor Davis Hanson: “The Gathering Storm in the West” “…those who smear the truckers are mostly of the zoom and laptop class. Their chief agendas during the last two years of crisis were sheltering in place to avoid contact with anyone, while zooming and skyping to maintain and boost their already generous incomes. Few like Trudeau ever wondered how the elite remained fully employed, but rarely present at work—much less why millions of others were expected to scoff at the virus and come physically to work, while their incomes often dived or ended due to government lockdown policies. The muscular classes enjoyed no such exemptions. Their kids went to public schools that were shut down or required masks. Parents lost incomes as they stayed home to watch children that tenured teachers would not teach. Truckers had no such margin of safety or security, but were out among the public delivering food, fuel, clothing, and the appurtenances of the Western comfortable lifestyle. In our current inflationary spiral, they earned a bit more, while inflation made them poorer, while those they served earned far more. The truckers remind Western audiences that modern progressivism equates muscular labor and hourly wage compensation with a sort of Neanderthalism. That is, the unfortunate clingers supposedly never quite understood globalization, much less how an 8-billion-person market rewards those who type on keyboards and, in relative terms, punishes the supposedly less aware who physically deliver, fix, make, and repair things.” Fantastic!

The Responsibility of Intellectuals 2.0” “Are you as a member of the well-educated Western elite class prepared to explore the possibility that members of the sociological cohort to which you belong are capable of highly organized evil and deception rooted in a deep disdain for the core humanity and inherent dignity of all people? Are you open to imagining that people—to borrow a phrase much-loved in certain circles— “who look like you,” live in “nice” neighborhoods like you, and want all the markings of the good life for their children like you, are also capable of monstrous deeds and the propagation of extremely damaging herd-induced stupidities? Do you ever think of using the knowledge of history your prestigious education might have afforded you for something other than establishing favorable comparisons with the past that prop up the idea of Western man’s triumphant march of progress and, of course, your sociological cohort’s starring role within it? “

Jonathan Turley: “Public Health Scotland Stops Releasing Covid Data to Protect The Public From Reaching Bad Conclusions” Protecting us from ourselves.

Covid-19 Vaccines now have NEGATIVE Effectiveness among Triple Vaccinated as low as MINUS 206%” Negative effectiveness means you are more likely to become ill if you are injected.

CDC is refusing to publish data it has collected on booster effectiveness for 33 MILLION Americans aged 18-49 over fears it might show the vaccines as ineffective: FDA expert tells CDC to ‘tell the truth’” They work for us. Show us the data, or you’re fired.

Steve Kirsch: “Highly acclaimed peer-reviewed Bangladesh study shows that masks don’t work at all

Steve Kirsch again, following up on the Israel adverse event data release: “How rare are vaccine side effects? Not very rare at all

UVA Health calls for participants in COVID-19 medication study” including Ivermectin. Guaranteed they will rig the study by offering the medicine too late to be beneficial, or will underdose or overdose.

Some School Districts Cancel ‘Diversity’ Programs After Backlash

Critical Race Theory Makes Its Way Into Mandatory Trainings at Top US Medical Schools, New Database Shows” Poison.

Texas AG Declares Sex-Change Pro­ce­dures and Puber­ty Block­ers For Kids ​“Child Abuse” Under Texas Law” Common sense prevails.

Kyle Rittenhouse is aiming at accountability for the media, which sorely needs it.

Vindman and the rest of the Trump-hating Ukraine cabal have much to answer for” Outrageous. Vindman blames the Putin invasion on Trump? Biden is the president!

FBI Still Silent on Murder of DHS Whistleblower Philip Haney” They probably already know the perpetrator.

Techno Fog: “Trump Transition data was passed to the CIA” They are not allowed to do domestic surveillance. But they did. The godless left does whatever they can get away with.



Sprott Money (and precious metals): “Russia, Ukraine Crisis, and De-dollarization

Sovereign Man: “Intellectual Freedom started with the Elon Musk of the 1600s” Isaac Newton – the Elon Musk of the 1600s? That’s a new one!

Greg Reese: “Big Bank’s Globalist Death Cult Announce Plans For Global Communism” The WEF’s description of the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”. 5 minutes.

Queens Jewish leader slams AOC for suggesting Israel ‘cages’ Palestinian kids” Thank you again, American Jewish leftists.

See you soon!

Anglophone tyranny

MICROWAVE VICTIM 12TH FEB IN CANBERRA” If you were offended by my description of Australian police as Nazis, watch this 5:46 video. LOOK at this woman. LISTEN to her. This is EVIL. “This woman describes burning sensation on her skin, blistered lips, aching bones, yellowing eyes, severe headaches and exhaustion. She is in indescribable pain and feels helpless…”

Microwave Energy Weapons Deployed Against Canberra Freedom Convoy” “Use of such weaponry against peaceful civilians likely violates the Geneva Convention, and could therefore be a war crime.” Actually a crime against humanity. Multiple videos and article links. DEW = directed energy weapon. LRAD = long range acoustic device. They FRIED the protestors. They are diabolically, Nazi-level, evil.


Peaceful Women Pepper Sprayed by Trudeau’s Minions” LOOK at her.

Ontario government staffer out of a job after $100 donation to Ottawa blockade, others under scrutiny” Dissent is not permitted!

In hindsight, this is how it should have been done from the beginning. Now, many people’s lives will be ruined for years.

Canada really is turning into a police state before our eyes” Read the stories in the embedded tweets.

Proof of exclusion?

Dr. Robert Malone Speaks To Canada” 15 minutes.

David Solway: “Requiem for a Nation” “It may seem hard to believe that America’s neighbor to the north is now a full-fledged, up-and-running police state. Heavily-armed police are arresting and, in some cases, roughing up, severely beating, and trampling with horses members of the truckers’ Freedom Convoy in Ottawa as well as bystanders. The country has gone off the rails… Some goodbyes are painful, this one especially so. For the national anthem has become a lugubrious requiem.”

Romanian MEP Scorches ‘Tyrant’ Trudeau’s Brutal Response To Freedom Convoy” Cristian Terhes again. This man is honest.

No badge, no name, no shame.

Protect and serve

mistersunshinebaby was pressured by the Canadian government into removing his YouTube videos covering the Ottawa protest and police riot. However, they are still on Rumble.

Calgary rising. Get Pastor Artur Pawlowski out of prison!

Hat tip Nitzakhon: “Canada is now a test laboratory for oppression in the USA” “Friends, be in no doubt that the next few days and weeks, both in Canada and the USA, will be critical.  I expect the US government to try to crush the US version of the “Freedom Convoy” before it can make a major impact – perhaps even before it starts.  I expect our truckers to resist.  What will come of that?  Right now, nobody knows;  but I expect the authorities to use any and all measures necessary to crush opposition, rather than allow it to snowball out of control. The response of free Americans to that will determine whether we remain free, or tacitly accept that we are already slaves.

RED ALERT: “Biden Extends US National Emergency Over COVID-19” There is no end date for this declaration. This is Napoleon crowning himself. Where are the congressional Republicans???

D.C. National Guard Members Told to Be Ready Ahead of Potential Truck Convoy” Will the National Guard become a praetorian guard? I hope not.

The indispensable Neil Oliver: “People ought not to fear the power of governments” And now that we do, what then?

The WEF is controlling governments around the world. On their website, I found a list of graduates of their Young Leaders program. It includes not only Macron and Merkel and Trudeau (if I remember right), but also Mark Zuckerberg (no surprise), Tulsi Gabbard (hm), and even Maria Bartiromo (what???).

Fires in liberal democracies” “What if there were a fire in a liberal democracy scorching human rights and civil liberties?  What if that fire was in several liberal democracies and spreading fast?  The people are loudly screaming “fire!” but their leaders are curiously silent.”

Igor Chudov: “Covid, Vaccine, HIV and VAIDS — an Explanation” ‘HIV “Motifs” present in Sars-Cov-2, as well as in “Covid Vaxx”‘

FDNY union leader requests probe into possible correlation between recent department deaths and COVID vaccines” Isn’t that misinformation?

Funeral Directors and Embalmers Alarmed By Freakishly Large Blood Clots Clogging Veins in Vaccinated Bodies” Follow up and expansion on Steve Kirsch’s reporting.

COVID-19 Lockdowns, Mask And Vaccine Mandates, And The Rejection Of Cures: Are They Crimes Against Humanity?” Great overview.

Translated Israeli MOH survey of reported adverse events after the third Pfizer vaccine shot for Covid-19

Hat tip Nitzakhon: “The Israeli Ministry of Health Actually Did a Survey of Adverse Events after The Booster Dose” They don’t include deaths. For non-death events, the numbers are bad, suggesting that VAERS is even more underreported than we thought previously.

We don’t need no stinking data! Just trust us!

US Agencies Quietly Studying Reports of Post-Vaccination Neurological Issues

‘Freedom’ now deemed a white supremacist notion” CRT is coordinated with the pandemic and injection mandates to make “nice” people fearful of asserting their own liberties.

Top EU court rules Hungary, Poland can be stripped of funding for opposing ‘LGBT’ agenda” I have said many times that the Three Seas Initiative countries must leave the EU as soon as possible.

The ‘challenge’ for Dems is their liberal base isn’t ‘comfortable’ with going back to normal” So the rest of us must suffer?

The FBI Seized Almost $1 Million From This Family—and Never Charged Them With a Crime” Civil asset forfeiture.

Biden Brought Unvetted Afghans to U.S., Many Flagged with ‘Security Concerns’ Cannot Be Located” Your neighbor, the Taliban?

DHS Chief Mayorkas Strips Border Protections from U.S. Graduates” You wasted money on your professional training.

Is this real? “Everything that’s wrong with American education summed up in one image

Michael Snyder: “The Cost Of Living In The United States Is Rising To Absolutely Absurd Levels


Fed up Ottawa residents win secret suit to freeze the crypto wallets funding Canada’s ‘Freedom Convoy’ protesters

Good advice.

Sun ‘has been erupting non-stop this month’ – and ‘giant flares are incoming’” There is a very low chance such a flare would hit the earth directly. If it hits the ionosphere, it could cause a huge mess for power generation and transmission, communication, transportation, and any electronic device.

Academy of Ideas: “Decentralization and Freedom” Discussion of Leopold Kohr’s “The Breakdown of Nations”. A good argument for secession. 10.5 minutes.

On the Alleged Moral Superiority of Intellectuals

America Is Not Divided; It’s Being Hijacked” Charmingly naive.

America’s cognitive dissonance continues to deepen

Jewish federations add gun control, LGBT issues back to agenda” I do not contribute to Jewish “federation”. No Torah believer should either.

See you soon!

Canada, Ukraine, and the end of humanity

How shall we begin?

  • Canada, long among the freest, most peaceful nations on earth, has transformed itself overnight into a violent, ruthless dictatorship, with the support of a majority of the public.
  • Vladimir Putin, an undeserving hero to the kook right, has just added another piece of the map to Russia. Russia only has 12% of earth’s land area outside of Antarctica, and he wants more.
  • The next two videos discuss the terrible danger that humanity is in now from the CoVID injections.

Blackrock Whistleblower Who Predicted The Crash of Moderna Breaks New Bombshell Information

Doctor Lee Merritt Warns: This Is An Extinction Level Event

Yes, you can detox from covid “vaccine” spike proteins: here’s how

Hospitals must be held responsible: “Floridians Demand DeSantis Veto Bill Extending Immunity to Hospitals Treating COVID-19 Patients

It could happen to anyone! Monsters.

The CDC has delayed speech goals for normal childhood development, expecting children to know 50 words by 30 months instead of the former 24 months. Monstrous.

“My Choices Now are Between my Job and my Life” – Woman Shares Her Tragic Story Following Pfizer Shots

A doctor speaks: “Who’s Best Situated to Figure Out the Truth about COVID?

Just 6% of the batches of Covid-19 Vaccine produced have caused every single Adverse Reaction suffered by Children resulting in Permanent Disability or Death

If it is fraud, the liability protections may vanish in a puff of mist.

Cook Children’s Medical Center Reportedly Denies Teenager’s Life-Saving Kidney Transplant Because He Is Unvaccinated” They really want you dead.

CNN vs Ivermectin” The substance is interesting, but there is some serious misunderstanding of the statistics. It does not mean there is a 91% chance that ivermectin works, as someone claims. Nevertheless, use of ivermectin led to a 69% reduction in the death rate. That is worthwhile.

Nazi cops in Australia: “Australian Police Confirm Use of LRAD Sonic Weapon at Protest Against COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates” This is prohibited by international law. It is a crime against humanity.

Look at her face. Read the linked articles in the thread. Tell me my description of the Australian cops was wrong. This is a real, legal crime, and apparently it happens in other countries too, including the USA.


Canada Police to Send Names of Trucker Protesters to Financial Institutions

Thou shalt not dissent.

Maxime Bernier heads the People’s Party of Canada, the die-hard patriots.

Actual terrorism in Canada is ignored by the government: “Violent overnight attack at Coastal GasLink site leaves workers shaken, millions in damage

Government snipers in Ottawa???

“This is disgusting!” Shouts like that liberated America and Europe from tyranny!

Nazi cops in Canada deliberately run over an old, handicapped woman who needed a walker.

Government are the terrorists.

More government terrorism. Unprovoked vicious attack. Listen to the thump of the club against a human being. I will not support the blue.

Protect and serve

Canadian media-government-deep state gaslighting: “How did conservatives come to be so attracted to extremism?

Power to the sheeple! Why being called a ‘sheep’ should really be seen as a baaaa-dge of honour” Are you serious?

Self-government is cancelled: “Parliament axes Friday plans to meet over Emergencies Act amid ‘police operation’

Canada is a police state at this time” 5 minutes.

The American emergency is permanent: “With Possibility of Protests Looming, Joe Biden Extends U.S. COVID-19 National Security Declaration to Retain Additional Power

Guaranteed to fail: “American Truckers Prepare to Drive From California to DC in ‘The People’s Convoy’” It will be Ottawa plus January 6. More people will be in jail for years. A GENERAL STRIKE is the only peaceful solution remaining.

Nazi cops protecting a school board against a dissenting mother.

Thou shalt not question thy employees, the school board!

Man attacks Bellevue Applebee’s employee with meat cleaver over COVID-19 vaccine proof

Professors against science.

“The transition closet.” These people are sick.

Is the Bible illegal in Finland? “Finish MP Criminally Charged After Quoting Bible in Opposition to LGBT Event

The Left’s Orwellian Newspeak: the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Delusion

He is not a victim.

The suburbs have had enough.

Senate candidate trans ad triggers libs” Brave, these days.

School puts delusional male predators in girls’ bunk at camp.

‘No Valid Reason’ to Withhold More Than 14,000 Hours of Jan. 6 Video: Defense Attorney” That assumes the goal is a fair trial.

They never stop: “Trump must testify in New York investigation, judge rules” He’s guilty; they just need to decide of which crime.

Victor Davis Hanson: “Hillary Clinton’s Greatest Masterpiece

CIA Knew Trump Russian Collusion Charges Were False

Durham Probe of Plot Against Trump Grows Damning: ‘Someone in Gov Gave Them Permission,’ DC Insider Says” Trust the plan!

Dirty traitors: “Four Senate Republicans Fail to Show Up for Vote on Amendment Defunding Vaccine Mandates, Ensuring Failure” Burr, Graham, Inhofe, Romney.

Jeffrey Epstein’s pimp Jean-Luc Brunel ‘hangs himself alone in Paris jail with no CCTV’: Ghislaine Maxwell’s family ‘shocked and scared for her’ as man who procured 1,000 women for paedophile financier dies days after Andrew deal” Enormous coincidence.

FBI Launches New Crypto Crimes Unit” And you can totally trust them!

What happened? “Big Banks in Canada Face Outage Day After Emergency Declared

This may backfire.

Society vs State: Canada Reveals the Core Conflict of Our Age” Mark Levin called this a few years ago. “On the one hand, the state, which seeks to make all of society transparent to its power. On the other, alternative sources of authority – the family, the church, the community, the firm, the farm, and the human individual herself. For centuries, the state has waged a quiet war against those competitors, and bent them to its will.”

The Death of Muscular American Social Life” “Will we be left with the worst of all worlds: moralism without morality, socialism without sociality, children without childhood, and humor without humor?”

See you soon!