Monthly Archives: August 2022

Treating an illness at home

It’s amazing. It’s been 2.5 years since I was on campus regularly. I don’t recall getting sick; Mrs. Surak can correct me if I’m wrong. A couple of days into the second week back in class, and I’m out with an upper respiratory illness. The symptoms are milder than a cold, but it is a little difficult to breathe. Omicron? No fever, and negative home antigen test. Mrs. Surak thinks it may be spike protein shedding from all the injected people out there.

I went to bed a little worried, and then woke up well before dawn sensing unpleasant sinus drainage. (HCQ starting to work?) I got up, took a supplement, and lay down again thinking about my relation with God. Despite some physical discomfort, I felt quite calm. In my head, I recited some verses from some of my favorite Tehiliym (Psalms). Do you remember my Tiqun Ha-N’shamah (Rectification of the Soul)? One of those 26 psalms was Psalm 100, a song of thanksgiving. I also recalled some phrases from the intensely beautiful prayer of thanksgiving Nish’math (The souls of all the living bless You). In all that time my sense of vigilance was high, but my sense of worry was low, as I was focused on thinking: “I am connected with You. No matter what happens, nothing can change that. I praise You and I thank You.” Very peaceful and grateful.

One of Mrs. Surak’s friends told her that omicron can begin with negative tests, so… Stipulating that I am not a doctor and not making any recommendations, I am home treating according to the protocols published by the AAPS, AFLDS, FLCCC, and Dr. Zelenko; all links are given at the bottom of the blog. I am taking HCQ 200 mg 2x/day, an asthma inhaler that includes a steroidal ingredient to relax the lungs, nebulized 1.5% hydrogen peroxide into the nose (not mouth), and supplemental zinc, vitamin D, EGCG (antioxidant in green tea and anti-inflammatory), quercetin, NAC, and elderberry. Overall I feel better than this morning, but still not sure about class tomorrow because of the coughing (hyperactive airways). I am trying a cough lozenge now for the menthol.

More news!

HUGE: “Sen. Johnson Demands DoD, FDA, & CDC Address COVID Label Fraud Allegations” To repeat: big pharma has been distributing only EUA products (which cannot be mandated) so they can be protected from liability, but the FDA only gave full approval to products that are not being distributed! Fraud vitiates everything! This could take down the whole house of cards!

2nd Smartest Guy in the World (crazy name…): “The Latest Society of Actuaries (SOA) Group Life COVID-19 Mortality Survey Report” They flinch at drawing the obvious conclusion the blogger does.

Tributes flood in for beloved Halifax rugby player Ben Benn who played for Bradford Bulls, Fax and Huddersfield Giants after sudden death” At least he will never get CoVID!

Scottish XC Champion Rab Wardell Dies of Heart Attack at 37” At least he will never get CoVID!

Fetal deformities?

Dr. Robert Malone: “Well Being: Cardiovascular Damage & Health” Surviving long CoVID, and the jab. Very interesting discussion of vitamin K2.

Alex Jones: “Must Watch Steve Kirsch Analysis: the Covid Hoax is Collapsing” 43 minutes. Kirsch offers million-dollar incentives for anyone to debate him publicly. SILENCE.

Dr. Marty Makary: “Dr. Fauci’s Legacy” “…the public health risk of putting America’s fate in the hands of one doctor.” This does not even touch his mishandling of AIDS.

I saw this coming too.

Emerald Robinson: “The Vaccine Money Has Dried Up At Fox News!” “Sean Hannity now wants you to forget his role as America’s dumbest drug salesman”

CNN Medical Analyst Who Fiercely Advocated Masking Now Admits It ‘Harmed’ Her Own Son’s Development” Oh, NOW it’s a problem because YOU are being injured! When it was merely deplorables, it was OK.

Nature: “Could tiny blood clots cause long COVID’s puzzling symptoms?” “Scientists debate evidence for a micro-clot hypothesis that has some people pursuing potentially risky treatments.” What is risky is taking more injections.

The 30-year anniversary of the Ruby Ridge massacre, brought to you in part by then Attorney General William Barr. This is your government.

Joshua Phillips: They’re hiding and altering footage of January 6” 3:22.

John Whitehead: “The FBI’s Gestapo Tactics: Hallmarks of an Authoritarian Regime

Biden called in FBI to look at first haul of classified Trump documents

The Trump Warrant Had No Legal Basis” “A former president’s rights under the Presidential Records Act trump the statutes the FBI cited to justify the Mar-a-Lago raid.” No paywall.

Dershowitz: ‘“Get Trump!” Damn the Constitution‘ (Sarcasm, of course.)

The left is gleeful: “Police investigating faked shooting report at Rep. Greene’s home early Wednesday” They would have been happier had she been killed, for the crime of wanting to protect children from perverts.

Matt Gaetz: “Every Element of Our Government Is Weaponized Against Us

FBI Investigating Incident Involving Border Patrol Agents Taking Down Alleged Smuggler After Video Goes Viral” More sympathy for human smugglers than for their victims.

Snitch culture.

World Economic Forum Suggests There Are “Solid, Rational” Reasons For Children to Be Microchipped

Chicago Public Schools’ radical agenda gets uglier: ‘Equity’ video promotes looting and burning – Wirepoints” “Looting and burning is a pathway to social justice. That’s the message from a video recently added by Chicago Public Schools to its website as a response to perceived economic injustice for blacks.”

AWFUL: “Penn medical school expands minority candidate program that does not require MCAT” This could be your next doctor. Does your life matter?

Racism to Achieve Diversity Harms All Americans

Education or indoctrination?

They are not even hiding it anymore. “Licensure changes ask teachers to make students ‘agents of social change’” I would not hire such a teacher. School choice and vouchers NOW!

The left is hysterical. They think they own “education”. Look at the reactions: classical leftist projection.

Related: “Woke Goes Broke: Conservative Mothers are Winning School Board Seats

Joe Biden Bristles After Reporter Questions Fairness of Canceling Student Debt” Transferring money from cashiers, janitors, and waitresses to gender-confused race warrior SJWs.

Sanctuary City Mayors Cry ‘Uncle,’ No More Migrants!” NIMBY!

Larry Elder: “Climate Change Forecasts” THE science keeps getting it wrong.

Swiss security forces are getting nervous” Cold winter.

UK Government Warned of “Civil Unrest” Over People Being Unable to Pay Energy Bills

Michael Snyder: “A Major Food Crisis Coming In 2023? – “Prices Will Be On Steroids After The Election”” You must get ready NOW.

A Major Food Crisis Coming In 2023? – “Prices Will Be On Steroids After The Election”

Meet BlackRock: the ‘Architect of Woke Capitalism’ Destroying America from Within” Sponsored article: where investing meets wokeness.

World in the Process of Bankrupting – Bill Holter” 41 minutes.

The Numbers Don’t Lie; The Fed Won’t Win This Inflation Fight” Seems right to me, except for one question: what happens if the Fed is able to induce a recession, destroying demand? Wouldn’t that be enough to make real rates positive again?

Mises: “Money Does Matter: The End of the Gold Standard Led to a Lower Standard of Living” One problem: gold supply cannot expand to match population growth or economic growth.

Cultural enrichment in the vibrant city.

Judicial Watch Files Taxpayer Lawsuit over Racially Discriminatory Minneapolis Teachers’ Contract” Illegal contract saying white teachers must be laid off first.

Who is the hater again?

More Florida political news: MAGA Latina veteran running for Congress.

Fair question: “Should Red States Block Federal Agencies From Operating With Impunity? Blue States Do It

That should keep you busy! Until next time…!

Excess mortality: pandemic and injections

Below is another essential chart for understanding the last 2.5 years. I finally found CDC’s database of weekly deaths in America. I focused on 2018 to the present, choosing 2018-2019 as a normal baseline. The chart depicts the percentage increase in deaths in various age brackets during 2020 (the initial pandemic year), 2021 (the year of the injection, when Biden swore the pandemic would be brought under control), and 2022 (projected based on extrapolation of available numbers).

Do you notice something fascinating? The excess deaths during 2021 (the year of the “vaccine”) are substantially worse than 2020, especially among ages 15-74. If anything, you might expect a decline, after so many sick people had died in 2020. I wonder what caused all those excess deaths during 2021?

What’s to blame for the surge in excess deaths?” The author proves that in Britain, the answer is not CoVID. What, then, could it be?

Steve Kirsch: “Should you get any vaccines? The data shows the more you vax, the sicker you are.” “If you took 100% of the vaccines they want you to take, you’re about 10X more likely to have medical issues. That’s not a typo: 10X, not 10%!” This is not about the CoVID injection; this is about ALL vaxes. Information from Dr. Andrew Wakefield. For the record, we skipped the annual flu shot after Mrs. Surak got very sick following her fall 2019 flu shot. (Laying the groundwork?) We feel we know a lot more about home treatment now, thanks to Dr. Zelenko, Dr. Gold, and others.

Steve Kirsch: “Podiatrist: Death and devastating injuries linked to the COVID-19 Vaccine in 80% of elderly patients” “A podiatrist contacted Wayne Allyn Root to disclose his personal experience. He had to keep his identity confidential because he doesn’t want to lose his license. What he said is absolutely stunning.”

Vascular and organ damage induced by mRNA vaccines: irrefutable proof of causality” From the article:

  1. mRNA vaccines don’t stay at the injection site [but] instead travel throughout the body and accumulate in various organs,
  2. mRNA-based COVID vaccines induce long-lasting expression of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in many organs,
  3. vaccine-induced expression of the spike protein induces autoimmune-like inflammation,
  4. vaccine-induced inflammation can cause grave organ damage, especially in vessels, sometimes with deadly outcome.

Dr. Pierre Kory: “What to Know Before Deciding to Take The Novavax Injection” This is not an mRNA injection. However… “The idea of accepting an injection of spike protein hoping it is safe or effective is absurd. Yet, many are again forced to make a decision threatening their health and ability to support their family”

Canada: “Unvaccinated mothers facing up to $50,000 in maternity leave repayment to BC Government” Why? Were their pregnancies fake? Since when does government levy a $50,000 fine on someone short of a monstrous crime?

Unvaccinated mothers facing up to $50,000 in maternity leave repayment to BC Government

DeSantis: ‘Every Single Mandate Must Be Removed’ & Vaccine-Injured ‘Should Be Able to Sue’

Lawsuits Coming for Entities That Don’t Change COVID Mandates After CDC Update” Awesome! Go get ’em!

‘Keeping our children safe’: Pennsylvania governor bans conversion therapy” Keeping them safe for perverts. This cannot be legal.

Parents Learn That Students May Be Receiving Secret “Medical Care” During School Hours” 12.5 minutes.

London is now Diversityland, where Englishmen are murdered.

Read Letter From NY Attorney General Letitia James Threatening Church Hosting Trump-Friendly Event” She virtually accuses the church of supporting racial terrorism, something Democrats do quite well.

Dan misspelled “non-totalitarian”. Heather MacDonald fierce.

Over 1000 Scientists and Professionals Sign Formal Declaration: “There is No Climate Emergency”‘ “There is no cause for panic and alarm. We strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy proposed for 2050.”

Geopolitics: the world is splitting into two

I have to push back on one table in the article above, that emphasizes the gigantic 3:1 population advantage the Russia-China-allies camp has over the NATO-EU-allies camp. Population without an economy lacks context. To be fair, I redid their numbers, focusing on GDP (purchasing power parity, to give the populous but poor nations a head start). My two camps are NATO/EU+allies, and SCO/BRICS+allies. The following graphic depicts the EU plus 16 other countries with large economies. The NATO/EU side maintains a small advantage. That could change this winter as Russia starves Europe.

This sounds like an arcane fight in academia, but I find it very disturbing. “The Suicide of the American Historical Association” A scholar is having his life ruined by the lunatic hysterical left, for having committed the following sin: he said that in writing about the past, we should not focus so much on present standards, but rather understand the past in its own context. You would think he called for the resurrection of Hitler based on the reactions. Read his groveling apology.

NYT Op-Ed: Throw out the ‘Broken Constitution’ and ‘Reclaim America’” This article is extremely important. Before you dismiss this as the crackpot scheme of two Ivy League professors, remember this is where the bad ideas start. They honestly want to throw out the Constitution in favor of direct democracy, meaning Athens voting democratically to execute Socrates. This is EXTREMELY dangerous.

The new epidemic of self-silencing plagues America

See you later!

Explaining the jab’s dangers

A week after my return to campus, even my previous basic charts were confusing to my colleagues. So I decided to make an even simpler chart that should make the dangers of the CoVID injection clear as day.

The following chart shows two curves. The blue curve shows the number of people suffering from the worst adverse events for all non-CoVID vaccines combined, every year starting in 2001. (I have data going back to 1991, but then the numbers become too hard to read.) The red curve shows the same thing for the CoVID injections. Now do you see the problem?

In 2021, for the very worst adverse events, the CoVID injection was 26.7 times as dangerous as all other vaccines combined. In 2022, the multiple is 30.6 as of August 19, projected to the end of the year.

I also spent considerable time on a new project, determining the most cost-effective treatments for CoVID based on the enormous database at (linked at the bottom of this blog). I focused on 4 types of studies: prophylaxis (prevention), improvement of morbidity (illness) and mortality (death); and early treatment, improvement of morbidity and mortality. (Their website features a graphic showing that treatment almost always fails unless it is given early.) In each category, I divided the improvement percentage by the cost per dose, and found these results. As you can see, ivermectin is best for prevention, and hydroxychloroquine for treatment.

The c19early website does not quantify the synergistic effect of multiple treatments, such as Dr. Zelenko’s ZStack, containing quercetin, vitamin D, zinc, and vitamin C. Again I invite you to make a purchase using the link here or at the bottom of the blog, which helps support this blog’s activities (I am an affiliate): I take his child-dose gummies, which can be taken daily. They are vegan and kosher.

Research Reveals COVID Lockdowns Claimed 20x More Life Years Than They Saved

Related: “Effects of Lockdown May Now Be Killing More People Than COVID

“…the Office for National Statistics data revealed hundreds more people are dying each week in England and Wales, with only around 10 per cent of excess deaths caused by Covid…”

CV19 Vax Nothing Short of Horrific Experiment – Karen Kingston

“Hell No” to Any CV19 Vax – Lt. Col. Theresa Long MD” Lieutenant colonel: where the military careers of patriots stall out (except Wolfie’s son).

Alex Jones Responds to Critics of His Demands That Trump Come Out Against Deadly Covid Vax” AJ is right. 19 minutes.

‘Original Antigenic Sin’ Is a Real Problem with COVID-19 Vaccines” “Studies have now confirmed that “original antigenic sin”, or a detrimental fixation on a suboptimal immune response, is a real problem for people who’ve gotten COVID-19 vaccines.”

Natural News releases post-vaccine clot ICP-MS elemental analysis results, comparing clots to human blood … findings reveal these clots are NOT “blood” clots

Riddick Parker, Richmond high school principal and Super Bowl champion, has died” At least he will never get CoVID!

Montco Teen Dies From Cardiac Arrest While Playing Frisbee” At least he will never get CoVID!

California 4-year-old boy kicked out of school for not wearing mask” No. The school called the cops on the kid. Choice and vouchers NOW!

Turley: ““Some are More Equal Than Others”: University of Oregon Sued After Blocking Professor Who Posted “All Men are Created Equal”” That’s triggering!

Rep. MTG Proposes Legislation to Criminalize Child Sex Change Surgeries” This is why she is being swatted.

Yale Medicine took down the video for some reason, and the pervert in the video made her account private for some reason. Just too many of us unsophisticated deplorables.

The teachers’ union hates you, because you are normal, happy, and God-fearing.

Eating bugs in school. It’s not funny, and it’s not a lifestyle choice. It is actually dangerous. Look up chitins.

Biden Administration Ignores Systematic Attack on Religious Communities in Wake of Dobbs Leak

Trump Raid Deathblow to Democracy – Martin Armstrong

Sam Harris Approves of Media Misinforming Voters to Stop Trump” He would be fine with Hunter being found with children’s corpses. How is orange man supposed to be worse?

Whitehead: “Weaponizing the Bureaucracy: Who Will Protect Us from the Government’s Standing Army?

What We Now Know About The Mar-a-Lago Raid” “A failing Biden Administration, facing a rematch against Trump and a pro-Trump Republican Congress in January, has launched a politically motivated assault.”

Donald Trump Will File Unlawful Search and Seizure Motion over ‘Illegal’ FBI Raid” Unconstitutional?

Reagan said “MAGA”, then they tried to kill him. Interesting.

Reparations? Cultural enrichment? “Surveillance footage shows ‘flash mob’ vandalizing, looting 7-Eleven store

Radical Drought Caused by Military Weather Weapons – Dane Wigington” Have you been wondering about these worldwide droughts? For the record, the 1 degree centigrade of global temperature increase in the past century would be likely to free moisture from the polar ice caps, making the world moister, not drier.

As the Earth Cools, the Climate Change Hoax Heats Up

17 second video introducing the concept of “quiet quitting”.

Gordon Chang: “China Is Preparing To Go To War

MSNBC’s Cross: ‘I Would Say a Civil War Is Here’” Yes, and your side started it. When our side begins to defend ourselves, your side will cry and demand a crackdown. They are talking themselves into rationalizing violence against the subhuman Trump supporters. I heard such talk from one of my colleagues.

Top 6 population reduction schemes disguised as medicine, culture, disease prevention or family planning

ABA: “Domestic Terrorism: A Threat to the Financial System” That means you.

See you later!

Spirit of wisdom

Class began today. The college president decided it would be a great idea to have a convocation last week to start the academic year, to give awards to her pets.

One of the faculty delivered an invocation. He says he is an ordained minister, but of what church, or what religion, I do not know. I do know that he began his prayer with this address: “Spirit of wisdom…” I thought to myself: Oh, great. We are back in pagan times, and have forgotten the one God Who created wisdom and spirits that could appreciate it. Do not worry. God has not forgotten us. As I like to say, He will do anything – I mean whatever it takes – to get our attention. We can do this the easy way or the hard way.

I did not bow my head.

Fear for profit.

Steve Kirsch: “CDC admits they were wrong about a huge safety problem by silently deleting the erroneous text” The CDC deleted their former claim that the jab mRNA and the spike protein do not last long in the body. No explanation, just… gone. It was never there – except on web archive. You have been mocked for your “conspiracy theories”. So now – what are the implications of the admission by the CDC?

Dr. Pierre Kory: “The Miracle Not-Heard Around The World: The Success of Uttar Pradesh – Part 3” The conclusion of the series. The war waged by Merck against their own successful drug staggers the imagination.

A Deeper Dive Into the CDC Reversal” Careful. It’s a trap, to lull Americans into voting Democrat in November. As soon as the election is over, the trap will spring shut.

Luke Knox, college football linebacker and brother of Dawson Knox, dead at 22” At least he will never get CoVID!

Emerald is a jewel: “The Biden Regime Goes Rogue” “They’ve already crossed the line — as the raid on Trump’s mansion made clear to most Americans — so why stop now?” “MSNBC is telling you that the Democrat wing of the national security state is in charge of our democracy — our elections, our institutions, our corporate media, and our secret police. Meanwhile, the GOP establishment has resisted this tyranny by — let me check my notes here —helping Democrats pass trillion dollar budget bills and restricting gun ownership. That’s why I’m skeptical about the prospects for a free and fair election in the 2022 midterms — or in 2024. You think these people are going to give up power willingly — so that Republicans can conduct oversight investigations in Congress? I doubt it. You think that they’re not going to arrest President Trump and convict him in a DC kangaroo court to ten years in prison — while they run a chump ticket like Pence/Haley in his place? You might be underestimating the Biden regime. Just last month, they wanted you to believe that the 76 year-old Donald Trump lunged for the steering wheel of his armored limo, and nearly strangled a Secret Service agent, in order to drive himself to the Capitol on January 6th — an absurd fairy tale that was pushed for weeks until the Secret Service was forced to dismiss the story out of hand. Here’s the kicker: Democrats repeated this story with a straight face while Merrick Garland and his DOJ prepared a search warrant for Trump’s mansion by having Jeffrey Epstein’s former defense attorney sign off on it.

Steve Bannon and Boris Epshteyn: “Deep State Was After Crossfire Hurricane Documents at Mar-a-Lago” This is ENORMOUS if true. It means they were trying to destroy evidence of their own crimes. Of course, if true, it could be evidence of Trump’s foolishness in not releasing the documents to the public. 9:12.

Paul Sperry, banned from Twitter: “FBI Unit Leading Mar-a-Lago Probe Earlier Ran Discredited Trump-Russia Investigation

Texas Ranchers Who Experienced Brutal IRS Audit Issue Dire Warning to Middle-Class Americans” America’s top priority: 87,000 more IRS agents.

World governments are preparing for an Extinction Level Event (ELE); CDC reverses itself on every pillar of COVID theater

Deep state plan revealed: Frame a civil war to justify UN troops to OCCUPY and DISARM America

Crop failures now at CRISIS LEVELS worldwide as the United Nations declares war on FERTILIZER

State-Hired Therapist Wants to Stop Use of the Word ‘Pedophile’” “State Sen. Doug Mastriano, the Republican candidate for governor, sent a letter asking why the Department of Corrections hired a therapist who opposes using the word “pedophile” for convicted sex offenders who prey on children.” “She argues the term ‘pedophile’ is ‘a judgmental, hurtful insult’ meant to slander ‘minor-attracted persons’…” This same therapist, I guarantee you, says ugly things about Republicans in private. Guaranteed.

It’s not just the cultural enrichment that gets me. It’s seeing, in the video background, other people standing around watching, doing nothing to assist. They are accomplices.

UCLA Creates Database to ‘Track Attacks on Critical Race Theory’” The same kind of database that was used to attack crisis pregnancy centers.

CatholicVote video on the left burning churches. 0:30.

Law enforcement officers committing treason on camera. The Constitution requires the president to protect America from invasion.

DeSantis announces arrests in Florida for voting fraud” Finally!

This man should be our next president. 4:20.

Trump Must Follow DeSantis’ Lead and Come Out Against Forced Deadly Vaccines” 28:43.

An Inauspicious Anniversary: Nixon Slams Shut the Gold Window” It’s that boring economics stuff, except… Some people connect this event to the eventual rise of the Russia-China axis. I will have more on this later.

See you later!

Healthcare practitioners become torturers

Nurses Who Left the Health Care System to Focus on Early Treatment Describe ‘Brutal’ COVID-19 Treatment Protocols” Well-meaning people ordered to commit torture upon innocent patients, and further ordered to withhold effective treatment from the patients. It’s the Milgram experiment all over again. NEVER say “That’s all in the past; it could never happen again.”

Related, by Dr. Pierre Kory: “Nursing Reports From The Front Lines Of The COVID Vaccine Crisis” “The massive propaganda campaign which led doctors to disassociate from the reality of widespread vaccine injuries is slowly weakening in impact. A stark reality is finally creeping in.” Dissociative disorder… Read just a part of a nurse’s testimony: “I wish I could have you as my doc. Nurse of 20 yrs + ICU – cardiac, neuroICU/ neurosurgical ICU mostly, and ED at Level 1. Vax injured from 2 Pfizer doses mandated by my major University hospital system. Clotting issues, open bleeding, spontaneous with no ability to stop, weeping down arms and legs. Severe leg clot post-surgery in March. Had to get D-Dimer ordered by force at little ED I was in, and use my own portable doppler I brought in from work, b/c they had no Ultrasound techs or equipment access – TPA (clot buster med) finally. Cervical lymph nodes enlarged since vax especially, for over 1.5 yrs. Cannot biopsy at least one as it sits on my Left carotid, now wrapped around it, . Got Covid originally while working ED in March 2020. “N antibody” still high as of Nov 2021. Hit neuro, never respiratory. Had same issues with H1N1 vaccine which was also mandated and then I got Guillain Barre Syndrome and neurological weakness – out of work 5 months. Will not get any boosters or vaccines this year, but have no exemption as all docs took to the “deer in headlight” look and said nothing. I will lose my career this winter if I refuse. Functional med/family practitioner – she has a long wait list and I have no idea how she sits with this data on vaccine injured. My VAERS report – it was deleted. Pharmacist never entered as required so I did. It has vanished. My batch numbers – significant for bad neurologic responses, clotting. I lost my Hematologist-Oncologist doctor to vaccine injury – he is out and never to practice again – in his early 40s. He was a “true believer” and in denial until it was him who was the injured patient. Our cancer hospital – know most of the case managers and many doctors since they were residents.  They now have case loads in the 1000s rather than 250-400 over any given quarter. Not enough bed or infusion space for the cancer patients as outpatients. Radiation treatment backlog. All at a huge cancer hospital monstrosity itself.  All kinds – brain, lymph, stomach, pancreas, blood, AND EYE CANCERS – orbital especially in younger people recently vaxxed.  Microvascular ischemia on rise in vaxxed younger people.  Strokes way up in no-risk, no co-morbidities, young to younger-ish. Ask me anything. I’ll tell you inside scoop from the floors and suites. This has to stop. They need to admit the fraud and crime and STOP. The liability must be lifted, mandates ended.  They KNOW NOW and many KNEW THEN.

Original Antigenic Sin: The Highly-Jabbed Are Breeding Variants and Perpetuating an Endless Pandemic” “It’s called immune imprinting. And what the government has bought is the perfect vaccine combination to cause this to get even worse.” You need to learn this: why the jab actually makes things worse, even if it were 100% safe, which it is not. Oh, wait, an endless pandemic means an endless crisis, endless mandates, endless medications… Someone benefits!

Dr. Pierre Kory: “The Miracle Not-Heard Around The World: The Success of Uttar Pradesh – Part 2” “…one of the greatest public health achievements in history was realized in Uttar Pradesh.” Again, a state in India with 2/3 the population of America crushed CoVID through the use of ivermectin. Someone tell the CDC that the Nobel-Prize winning medicine, on the WHO’s list of essential medicines, is not “horse paste”. Leftist totalitarians need not take it if it offends their sensibilities.

Steve Kirsch: “Do you know how many people have been killed worldwide by their governments from the COVID shots?” He spitballs an answer without giving a justification. I think his “conservative” estimate is probably within the correct order of magnitude. The conservative estimate is: number of doses administered, divided by 2,500. Of course, the dying has not yet stopped.

Top Doctor Blasts CDC For Failing to Research Heart Injuries in Children” Why was the study done first in Thailand and not in America?

FDA Knew 44% of Pregnant Women in Pfizer Trial Suffered Miscarriages” How can this be permitted? Do women so crave the security of a totalitarian government that they would sacrifice their children’s lives?

Fox News “Can’t” Verify Steve’s Data: “It’s Not That We Can’t; It’s That We Aren’t Going To”‘ “If you’re telling the truth, then all of that drug company advertising from Pfizer will go away.”

Comstock Park HS varsity boys basketball coach dies at 27” At least he will never get CoVID!

Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia!

Julie Kelly: “It’s Inevitable: Trump Will Be Indicted” “Americans should prepare for the spectacle of Donald Trump pleading not guilty to charges brought by the Biden Justice Department.” If that happens, then conservatives will be REALLY enraged. They are likely to upload some REALLY clever memes mocking the DOJ. Seriously – it seems that the Democrats are hell-bent on provoking a violent response, so they will have the excuse to do what they have been yearning for all along: martial law and cancellation of the elections.

Garland, Wray Must Be Impeached for Unconscionable Trump Raid” Who is their boss? And who is Biden’s boss?

Michael Savage: “Biden Admin ‘Raped Half the Nation’ with FBI Trump Raid; Liberals ‘Cheering’ for Fascism” ‘“Not only [are they guilty of] depriving Donald Trump of property rights, but the search warrant did not contain probable cause, it was not in there,” he said. “So they violated his Fourth Amendment rights … which they would afford a drug dealer from the Dominican Republic with a trunk full of cocaine, but they did not afford it to the former president of the United States.”’

Igor Chudov: “WEF’s “Global Intelligence Collecting AI” to Erase Ideas from the Internet” “[A] WEF author … proposes to collect off-platform intelligence from “millions of sources” to spy on people and new ideas, and then merge this information together for “content removal decisions” sent down to “Internet platforms”.

Project Veritas: “DHS Whistleblower Leaks New Joint Intelligence Bulletin on ‘Domestic Violent Extremists’ Sent in Wake of Mar-A-Lago Raid” “Document lists perceptions of “government overreach” and “election fraud” as red flags.” Thou shalt not think!

[Royal Air Force] ‘pauses job offers for white men’ to meet ‘impossible’ diversity targets” Ability to do job – irrelevant! Fool Brittania…

Congratulations, feminists! “Trans Activists Shout Down 80-Year-Old Woman Protesting Against Men in Girls’ Locker Rooms

Why Call It Liberal Education?” I was going to skip this, but I was struck by the last paragraph: “…if the liberal arts are truly arts fit for free men and women, then I imagine it follows that our studies should not be on trivial or small matters. That is, our lives not being infinite, we should probably focus on subjects worthy of the time and effort we pour into them. Having been given the gift of thinking for ourselves, it seems strange that we should squander it by merely thinking about matters of little matter. Thus, the liberal arts seem to be the seeking of knowledge about important matters through reason and reflection. Not minor matters, not slight matters, but significant issues of human concern. And learning about them not through “training,” not through obedience, not through repeating the thoughts and views of others, but through our thinking, our imagining, and our serious reflection.” We seek knowledge about important matters through reason and reflection, and what else? Wolfie? Do I see your hand up? What’s missing from the list? Evidence and experience. In short, as C. S. Lewis paraphrased Aristotle, we need men with chests.

Smart young man!

The indispensable Neil Oliver. 10 minutes.

Class starts Monday. Expect shorter and fewer posts. I will let you know what people think about the charts… See you later!