Category Archives: 2020 election

Slouching towards democide

Democrat Leaders Increasingly Demonize Republican Voters — Not Just Politicians

Greasing the skids…

Israel: “Prominent anti-vax doctor has license permanently revoked” “Dr. Aryeh Avni “poses a real danger to public safety,” stated Jerusalem Court judge.” He is dangerous to big pharma.

Steve Kirsch: “Think we got it wrong?” One of his Stanford doctor friends ignored all the information Steve sent him, saying “I saw nothing.” Did you LOOK?

Second death confirmation rocks 2022 Comrades: ‘Two deaths are two too many’” At least they will never get CoVID!

I think his math his wrong. I think he implied there was a 100% increase in funerals.

Even a liberal doctor is getting worried about myocarditis in men.

Canada: ““Enough is enough”: Students protest Western’s vaccine mandate” Kendra Hancock and ethics professor Julie Ponesse.

Leana Wen Accused of ‘Unsafe, Ableist, Fatphobic, and Unethical Practices’ for Opposing COVID Mandates” Those who live by the sword die by the sword.

Dr. Pierre Kory: “The Historic Suppression of Scientific Debate in COVID” “Never before in modern history have entire topics in Medicine been actively prevented from discussion in public forums. As a result most of the world only heard one-sided narratives.” THIS is what it means to be anti-science!

Emerald Robinson interviews Naomi Wolf on the controversial claim of blood deformities in the injected. Interview begins at 1:42. 15 minutes total.

Trauma Physician Exposes Coordinated Medical Tyranny Op to Depopulate Humanity” Dr. Kelly Victory with Alex Jones. 44 minutes.

This is a BIG deal: “Covid was Spreading Across the U.S. in 2019” This is based on examining blood bank samples. If true, it implies the infection mortality rate is far less than we were led to believe, because a lot more people were infected and not getting sick, or not dying.

Steve Kirsch: “Here’s how the vaccine is causing those weird “blood clots”” “I had a nice chat with Jessica Rose today on her Substack article about how the vaccine is causing your blood to perform unnatural acts.” This may be the smoking gun.

Is the Food Crisis Over or Just Getting Started?” “Are you hungry? Good, according to the central planners.”

California: another food processing plant gone. Just a coincidence.

DOJ Tells Court It Found ‘Limited’ Attorney-client Materials in Trump Raid” Oops!

Pennsylvania High School to Host ‘After School Satan Club’ Event” I don’t think this is what the Founders intended under the 1st Amendment.

Serbia to Cancel EuroPride Event Planned in Belgrade” I don’t think eastern Europe wants this.

Yeshiva University in New York petitions Supreme Court to block student LGBTQ+ club” YU is an Orthodox Jewish university. Their mistake is to accept federal financial aid. He who pays the piper calls the tune. I wonder if the feds will order a Muslim madrassa to permit a chapter of Campus Crusade?

Project Veritas: “EXPOSED: Greenwich CT Assistant Principal’s Hiring Discrimination Ensures ‘Subtle’ Child Indoctrination; ‘You Don’t Hire’ Catholics Because They Are More ‘Conservative’ … ‘Progressive Teachers’ Are ‘Savvy About Delivering a Democratic Message’” How do you like THAT, liberal Catholics, fans of Pope Francis? Does the school district refuse to hire Muslims as well?

31-Year-Old Transgender Footballer Celebrates Being Able to Use Same Changing Room as Team of Teenage Girls” Pervert!

Child mutilation is in!

Jonathan Turley: “Wharton Study: Biden Tuition Debt Forgiveness Could Cost $1 Trillion” Cashiers, janitors, and waitresses will pay for junior’s doctorate in gender-race studies. Zero Hedge argues that this proves that college degrees are worthless.

The great Nassim Nicholas Taleb: “Student loans: the costs of the debt jubilee should be borne by universities, not taxpayers.” Ha!

Gibson’s Bakery Wins! Ohio Supreme Court Refuses To Hear Oberlin College Appeal” Justice delayed, but ultimately justice won. Remember this case? The college called the bakery racist for their opposition to shoplifting. Anti-racist people support shoplifting…?

Kyle Bass: War Between The US & China Within 2 Years Or Sooner?

Trump decries election interference by the FBI!

Before the October Surprise comes the August-September PSYOP polls” Polls are just manipulation. Vote!

Mattias Desmet (of mass formation psychosis fame): “The Psychology of Totalitarianism” Important!

Charles Hugh Smith: “Make Sure You Download the Latest Ministry of Propaganda Updates” “A key mechanism in establishing a dominant worldview is the think-tank or equivalent self-serving body claiming authority over what’s true / false and important / unimportant.”

A Conservative Counter-Revolution” “Deposing the woke revolution and the Great Reset” Ten outstanding principles, written by a libertarian. I commented that libertarianism cannot conserve anything; nevertheless I wish his project well.

What Is to Be Done?” “The consequences of the big steal are terrifying. But the interests behind it are vast.” The authors propose a counter-culture within American society, using cryptocurrency, perhaps, and a separate economy and educational system. HA. HA. HA. As if the left will leave you alone…? Secession solves that problem.

Alex Jones with Steve Bannon: “‘The Republicans Need to Get on the Offensive’ But RINOs Stand in the Way” 15 minutes.

Joe Rogan is no conservative, but he says…

Understanding The Tyrannical Mind And How It Operates” “Anarchy is not the solution, but neither is totalitarianism. It’s all about who sets the boundaries and how… They are not complex and they are not necessarily ingenious but they are relentless. Underestimating their obsession with control would be disastrous. That said, the one thing they value more than power is their own lives, and until these people are made to understand that their lives could be the cost of their compulsions they will never stop. There is no reasoning with them. There is no diplomacy or compromise. There is no middle ground. They will continue to take, or they will be disrupted. Knowing their mindset brings us several steps closer to shutting them down.

‘Leftie institutions rife with anti-Semitism’” “Sky News Middle East expert says people like her are ‘afraid’ to speak out against anti-Semitism for fear of being labeled ‘racist.'” She is a Muslim doctor advocating for Israel!

Investing for Social Justice From the Bottom Up” Morningstar investment advising is left-wing and anti-Israel (but I repeat myself).

We have some family members coming to visit for a few days, so I expect I will be away for a few days. Be patient – I hope to be back with you by the end of the week. See you later!

The difference between power and authority

As an undergraduate student, I was required to take an introductory political science course. I recall the textbook distinguishing between power and authority. Power is raw: the capacity to carry out one’s wishes. Power may lack what authority takes for granted: legitimacy. The American Declaration of Independence states the sole source of government’s legitimacy: the consent of the governed.

America’s federal government is increasingly a national government. It has become increasingly powerful, long ago leaving behind any constraints that the Founding Fathers intended for it. We can argue what the date might be for the surrender of authority. Some have proposed dates such as 1861 (Civil War), 1913 (Wilsonian progressivism), 1933 (FDR socialism), 1971 (Nixon abandoning the gold standard), 1992 (Ruby Ridge, with its sequel at Waco), or 2008 (“We are 5 days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America!”). Surely the endgame began in 2015 when the elites determined to deny Donald J. Trump the presidency AT ANY COST – even the Constitution.

In Obama’s third term, all pretense of restraint has been abandoned. The elites whip the crowds into a frenzy about the lack of democracy – a deliberate choice in 1787. I have to wonder idly if the elites have thought this through. Do you truly want democracy, elites? Do you want a national vote on what the national religion should be? Shall we have a national vote on same-sex marriage; 2nd and 3rd trimester abortions; open borders; racial preferences in schooling and hiring; maximum income for the wealthy; a wealth tax; and so on? You elites may not like the results!

How Obama must be exulting! He is enacting the dreams from his communist father. This time, however, rather than a suspiciously angry community organizer leading the charge, it’s a senile pedophile angry old white guy tearing down the country. How I loathe those Fox hosts (Tucker!) who assured is that Uncle Joe is a personally likeable guy – Uncle Joe, the creep who showered with his daughter, and molested the daughters and granddaughters of Washington’s powerful!

I have been very upset about the federal government’s raid on Pennsylvania Dutch Country organic farmer Amos Miller. He supplies food to food clubs, whose paying members prefer raw meat and dairy, among other things. That is not my choice of food, but I respect others’ freedom of choice. Others strongly believe that such food is far more healthful than processed food. I cannot comment either way. But please watch these videos that tell his story, and take a look at the links for his food service. The feds want to fine him $300 thousand, a business killer for a small farmer like him. The big businesses never receive proportionate fines like that.

The first two videos are brief news summaries. The second two videos are deep dives by farmers themselves who see the big picture, the government power grab.

The deep state at work with your tax dollars.

Legal analysis of the affidavit against Trump.

Raheem Kassam also analyzes the affidavit: “The Mar-A-Lago Affidavit Really Does Read As If They Were Confiscating Russiagate Evidence.” “There are a whopping 413 redacted lines.”

Personal note – I am gradually recovering, thanks to God. If He will heal you, there is none who can stop Him; and if He decree that it is time to move on to the next world, there is none who can save you.

I have noticed something like many anonymous commenters online. We have been fine in our private lives, at home, going out shopping, and so on. I did not get sick these last 2.5 years until school started and we returned to campus, when I started to spend a lot of time in the company of my ultra-injected colleagues. Spike protein shedding, perhaps?

Guest column on Dr. Robert Malone’s Substack: “COVID-19 Vaccines and Informed Consent” “The fundamental right to make decisions about bodily health and medical treatments”

What to do with PEDIATRICIANS taking part in Operation Herod?” “A Canadian practice urges parents to bring their kids in—those between 6 months and 4 years old—for “vaccination,” even as the national toll of children “dying suddenly” keeps rising”

They’re free to keep on killing us, as long as we keep thinking that they couldn’t be that evil” “Thus they rely on us to serve as our own thought police” This is a key insight. The sheer inertia of those who should know better is based on their utter inability to imagine that the authorities whom they trust might be malevolent on a democidal scale.

The Rats Attempt to Flee the Sinking Ship” “They are fighting fiercely, just as in the days of the Tower of Bavel, when G-d caused those who built the Tower to fight Him to turn against each other.” Brucha Weisberger sees some glimmer of hope that the democidal rats are turning against each other, hopefully revealing their treachery in the process. I hope she is right!

Teen National Guard soldier, who served with twin, dies after training incident” At least she will never get CoVID!

Jason Jenkins, Dolphins senior vice president and community activist, dies” At least he will never get COVID!

If she hadn’t been vaccinated, it would have been much worse!

Steve Kirsch: “Over 30 deaths of young, healthy Canadian doctors cannot be explained any other way than they were killed by the vaccine30???!!! Good grief! Are Canadians OK with that?

Fauci’s Covid Disaster: A Summary

Dr. Pierre Kory: “Inspirational Message To The Unvaccinated” “In my care discussions with the unvaccinated, I listened to stories of everything that happened to them as a result of their unvaccinated status. Endless examples that either enraged me or just left me sad (depending on how I was feeling that day – the majority of the time it was rage). Story after story of lost jobs, retracted wedding invitations, and the inability to travel, eat out at a restaurant, see a movie, or attend a concert. All made worse with mounting estrangements from friends, family and colleagues who often asked them to not attend a holiday gathering or work event. The other source of trauma are the stories from all my vaccinated patients who trusted the authorities when they said the injections were “safe and effective” or who had honestly tried to do what they were being told is the “right thing” for their fellow citizens. They too acted with courage, conviction, and humanity. In my practice, the majority are now vaccine injured and/or deeply remorseful after they came to discover that the institutions they trusted had so egregiously lied to them. What is even worse is that many of them then suffered the same discriminations after refusing to accept a 2nd, 3rd, or 4th shot.

Greg Reese: “The Trump Vaccine” Aside from the politically uncomfortable issue of Trump’s culpability in this atrocity, the video includes important testimony from a nurse about doctors’ unwillingness to acknowledge injection injuries. 6:45.

Paul Joseph Watson: “We were right.” 9 minutes. Bitter Schadenfreude.

No, it isn’t over. “Rockefeller Foundation Wants Behavioral Scientists To Come Up With More Convincing COVID Vaxx Narratives” These people are sick.

The Ethical Skeptic: “Houston, We Have a Problem (Part 1 of 3)” (I could not find parts 2 or 3.) “Seven of the major eleven International Classification of Diseases codes tracked by the US National Center for Health Statistics exhibit stark increase trends beginning in the first week of April 2021 – featuring exceptional growth more robust than during even the Covid-19 pandemic time frame. This date of inception is no coincidence, in that it also happens to coincide with a key inflection point regarding a specific body-system intervention in most of the US population. These seven pronounced increases in mortality alarmingly persist even now.” The intervention is, of course, the CoVID injections.

Never again?

Igor Chudov: “Excess Mortality and Elevated Cancer Rates Likely to Get Worse” “It is one thing for Covid vaccines to present an immediate, short-term danger. My friend’s nephew died two days after his vaccination, for example. It is quite another problem if the people who received Covid vaccines keep experiencing elevated mortality for prolonged periods, especially if elevated mortality shows no signs of decline so far. Will this elevated mortality, caused by vaccines, but continuing unabated well past vaccination, eventually recede? We do not know the answer to this question. So far, disturbingly, excess deaths are not showing signs of receding… We started experiencing an increase in cancer deaths, which coincided with the beginning of vaccination and is getting worse and worse. As of now, cancer deaths are above long-term trend, roughly by 1,000 cancer deaths per week in the USA. …the increase in cancers coincides with the beginning of vaccination.

Cultural enrichment by an alleged murderer.

Why isn’t this a crime?

Great work, Democrats! “More Hispanic Voters Are Registered as Republicans than as Democrats in Blue Miami-Dade

Dr. Robert Malone: “Caged animals are safe, but it is not much of a life” This important column should have received more attention.

Embedded in Dr. Malone’s column is a recent video by the indispensable Neil Oliver. “We are being groomed to live small lives as the wealthy hoover up the rest of the Wealth” “This is about wealth and power.”

Steve Bannon on the End of Civilization

The “Great Reset”: A Blueprint for Destroying Freedom, Innovation, and Prosperity

Victor Davis Hanson: “The Worst and the Stupidest?” “Our elites are now viewed with the disdain they have earned on their own merits. And they are none too happy about it.” “Elites have always been ambiguous about the muscular classes who replace their tires, paint their homes, and cook their food. And the masses who tend to them likewise have been ambivalent about those who hire them: appreciative of the work and pay, but also either a bit envious of those with seemingly unlimited resources or turned off by perceived superciliousness arising from their status and affluence.”

Army of The Awakened by Ultra MagaParty” Featuring Steve Bannon. 3 minutes.

Smile: “New Study Shows An Alarming Link Between Being A Conspiracy Theorist And Not Having Myocarditis

See you later!

The three most powerful words

A rabbi wrote an article about relationships, teasingly entitled “The three most powerful words in a relationship”. Of course, the reader expects that those words are the romantic, “I love you”. No, that was not what the author intended. The three words were either “I was wrong” or “I am sorry” (it has been a while; I cannot recall).

It will take a lot to get to that point, in regard to the devastating consequences of religious leadership on CoVID. I have spoken to an activist with a real track-record of accomplishment in outreach and education in the Orthodox Jewish community regarding the dangers of the injections. She hopes to get Jewish religious leaders to sign onto a statement that will reverse the suicidal drift of portions of our community. In turn, that will require many such leaders to acknowledge the profound harm they have caused. Can they say “I was wrong; I am sorry” before it is too late?

Baltimore Jewish community injection campaign administered by George Soros” Finishing the job he left incomplete 77 years ago.

Doctor pushing COVID shots on religious Jewish children admits lack of confidence in jab

The following chart comes from Our World In Data. It compares the performance of high vaccination and low vaccination countries on deaths and cases. The low vaccination countries, India and Tanzania, had low morbidity and mortality, compared to Australia, Israel, and the USA. Moreover, in Israel’s case, one can clearly see, as bright as day, that the spike in new cases and even deaths came after the vaccination campaigns.

I believe I shared the trailers, but not the full video, for the Canadian documentary “Uninformed Consent“. 2 hours 10 minutes. Watching the thugs in police uniforms beating the elderly and gleefully spraying their eyes is infuriating. This what the left wants for you.

Steve Kirsch: “My interviews with Ryan Cole, Deb Conrad, and Gina Doane: Why aren’t docs seeing vax deaths?” “Want to know why nobody is seeing any deaths from the vaccine? It’s because they aren’t looking! Duh! These two 90 minute interviews will explain it in detail.”

Dr. Robert Malone: “Sounding the Alarm: Normalizing the Jab with Lies” ‘Endless mRNA vaccines are in the works, as the CDC and FDA play “hide the data”‘ Meanwhile, you are the fool for failing to inject yourself with a novel experimental technology…!

“Covid Is Here to Stay,” CDC Concedes After Two Years Of Orwellian Hysteria” “About two and a half years after the draconian Covid “response” began, as the American public’s patience is running thin heading into mid-terms, the CDC has finally changed its tune on the virus.” That is ONLY because of the approach of the mid-term elections. The week after the election, expect the lockdowns and mandates to return.

Another young Canadian doctor dead. At least he will never get CoVID!

Thank God for web archive! “Covid Jab Cover-Up: CDC Quietly Removes Sentence Claiming ‘mRNA & Spike Protein’ Don’t Last Long In Body” No explanation. It never said that! Oh yes it did.

Brave: “Time to assume that health research is fraudulent until proven otherwise?

Sir, do you not have a brain?

Michael Snyder: “A Horrifying Drought Is Causing Widespread Crop Failures Throughout The United States And Europe

A Horrifying Drought Is Causing Widespread Crop Failures Throughout The United States And Europe

Snyder again: “People Are Going To Go Absolutely Insane When Food Prices Double Or Triple From Current Levels

People Are Going To Go Absolutely Insane When Food Prices Double Or Triple From Current Levels

H/T Nitzakhon: “A parasitological evaluation of edible insects and their role in the transmission of parasitic diseases to humans and animals

The Great Reset lunatics: “You WILL Eat the Bugs: Major Brands Quietly Slipping Insects Into Your Food” Cricket flour and cricket protein. Read the labels of everything you buy! This is a must! This junk could make you very sick!

Friendly tip for Christian readers… The article linked above gives just one example of why observant Jews look for kosher labels when they are food shopping, because the Torah prohibits consumption of insects (other than locusts…). The kosher symbol, called a hechsher, can be thought of as a type of quality control, an inspection, for food. Here are the big four. There are others out there if you are interested.

There are more movies out regarding the 2020 election steal. The Deep Rig was produced by Patrick Byrne. Selection Code has posted a trailer and the full movie should be available next week.

Support for the J6 political prisoners.

Remember: “20 Federal ‘Assets’ Embedded at Capitol on Jan. 6, Defense Attorney Claims

Trump Raid Warrant, Receipts Make No Mention Of ‘Nuclear Weapons’” Does anyone care? As lawyers say, you cannot unring a bell.

Missouri AG Questions Need for Potentially Armed IRS Army” #MeToo. MTG says that using the “Fair Tax” rather than the income tax eliminates the need for the IRS. That is an increasingly powerful argument for the Fair Tax.

Former FBI Agent Says Mar-a-Lago Raid Was Government’s Attempt to ‘Embarrass’ Trump” The only people they embarrassed were themselves, and they are incapable of embarrassment, because they are brazen.

Reporter Paul Sperry, banned from Twitter: Hillary conspired with the National Archives to provoke this raid.

Trump Raid: DOJ Allegedly Seized Privileged Attorney-Client Materials” Illegal, but everything is permitted to get Trump.

Turley: “Justice Department Accused of Taking Attorney-Client Material at Mar-a-Lago

Turley again: “Why the Case Against Donald Trump Remains Incomplete

The FBI Is Now the Federal Bureau of Intimidation” Have I not been saying this?

Don Surber: “In March, [Trump] filed a RICO lawsuit that says Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee form a Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization. They created the Russiagate Hoax to discredit and undermine his presidency. This really was an attempted coup and sedition. He filed it in federal court. In Florida.” Now you understand why they did the raid, right? Smart!

Look at the Hispanic number!

She knows!

Jim Jordan has 14 FBI whistleblowers. 14?! Is that all?

FBI barricades headquarters in DC” A little drama, in preparation for a false flag. First they barricaded the Capitol, now the FBI. How must the government be mistreating the people if they are so desperately terrified of the people?

Similar theme: “FBI Is Terrified After Mar-a-Lago Raid Backfires, Now Obsessively Combing Through Social Media Profiles for ‘Signs of Agitation’

Rand Paul Moves to Pull Rug Out from Under DOJ, Leave Them with Nothing Usable from Mar-a-Lago Raid” Repealing the Espionage Act.

Minneapolis teachers union contract calls for layoffs of white teachers first” Illegal, but what judge would block this? Do you want ANTIFA hunting you down the rest of your life and harassing you and your family? You understand that government is refusing to enforce the law, don’t you?

So Much for Privilege: White Working Class Boys to Fall Even Further Behind In Education” Did they have it coming to them?

Turley: “Oberlin Faces New Controversy over Islamic Scholar’s Support of the Rushdie Fatwa” Had the scholar been a (heavy breathing) Christian conservative, imagine the uproar! Imagine – an evangelical!!! Of course, an evangelical would not have endorsed such a document, but who cares about details?

Rachel Campos-Duffy: “Communists Attack Religion, They Have to Get Rid of It” 2 minutes.

French conservatives slam push by Macron’s deputy to legalize voting for all foreigners in municipal elections” Coming soon to a “progressive” city or state near you. Once that happens, the nation is dead. Congratulations; you are now a global citizen.

Pennsylvania Grandmother Celebrates 100th Great-Grandchild: ‘I Always Wanted a Big Family’” I love it because it enrages the left.

See you later!

News dump, 8/11/22

Time to catch up on news after editorials earlier this week.

H/T Nitzakhon: “Deaths of Under 65s in the USA, 2020-21” “Why is the “vaccine” year so much higher than the virus year and where is the declaration of a public health emergency?”

Rand Paul: “Congress Is Not Allowed To Know About TOP SECRET Gain Of Function Research Committee” Some of the most dangerous research taking place on earth. We pay for it, but must not ask questions.

High school football player collapses, dies during practice” At least he will never get CoVID!

Dillon Quirke: Tipperary hurler dies after collapsing mid-game” At least he will never get CoVID!

At least he will never get CoVID!

Glendale family remembers football player who unexpectedly passed away in his sleep” At least he will never get CoVID!

Dr. Robert Malone: “Crony Capitalism, Big Pharma and Vaccines” Transcript of a 21-minute speech by Senator Ron Johnson. The video is included as well.

Twitter Censors Pfizer-Injured Israeli COVID Vaccine Director” “Prof. Shmuel Shapira MD MPH (Col.), who served as Director of the Israel Institute for Biological Research between 2013 and 2021, suggested that the monkeypox outbreak was connected to mRNA vaccines.” Interesting argument. If I understand correctly, he says that the injections have degraded people’s immune systems.

Nazi monsters.

The Tyranny of Coronaphobia” “…the extent to which dominant majorities of peoples in countries with universal literacy can be successfully terrified into surrendering their civil liberties and individual freedoms has come as a frightening shock.”

Blood clots, heart problems, kidney failure: COVID creates a higher risk for rare pediatric health problems, new CDC study finds” LIARS! It isn’t CoVID, it’s the injections! But the study did not even employ vaccination status as a classification variable!

Dr. Robert Malone: “Paxlovid Escape Mutations?” Immune escape. Congratulations, Fausti. You now made the problem worse.

Read this 4-tweet thread, and some of the responses.

Steve Kirsch: “Wayne Root’s story is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to explain if the vaccines are safe” “Government figures are hard to verify. But personal anecdotes that you hear over and over are hard to ignore. One of the most stunning anecdotes I’ve heard recently is from talk show host Wayne Root.” A recent wedding with 200 guests; 26 severe injuries and 7 deaths among the attendees – and all were injected…

This father has righteous anger. We all need to. Listen to this pathetic pipsqueak of a pharmacist – no ethical base whatsoever. Just following orders.

Farmington schools consultant sees problems with strong family structure” “‘Systemic familialism’ is the name for the privilege held by people with intact families” These people have nothing better to do with their lives than to create thought crimes, to punish happiness.

To put the pro-life defeat in Kansas last week in a global context, I created these maps showing how long during pregnancy abortion is permitted in two extreme situations: abortion on demand, versus abortion when the mother’s life is at risk. Light blue indicates 0 permitted days of abortion (prohibition); dark blue indicates 280 permitted days of abortion (permission). The average country permits abortion on demand (for any reason) for just the first 42 days (6 weeks), but permits abortion to save the mother’s life for 246 days (35 weeks).

I have heard women in the local pro-life movement state that abortion should be banned for any reason, even when the mother’s life is at risk. This statement does not sound very pro-life to me. My advice is to ban abortion in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters (these late abortions are rare), except in the cases of threat to the mother’s life, rape, or incest (the “hard cases” are rare), and move on. This would be a satisfactory solution to the majority in the middle, according to polls I see, but the conversation is controlled by the extremes; thus the endless war continues.

How Tavistock Came Tumbling Down” “I was a nurse working on a team that recklessly prescribed puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to kids. I blew the whistle in 2005. Now the government is finally listening.”

Telling Kids To Hate Their Biology Might Be What’s Actually Killing Them” “Might the increase in ‘gender dysphoria’ among American youth be related to broader societal dysphoria felt by an entire generation of kids?” Also: telling them all life on earth will end in 7 years, and they were born evil because of their skin color.

Wait, Where Are All Of Epstein And Maxwell’s Clients Anyway?” The FBI will get on that right away, sir!

Viktor Orban at CPAC, triumphant. 2 minutes.

The FBI’s new mission is to stamp out patriotism. It’s working.

And, the fix is in in PA: “Pennsylvania Supreme Court Upholds No-Excuse Mail-In Voting Law

Trump likely to be criminally charged in DOJ election probe along with other former White House officials, Obama AG Holder says” The same Holder who was not prosecuted for contempt of Congress.

Suicide Rates Among US Army Soldiers Highest in More Than 80 Years” I would call this a public health emergency. What say you, Drs. Fausti and Levine?

The Coming War Over Taiwan” “Unless the U.S. and its allies act quickly, it could trigger a conflict that would make the war in Ukraine look minor by comparison.”

China ‘convinced it needs to hit US with Pearl Harbor-style surprise attack’ to win war over Taiwan, expert warns

Can Christians Also Be Survival Prepper’s?” According to this blogger, yes.

They made Trump take a cognitive test. Why not Biden?

My new version of the misery index combines my Essentials CPI with the U-6 underemployment rate. Sadly, it has increased substantially over the last year.

While Biden Brags About Releasing Oil From Emergency Oil Stockpile, Reserve Plunges To Lowest Level Since 1985” Patriot Trump built it up, and of course, ANTIFA Biden is happy to tear it down. “You will get tired of winning so much.” How true.

More Nightmare Shortages Are Coming Thanks To This Emerging Conspiracy

Ruby Ridge Remembered” ‘The ruling class desire to wage war on ordinary Americans is now part of the “forceful mainstream.”’ The more I read about this event, the more horrified I am. The AG at the time was Bill Barr. Ugh. The brave federal sniper who murdered Weaver’s wife was also part of the subsequent Waco operation, if memory serves me. READ THIS.

Love me some Mark Robinson! Awesome!!!

‘The biggest con they have’: Steve Bannon calls to SCRAP the Federal Reserve saying it has ‘USURPED’ the power of the people as he promises a ‘democracy suppository’ in November’s midterms

Dr. Thomas Sowell: “The Point of No Return” “This is an election year. But the issues this year are not about Democrats and Republicans. The big issue is whether this nation has degenerated to a point of no return — a point where we risk destroying ourselves, before our enemies can destroy us. If there is one moment that symbolized our degeneration, it was when an enraged mob gathered in front of the Supreme Court and a leader of the United States Senate shouted threats against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, saying “You won’t know what hit you!” There have always been irresponsible demagogues. But there was once a time when anyone who shouted threats to a Supreme Court Justice would see the end of his own political career, and could not show his face in decent society again. You either believe in laws or you believe in mob rule. It doesn’t matter whether you agree with the law or agree with the mob on some particular issue. If threats of violence against judges — and publishing where a judge’s children go to school — is the way to settle issues, then there is not much point in having elections or laws. There is also not much point in expecting to have freedom. Threats and violence were the way the Nazis came to power in Germany. Freedom is not free. If you can’t be bothered to vote against storm-trooper tactics — regardless of who engages in them, or over what issue — then you can forfeit your freedom.

See you later!

The censorship is decreasing slightly – why?

POST VAX CLOTS: THE LATEST LAB ANALYSIS FROM MIKE ADAMS” Very important. Mike uses his lab expertise to break down the content of the strange “clots”. 5 minutes.

Children’s Health Defense: “15% of American Adults Diagnosed With New Condition After COVID Vaccine, Zogby Survey Finds” – such as blood clots, heart attack, liver problems, stroke, autoimmune disorder, dysmenorrhea (disrupted menstrual cycle); up to 22% so diagnosed in a second survey. The astonishing thing? The presence of a significant number of people who were harmed by the shots, perhaps permanently, but who are still glad they got the shots. The cognitive disconnect is off the charts. Covidians, as Nitzakhon says. Again, very important.

Dr. Malone speaking with Bret Weinstein on injection injuries. Intelligent, high-level discussion. Make your smart-alec acquaintances tell you what part of this discussion is incorrect. It’s shocking that Youtube has let this stand, no red flags. Why? What do the powers that be have planned now? 18 minutes.

Kim Iversen deep dive on the injections and mRNA -> DNA. 12 minutes.

Dr. Joseph Mercola: “Shocking Testimonies From the Covid Jab Injured” “It’s been shown with controversial topics like abortion and the border crisis that hearing from the people most affected by problems can change hearts and minds. Will it work for the jabs?” This lengthy article is a keeper. Dr. Mercola concludes the article with natural strategies for fighting the disease, and the injections. However, you should view the two embedded videos. “Greg Reese: The Covid Genocide” is 12 minutes long; “MRNA Vaccine Genocide” is 1 hour 37 minutes (I could only handle the first 4-1/2 minutes).

A brave healthcare worker admits she was wrong about the injections.

Rep. Thomas Massie: the injection does not stop the spread.

Doug McKean, Grammy-Winning Engineer + My Chemical Romance Producer, Dead at 54” At least he will never get CoVID!

Three types of long COVID identified with different symptoms” Remember, the original bioweapon is not itself harmless. Its creators must be tracked down and held accountable.

Reader leavemygunsalone sent in a comment with a link to an alarming Facebook thread. The source of the allegations is an author on Substack. Here, she gives her column to another investigator. “The Truth: Admissions from High Places” “Studies Show Covid Vaccines May Suppress Immune system” “CDC Hides Data

Brought to you by Pfizer.

Kids take on the FDA. 2:20.

Great Reset.

Apple, GE, other major US companies ask Supreme Court to uphold affirmative action” Big business is not a friend to the common person. They are leftists.

Speaking of big business…

I feel sorry for this girl, but angry at either her parents or her teachers.

Mind control: “The New Age of Orwellianism” Changing the meaning of words.

Senior Economist ‘Fact Checked’ By Facebook For Saying U.S. Is In Recession” They changed the definition. Then they gaslit the public, saying they did not change anything.

Grothman seeks answers on Biden policy giving IDs to illegal immigrants” A sternly worded letter is no response to invasion and treason.

Biden Sees Stunning Loss of Support Among Asian Americans” About time. Asians have been hit hard by the leftist support for “affirmative action” and for violent criminals. I hope they have a survival instinct.

Speaking of crime targeting Asians…

Non-woke liberals describe ‘living hell’ caused by Minneapolis homeless encampments” But she insists on remaining a liberal. Conclusion? The ‘living hell’ has not been bad enough. Let them suffer more, until they figure out we were right all along.

Teenage pro-life activist allegedly punched in the face while knocking on doors in Kansas” It’s OK because the attacker was passionate, or something. I don’t expect any consequences to the attacker.

NYC McDonald’s worker shot over cold french fries” Now he’s dead.

Trans cheerleader, 25, is given assault citation after ‘choking out’ teammate, 17, who called her [really him] a ‘man with a penis’ at cheer camp as video taken afterwards shows attacker saying ‘I barely touched her’” I hope women enjoy the new liberal world the majority of them voted for.

Fox News Banning Trump From Network” Howie Kurtz says it’s not true. Lou Dobbs could not be reached for comment.

Julie Kelly: “The FBI Twice Interfered in the 2020 Election to Sabotage Trump. Now What?” “The evidence is amassed and verified—the only unknown is what Republicans will do next.” It is not unknown. Nothing will happen.

Guy Reffitt Sentenced to 7 Years and 3 Months For Protesting Outside Capitol on January 6th. Prosecution’s Request for Terrorism “Upwards Departure” Denied! HIS SON JACKSON ASKED FOR MAXIMUM SENTENCE FOR HIS DAD IN LETTER TO COURT!” The son is a real head case.

Man who phoned in threat to Rep. Matt Gaetz is sentenced to home confinement” No doubt his expenses will be paid by a wealthy leftist. ‘Eugene Huelsman left a voicemail in which he called Gaetz, a controversial Florida Republican, a “tyrant” and said he was going to “put a bullet in you.”‘ Oh, I’m sorry, TPTB decided that Gaetz is “controversial”, so I guess terroristic threats are OK.

Trump’s Lawyers Are Preparing Legal Defenses Against Criminal Charges” Can we prosecute Obama for being president while not being a natural-born citizen?

Supreme Court to hear case on ‘independent legislature’ elections theory” The theory that the Constitution should actually be followed, which seems to be a “far-right” interest.

‘The View’ Invites Florida Governor Ron DeSantis On Their Show, His Team Destroys Them” The things they said about him are the most atrocious slander. The current state of the law on this topic is sad.

Taiwan chip giant head warns war would devastate global supply” That is why I just got a new phone. Coming soon, a column on the errors of neocons AND paleocons.

A 1,000+ Year Old Idea is the Latest Cryptocurrency Trend” The Knights Templar apparently started this. Amazing!

DeSantis is the man.

Steve Bannon Launches ‘New Financial System’ For ‘Patriots’ Amid Bans By Payment Processors & Govts” It’s the Freedom-Jobs-Business (FJB) blockchain network. Love Bannon!

Victor Davis Hanson: “Are the New Progressive Rules Reciprocal?” Great theoretical treatment. But we all know that Republicans are too gentlemanly to defend themselves.

The Earth Just Started Spinning Faster Than Ever Before And Scientists Don’t Know Why” OK, the earth has just been recorded rotating in 1.6 milliseconds less than the standard 24 hours. A day only took 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 59.9984 seconds. Don’t say I ignored this!

Food for thought…


See you later!