Monthly Archives: July 2022

Was it worth it?

Hat tip Nitzakhon – Igor Chudov: “Hungary: Highest Vaccinated Counties Have Worst Birth Rate Drops!” “Budapest is the new Taiwan — Birth Rate Drop of -22.2%!” Was it worth it?

Unvaccinated COVID Patients Are Contagious for LESS Time Than those Vaxed or Boosted” Was it worth it?

Team England’s Max Burgin forced to withdraw from Commonwealth Games after [Deep Vein Thrombosis]” Was it worth it?

Top Chef Alum Howard “Howie” Kleinberg Has Passed Away” – at age 46. At least he will never get CoVID now!

New York Victory on “Quarantine Camp” Law is a Huge Win for America” Yet the evil governor is appealing.

Doctor Announces $25 Million Defamation Lawsuit Against Houston Methodist Following Suspension” Dr. Mary Bowden has now been banned from Twitter for telling the truth.

How the CDC Coordinated With Big Tech To Censor Americans” Especially the real experts – the frontline doctors who were saving lives with hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, vitamin D, and zinc.

How the CDC Coordinated With Big Tech To Censor Americans

Get Ready For The Vaccine Death Apocalypse” 7 minutes.

Dr. Gold turned down the judge for a date in school. Now he sentences her to prison. He should be in prison for misconduct.

Madness. Evil.

The Democrat lt. gov. of PA, and candidate for US Senate.

Indiana school must allow transgender girl to rejoin softball team, judge rules” Let the judge’s daughter join that team.

Biden Administration Sued for Tying K-12 Gender Ideology to Lunch Money” Fly the rainbow flag or your kid starves!

Victor Davis Hanson: “How To Erode the World’s Greatest Military” “The U.S. Army has met only 40 percent of its 2022 recruiting goals. In fact, all branches of the military are facing historic resistance to their current recruiting efforts. If some solution is not found quickly, the armed forces will radically shrink or be forced to lower standards—or both.”

Biden’s Cybersecurity Czar Says ‘Systemic Racism’ Is Major Threat to US Security” “Deputy National Cyber Director Camille Stewart has called for a race-focused defense agenda” Was she actually approved by the US Senate?

Biden’s Cybersecurity Czar Says ‘Systemic Racism’ Is Major Threat to US Security

Thou shalt not think: “Brazen Falsehood” You would think a law school dean would be smarter than to defame one of his faculty.

Sen. Ted Cruz on Hispanics Shifting to GOP: ‘Democrats Are Openly Racist’” I pray that this movement is real.

Education Department Investigates Allegations USC Ignored Anti-Semitic Harassment” I would posit that it is permitted to discriminate against Christians and Jews, whites, males, and heterosexuals.

Education Department Investigates Allegations USC Ignored Anti-Semitic Harassment

California militia helping Oak Fire evacuees creates furor in Mariposa” Leftist locals turn down free food distributed by a militia after a fire.

Hunter Biden evidence wrongly labeled disinformation by FBI: Whistleblower” The DOJ will get right on this, yessir!

Silver at a Discount: Silver-Gold Ratio Hits 2-Year High” Since this article was published in early July, silver has had quite a rally.

Michael Snyder: “14 Signs That The U.S. Economy Is Poised To Crash Really Hard During The Second Half Of 2022

14 Signs That The U.S. Economy Is Poised To Crash Really Hard During The Second Half Of 2022

No Recession? All Of A Sudden Yield Spreads Are Collapsing” The lowest since 2000.

Nouriel Roubini says predictions for a mild recession are ‘delusional’ as severe financial crisis looms

Peter Schiff with Laura Ingraham: “The White House Recession Denial

Charles Hugh Smith: “What’s Truly Important? The Global Revaluation Is Accelerating” “How much gold will you trade for a few eggs? It depends on how hungry you are.” And how much farmland the elites have destroyed.

Dutch Farmers Block Highways with Manure and Burning Hay to Protest Globalist Climate Agenda” Even more than the farmers, it should be all the city people who depend on farmers’ food who are protesting.

Alas, the crazed voices on the right are growing louder. “Jews, non-Christians not part of conservative movement – GOP candidate consultant” “Both Republicans and Democrats have called on Mastriano to withdraw his ad campaign from the Gab social media platform.” PA Republican gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano HAD an account on Gab. Here is Gab founder Andrew Torba, who tried to attach himself to the Mastriano campaign.

“My policy is not to conduct interviews with reporters who aren’t Christian or with outlets who aren’t Christian and Doug has a very similar media strategy where he does not do interviews with these people. He does not talk to these people. He does not give press access to these people,” said the Gab founder. “These people are dishonest. They’re liars. They’re a den of vipers and they want to destroy you. My typical conversation with them when they email me is ‘repent and accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior.’ I take it as an opportunity to try and convert them.”

“These people [Dave Rubin, Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro] aren’t conservative. They’re not Christian. They don’t share our values. They have inverted values from us as Christians.” Jordan Peterson is not Christian??? That would be a big surprise to him.

“We don’t want people who are atheists. We don’t want people who are Jewish. We don’t want people who are, you know, nonbelievers, agnostic, whatever. This is an explicitly Christian movement because this is an explicitly Christian country. We’re not saying we’re going to deport all these people or whatever. You’re free to stay here. You’re not going to be forced to convert or anything like this because that’s not biblical whatsoever. But you’re going to enjoy the fruits of living in a Christian society under Christian laws and under a Christian culture and you can thank us later.”

“We want to disciple all nations. Not just America…We are going to take dominion of this entire planet. Our generation of Christians is not buying dispensational Zionist lies, we do not have a pessimistic eschatology,” added Torba in the second video.

“Ben Shapiro and other non-believers are not allowed to have a prominent voice in our movement because they don’t share our values…They’re trying to subvert Christian nationalism. Turn off Ben Shapiro. This is not a Judeo-Christian movement. Those two terms are actually contradictory.”

I am not on Gab and never will be, nor will I post their trash.

By the way, Mastriano is running some 10 points behind the Democrat candidate. Great work there, Mr. Torba.

Dennis Prager: “A Nation of Fools” “Why my friends and I had more wisdom when we were 12 than college students and faculty have today” “1) I knew well before age 12 that people are not basically good. Any young person who studies the Bible—and believes in it—knows that God says, “The will of man’s heart is evil from his youth.” (Genesis 8:21)… 2) Precisely because human nature isn’t good, the preoccupation of my religious education was how to work on myself to make me a better person. Every yeshiva student in the world memorizes the Talmudic aphorism, “Who is the strong man? The one who conquers his urge(s).”… 3) People are to be judged by the standards and behavior of the generation in which they lived.”

A kind remembrance of Dr. Zelenko: “Zev Zelenko, Physician and Moralist

See you later.

The wisdom of Rabbi Chananya Weissman and the pandemic

I just checked in yesterday at the website of Rabbi Chananya Weissman, after not having been a regular at Front Page Magazine for many months. Rav Weissman has been writing powerful columns on the social and religious response to CoVID. I don’t know his politics. I do know that his perspective is based 100% on Torah, by which we mean not just the first 5 books of the Bible, but the whole heritage based on that foundation: the remainder of the Hebrew Bible, the Oral Law, the law codes, and the classics of Jewish philosophy and character development. That is – he is Orthodox.

He has spent the last few years scorching the Orthodox Jewish religious establishment for destroying Jewish communal life, the dignity of the individual, and many specific individuals. The reader should be familiar with the conservative insistence that an apparent emergency does not override the Constitution. Similarly, Rav Weissman argues that the pandemic should not have caused leading rabbis to hand over their authority to self-anointed “experts” to decide what we must do and what we must not do. He compares society’s worship of “THE experts” to idolatry.

I would like to share with you links to some great essays Rav Weissman has written in 2022.

Covid Apology Letter” In which it is imagined that a rabid supporter of lockdowns and injection mandates decides to do penance for ruining the lives of his or her fellows.

Medical Tyranny Versus Authentic Torah“, parts 1 through 4. “…fear of illness is not a jailable offense for the healthy…” Wow! “I have a two-word response to everyone playing God who says the world has too many people and some of them need to go. The words begin with F and Y. You first.” Oh!

Trusting Doctors in Halachic Responsa“, parts 1 and 2. Halakhah is law (Torah means teaching or instruction, not law). “…someone who has successfully treated many people for covid-like symptoms over the last two years has far more credibility than even the “best doctors” who read scripts and make proclamations from on high. When it comes to wisdom and hands-on experience, there is no pulling rank… Doctors don’t make decisions for us. We examine the information they provide us and decide for ourselves… Those who claim that perfectly healthy people should be treated like deathly ill patients and injected with “vaccines” are distorting [Torah]…”

Please write in if there are any words in these articles that are not clear. They are written mostly in English, but also largely for an audience already familiar with much of the Hebrew vocabulary of Orthodox Judaism.

See you next week!

The armor of God

House Republicans demand answers from Biden admin over grants ‘to promote atheism worldwide’

Governor DeSantis: “‘Put on the Full Armor of God … Take a Stand Against the Left’s Schemes’” ‘While the governor said it is crucial to be “right” on the issues, that alone is not enough. One must have the courage of their convictions to stand up against the corrupt establishment media, cancel culture, the woke mob, and the “Brandon Administration,” he emphasized, before giving the ultimate word of advice to fellow conservative Floridians, straight out of Ephesians 6. “You gotta be ready for battle. So put on the full armor of God,” he said, triggering a round of applause. “Take a stand against the left’s schemes. Stand firm with the belt of truth buckled around your waist. You will face fire from flaming arrows, but the shield of faith will protect you.”’ DeSantis 2024.

Donald Trump: “Conservatives Must ‘Liberate’ America’s Children from ‘Sick’ Education System” “You can’t teach the Bible but you can teach children that America is evil and that men can get pregnant.”

‘Women’s Bill of Rights’ Introduced to Counter Transgender Ideology

Mises: “The Language Vandals” You remember 1984’s Winston Smith, I hope. This article pursues the same issues. “…language is worth defending from the linguistic vandals at every turn. In fact, language is the one institution we can defend every day through our own thoughts, words, and writing. It is guerrilla warfare, fought every day in the trenches.”

Why Did Anthony Fauci Suddenly Switch One Day From Promoting Calm to Promoting Lockdown?” Now there is a language vandal!

This story is alarming: “Deaths with unknown causes now Alberta’s top killer” It seems to be the same in America. However, the CDC seems to be slow-walking the data release. I will have more on that soon.

That is Del BigTree in the video.

SAE = serious adverse events.

Christine Anderson, MP Germany, is awesome.

This next tweet should be shared far and wide. Mr. O’Looney mentions an Australian doctor who is now forbidden from practicing medicine, even in private. The doctor’s crime was revealing to the public that the miscarriage rate, formerly 5-16% of pregnancies, is now 74%. This is a depopulation catastrophe.

Ron Paul: “Ugly Covid Lies” “The big question now, after what appears to be a tsunami of vaccine-related injuries, is will anyone be forced to pay for the lies and subterfuge?”

ATF conducts surprise firearm inspection at man’s home without search warrant” What Bill of Rights?

VIDEO: ATF conducts surprise firearm inspection at man’s home without search warrant

More Than 100 Trump-Affiliated Lawyers Targeted By Dark Money Group” What Bill of Rights?

Ireland: “Great Reset: Government to Target Farmers with Carbon Emissions Cuts of Around 28 Per Cent” Reduce the population by 28%?

Rep. Thomas Massie to Sec. Buttigieg: “Electric Cars Use 4 Times the Electricity of an Air Conditioner” Where is that power going to come from? Not my problem, I’m woke!

Biden State Department Official Seemingly Deletes Twitter Account After Saying ‘I Prefer High Gas Prices’

Treason: “Biden Admin Seeking ID Cards for Illegal Immigrants” No one will do anything.

Dershowitz: “Famed liberal law professor predicts Bannon convictions will be overturned

Entire North Carolina police department resigns after new town manager is hired

Tucker: the DOJ and FBI are increasingly lawless.

Democrat House Intelligence Committee Member Warns: DNA Testing Can Be Used as Bioweapon to Target Americans” Used by China.

Italy’s likely next prime minister Giorgia Meloni is a strong, nationalist woman. Leftist heads will explode.

Rents spike as big-pocketed investors buy mobile home parks

Why Artificially Low Rates Are Bad for You

Gold and the upcoming recession” What recession? “We are now seeing the initial stages of a currency, credit, and banking crisis develop. Driving it are an inflation of prices, contraction of bank credit and a pathological fear of recession. One can imagine that the major central banks almost wish a mild recession upon us so that they can keep interest rates suppressed and bond yields low. The key to understanding the course of events is that the cycle of bank credit is turning down, and this time the factors driving contraction are greater than anything we have experienced since the 1930s, and possibly in all modern monetary history. This article joins the dots between inflation and recession and puts the relationship between money (that is only gold), currencies, credit, and commodity prices into their proper perspective.

Peter Schiff: “It’s Getting Harder to Deny Recession Reality

Taking Gaslighting to New Heights the White House Changes the Definition of “Recession”

This morning, we had the report of a second consecutive quarter of negative GDP growth: that is, two consecutive quarters of shrinking GDP. Before I comment further, I want to wait for Friday morning’s personal income report for June.

NY Times Opinion: If something happens to Biden, Kamala Harris isn’t ready to take over” NOW you tell us?

DeSantis’s Florida blows away entire country in competition for people and their wealth” The author brings the numbers and the graphics.

Dr. Peter Navarro: “Trump’s ‘Think Tank’ Prepares to Betray Him” “The America First Policy Institute’s broader agenda appears to be to hijack the political attractiveness of Trumpism but replace Trump with their own anointed RINO.”

Here is MTG’s endorsement of Christian nationalism. I think of America as a predominantly Christian society, but not a Christian nation. It is a subtle difference.

I wish Tucker had cleaned up his language, but he has provided food for thought.

Rand Paul: ‘“There’s Going To Come A Day Of Reckoning”; People Will “Rise Up”‘ ‘“There’s going to be a day that people are going to wake up and say, ‘We’ve had enough.’”’ We have not arrived there yet. What will it take???

Related: “Nearly one in three Americans say it may soon be necessary to take up arms against the government

If it’s Sunday, it’s Nitzakhon: “Survival Sunday

Shawn Farash will put a smile on your face!

See you later!

Who wrecked the world?

Jeffrey Tucker has a powerful piece at Daily Reckoning: “Three Months That Wrecked the World” Who wrecked the world? Tucker fingers Birx, Fauci, and Pence.

Three Months That Wrecked the World

Phil Petty, South Carolina QB great, has died” Tis a shame. At least he will never get CoVID.

Steve Kirsch: “New study shows ivermectin can reduce chance of death by 92%” “But the WHO, NIH, and FDA all recommend that you avoid using it.” Not “but”: therefore. They really want you dead.

It must be repeated: “Dr. Deborah Birx says she ‘knew’ COVID vaccines would not ‘protect against infection’” “I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection. And I think we overplayed the vaccines…” She is a criminal. Prosecute her.

Further observations on hydrogen peroxide antisepsis and COVID-19 cases among healthcare workers and inpatients” “Regular, daily [hydrogen peroxide antisepsis] protects [health care workers] from COVID-19, and curtails nosocomial spread of SARS-CoV-2.” I am not making any suggestions, just presenting the articles to you for your interest.

Steve Kirsch: “Will physicians EVER speak out?” “Or will they continue to shrug their shoulders and refuse to look at the data showing that these vaccines are the biggest scandal in medical history?”

Bannon Found Guilty on Both Counts of Contempt of Congress; Appeal Likely” Guilty of not being a Democrat. Eric Holder and Lois Lerner escaped the law’s wrath; why? Also Hillary. There is no equal justice. This in itself makes the government illegitimate under the Declaration of Independence.

“It will have to be resolved by the Supreme Court” – I don’t put much hope in them.

Steve Bannon Joins Tucker Carlson following the Show Trial and Guilty Verdict in DC Court

The next three videos are parts of one Steve Bannon interview, on the War Room, with Alex Jones, about AJ’s new book, “The Great Reset”, coming out in late August. You can pre-order today.

Alex Jones Applauds Steve Bannon For Standing Up Against Establishment

Alex Jones Explains The Creation And End Goals For The Globalists’ Great Reset

Alex Jones On Law-Fare Being Raged On Populists Leaders To Silence The Movement

Trump gave order to ‘make sure’ Jan. 6 rally was ‘safe event,’ Pentagon memo shows” This news will be buried.

Pa. man awaiting sentencing for entering the U.S. Capitol during the Jan. 6 riot has died” They say he committed suicide, which will undoubtedly cause rejoicing among the left. As with Professor Mike Adams, this man was murdered by the hatred of the left. And conservatives have nothing substantial to offer to defend their fellow conservatives, other than best wishes during your 20 years of torture in jail and complete impoverishment.

Canada: “Pastor Art Pawlowksi’s contempt conviction set aside on appeal” I don’t think our courts have that level of integrity.

Pennsylvania: “Families Fleeing WCASD Over LGBTQ Curriculum, Dresses for Boys

Rashida Tlaib Claims Concerned Parents at School Board Meetings Are ‘White Supremacy’” Maybe she would prefer life in “Palestine”?

Chief immigration judge quits amid Biden administration purge” How does one of the good guys quitting help our side win?

Trudeau moves forward with fertilizer reduction climate policy” Canada joins Europe in a war against farmers. Who are the stupid intellectuals who believe they can survive without food???

Now you decide?

The 20 Countries With the Fastest Declining Populations” Of the top ten in decline, nine are in eastern Europe; the remaining one is Japan. If eastern Europe falls along with western Europe and America, that could well be the end of Western civilization.

Russia And China Officially Announce A “New Global Reserve Currency”‘ Not quite. However, they are moving in that direction. This could be an economic catastrophe for the West like the Great Depression and financial crisis combined.

The following graph depicts the average annual earnings of production and non-supervisory employees, adjusted backwards for inflation. It peaked in late 1972. The apparent recovery starting in the mid-1990s is, I am afraid, an artefact of the change in the definition of inflation around that time. The official rate of inflation was reduced, to minimize its impact on citizens.

The next graph depicts the long-term decline of the employment-population ratio for men 20 years and older: this is the fraction of that population who are employed. Over 86% in the early 1950s, it has declined gradually ever since, crashing during the financial crisis. Trump got the level almost back to Bush 43’s last quarter when the pandemic hit. It is now under 68%, a national crisis.

The next graph depicts the spread between the yield on 10-year Treasury notes and 2-year Treasury notes. In a healthy economy, people demand higher interest rates when tying up their money for longer periods of time, so the spread is positive. When the spread is negative, it is almost certain a recession is imminent. The current spread is lower than it was during the financial crisis, closer to the level from 2000.

Finally, my little economic snapshot. This is essentially the year-over-year percent change in real disposable personal income per capita (thus adjusted for inflation and population), minus the unemployment rate, plus the yield on the 10-year Treasury note; the data is smoothed to remove one-time spikes. I was stunned to see the current situation at a record low.

See you later!

Uninformed Consent

Never forget. “Uninformed Consent: Movie Premier Announcement” “Uninformed Consent is an in depth look into the Covid 19 narrative, who’s controlling it and how it’s being used to inject an untested, new technology, into almost every person on the planet. This film explores our recent loss of human rights while weaving in the devastating impact of mandates and the deeply powerful story of one man’s loss. Hear the truth from doctors and scientists unafraid to stand up against Big Pharma and the Elite Class who profit from these mandates.”

Teasers (click on the title link in the upper left – combined 11-12 minutes):

I am not sure with whom you can share these videos. Based on the stories Nitzakhon and many others have told, it seems that most people are committed to their positions. Even so, I know a few people who have taken the initial injections reluctantly, under duress; perhaps videos like these (plus my graphics) could help persuade them to skip the boosters.

Alex Berenson: “No, mRNA Covid vaccines do not offer long-term protection from serious illness” “Data from the Dutch government show the opposite – after seven months they substantially RAISE the risk of hospitalization and intensive care” So the last selling point, effectiveness, is itself decaying.

Scarf lady may be a criminal.

Below is a crude attempt at a meme. I may try to polish this image if I have time.

A tale of censorship and triumph: “Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Takes on Fauci in ‘Most Important Book’ of our Times” “More than one million people have purchased Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book The Real Anthony Fauci, the top-selling non-fiction book in the world, since its publication seven months ago. This sales figure is remarkable given that almost all major mainstream news organizations have refused to review the book. Why would the corporate/legacy media impose a virtual blackout on a book that so many people have purchased and recommended to others, a book where every chapter suggests multiple scandals that cry out for genuine investigations by Congress, prosecutors, and investigative journalists?” Because they want you dead.

Food Shortages Looming in Near Future Due to Governments’ Globalist Policies” Canada is joining Europe in cracking down on mankind’s worst enemy: the farmer.

Homicide Rates Hit 25-year High; These Are Some Biological Factors Behind It” Interesting discussion of the nutritional components of behavior: what we could do for ourselves to help ourselves to better mental health.

Alleged Lee Zeldin attempted attacker charged with felony, immediately released just as congressman predicted” I guess Zeldin’s life doesn’t matter. From a comment on a related article:

  • 1. June 14, 2017 – Rep. Steve Scalise shot at baseball game by a Bernie Sanders supporter.
  • 2. November 3, 2017 – Sen, Rand Paul assaulted by neighbor, a Democrat, 6 of his ribs were broken.
  • 3. June 8, 2022 – Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh targeted for assassination.
  • 4. July 21, 2022 – NY Gov. Candidate Lee Zeldin attacked on stage by knife-wielding man during campaign speech.

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul Directed Supporters to Zeldin Campaign Event Hours Before Failed Attack” Uh-oh… Did she “EMBOLDEN” the attacker?

Michigan Gov. Whitmer Deletes Pro-Life Programs from State Budget” Adoption agencies and maternity homes are a threat to the left. They really exult in death.

These people are sick.

Growing Number of K-12 Teachers Charged With Child Sex Crimes in Recent Months” Wow. Who would have expected perverts in the field of education?

Emerald Robinson: “VoterGA Uncovers Massive Election Fraud in Georgia” “The stolen 2020 election data is still hiding in plain sight” Emerald is a jewel.

Mid-South man faces more than 20 years in prison after being convicted in Jan. 6 Capitol breach” ‘According to prosecutors, Bledsoe yelled, “In the Capitol. This is our house. We pay for this s—. Where’s those pieces of s—at?”’ But attempted assassination of a gubernatorial candidate and ANTIFA riots and BLM murder is just fine.

Democrat Susan Wild Wants to Reeducate Trump-Supporting Constituents” Not to represent them, but to “school” them.

Victor Davis Hanson: “The Left Should Be Happy with Biden” “Since when has changing an inept messenger ever changed a disastrous message?”

Leftist Judges Rule Alex Jones May Not Discuss 1st Amendment, Say He Is Innocent, or Claim Court Case Rigged” This judge should be impeached, no matter what you think of Alex Jones. My estimation of him has increased, not least because of his obvious admiration for the late Dr. Vladimir Zev Zelenko z”l.

Russia Moves to Annex Occupied Ukrainian Land by September” How is it that so many allegedly MAGA people think this is OK? Can’t we support American sovereignty and Ukrainian sovereignty? If the invasion of other countries is truly none of our business, get ready to live without modern electronics when China invades Taiwan. Oh, you always admired the frontier life? Wait for China using Taiwan as a springboard to Guam; Okinawa; Hawaii; …

Syrian Migrant Kills German Teenager, Dumps Her Body at a Sewage Treatment Plant” Lovely girl. I hope Germany appreciates its cultural enrichment.

EV reckoning comes to Ford as it cuts 8,000 ICE jobs to focus on electrification” Would not have happened under Trump.

Charles Hugh Smith: “Why the Labor Shortage Isn’t Going Away” “Workers are awakening to the meager rewards of being a slave to their ambition to claw their way into the upper-middle class… Insiders have hard-wired the system to protect and benefit themselves, and so the game of clawing one’s way into the higher rungs of tax-donkey / slave-to-ambition is for chumps.” At our tiny, obscure college, the top two employees pull down a combined $1 million per year, but faculty pay raises are less than inflation.

5 Reasons Why Interest Rate Cuts Are Already Around the Corner” Maybe. My study shows that historically, interest rates are more closely tied to inflation than to GDP growth, or lack thereof. Will the record-setting current outlier (unexpectedly low interest rates) last? Watch for Thursday’s GDP announcement.

States With the Highest Job Resignation Rates” This is quite interesting. A high quits rate is seen by the Fed as a sign of a healthy labor market. Look at the table of the 50 states plus DC and sort it on 12-month quit rate. Arguably, the top 10 are MAGA country, and the bottom 13 are leftist. I created a map for your convenience. Again, a high quit rate means confident workers.

We’ll talk a little more about the economy next time. See you then!