Category Archives: Inspiration

A melody for thanksgiving

A melody for thanksgiving. Call out to the Lord, everyone on earth. Serve the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyous song. Know that the Lord, He is God; He made us and we are His, His people and the sheep of His pasture. Enter His gates with thanksgiving, His courts with praise; give thanks to Him, bless His name. For the Lord is good, His kindness is forever, and from generation to generation is His faithfulness.

Psalm 100

We are back home and recuperating. Mrs. Surak is a bit lighter, having lost several large internal cysts caused by a chronic disease. I am struggling with clearing the stubborn bronchitis aftermath of a possible CoVID infection. The key thing is that the love birds are still together, even while they are coughing.

The Jewish New Year (Rosh Ha-Shanah = head of the year) begins tonight at sunset. Over the next 3 weeks, in addition to the Sabbath, there will be 4 Torah holy days; out of respect for Orthodox tradition, I will not be publishing on 7 days in this 3-week period. It will take a while to catch up on the news. Most importantly, however, is that Rosh Ha-Shanah is the day of judgment for the Jews. We pray, give charity, and engage in (hopefully) sincere repentance, in anticipation of the day of atonement next week, Yom Kipur. Every Jew should take the time to read this very short classic, Yesod Ha-Teshuvah (The Foundation of Repentance), by Rabbeinu Yonah. It is very practical and encouraging!

75% of US Orthodox Jews identify as Republicans, up from 57% in 2013” This item is several months old, but important to me. As I travel from one right-wing website to another collecting news, I see that the proprietors of many of the leading websites have allowed full-fledged nazis to hijack the comment sections, with little protest from the others. Those websites include The Gateway Pundit (TGP), Breitbart (BB), Infowars (IW), and Zero Hedge (ZH); Citizen Free Press (CFP) commenters can turn on a dime. The commenters often seem to be Hitler fans, which is puzzling because TGP and BB at least purport to be pro-Israel. A pre-election poll had 83% of Orthodox Jews supporting President Trump. I always like to ask anti-Semites if 83% of their own communities supported Trump, and if they are willing to take responsibility for Biden, Fauci, Gates, Hillary, Obama, and Schwab.

A Midwestern Doctor: “Why Do Doctors Close Their Eyes to Medical Injuries?” In these articles, the comments are often as illuminating as the original article. I have coined a phrase to describe the situation in which we live: a “conspiracy of silence”.

Nearly Every Food in This Diet Can Kill Cancer Cells” The popular Mediterranean diet, which overlaps substantially with the DASH diet.

Intolerance – Remain Silent Or Be Branded An Extremist” “This article is about the ability of a vocal minority to make people so uncomfortable they become silent. It is about how we should be appalled by those that justify violence, aggression, and force towards those that simply disagree with them.”

Igor Chudov: “Denmark: No More COVID Vaccines Offered for Under-50” I wonder why? Are they science deniers???

ZOA Calls to Fire ADL Head After Exposé Reveals ‘Dangerous, Extremist Educational Programs’” When the anti-Semites are given the evidence of a MAGA Jewish organization – it still isn’t enough!

The World Is A Hindenburg In Search Of A Spark – 10 Of The Most Explosive Issues We Face” Apropos metaphor. Expect a major false flag before the midterm elections.

Top Geophysicist & Gov’t Doctor Accuse Global Geoengineering Program Of Intentionally Collapsing Earth’s Biosphere” “A pair of men named James Marvin Herndon and Mark Whiteside published a paper in the “Advances In Social Sciences Research Journal” last month accusing the United Nations of engaging in a conspiracy to destroy the Earth’s environment… Despite their credentials, mainstream media will not touch on the groundbreaking accusations made in the research paper published by Herndon and Whiteside on August 25th. Titled, “Collapse of Earth’s Biosphere: A Case of Planetary Treason,” the authors write, “Earth’s life support systems are breaking down, including the stratospheric ozone layer, which protects all higher life on the planet from deadly ultraviolet radiation.” Herndon and Whiteside attribute the breakdown in Earth’s environment to human activities, yet not the types typically cited by Climate Change alarmists. The paper mostly focuses on geoengineering and its largely overlooked negative effects on Mother Earth.”

Dr. Robert Malone: “Human Cyborgs are Just the Beginning” “The USG Administrative State believes that Human Augmentation is ‘Imperative’”

Deep dive on the CoVID injection scandal in Israel: “Leaked Video Reveals Serious Side-Effects Related to the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Covered Up by the Israeli MOH,-and-that-side-effects-are-mild-and-transient

‘Woke’ Department of Defense equity chief writes anti-White posts: ‘Exhausted with these white folx’” Winning wars is not the Pentagon’s top priority any more.

China and Russia – what will Putin get?” One of the few authors on the right who has not fallen in love with Putin.

Charles Hugh Smith: “The Fourth Turn, Turn, Turn” “The cycles of The Fourth Turning, Fischer and Turchin are all in alignment at this point in history.

Dershowitz: “Is This the End of Executive Privilege? Or Only for Trump?” Dersh is now representing Mike Lindell.

Alan Dershowitz on Biden’s War Against His Political Opponents: “It’s Leftwing McCarthyism!”” 6 minutes.

‘Significant Proof’ Air Force Has Discriminated Against Troops Seeking Religious Exemptions to Vaccine Mandate” Whatever they can get away with.

John Whitehead: “Overthrow the Government: All the Ways in Which Our Rights Have Been Usurped” Interesting title…

Aaron Rodgers Is Wrong: VIOXX Killed 500,000” Many years ago, before I met her, Mrs. Surak’s doctor grew angry at her for her refusal to take Vioxx, for doing her own research.

At least he will never get CoVID!

New study finds organ recipients rejecting transplant after receiving COVID vaccine” Now think about the evil inherent in the non-negotiable demands that patients awaiting transplants must take the injection or be sentenced to death. Refusing an injection is now a capital crime in the West, and no one bats an eyelash.

Mysterious increase in deaths across Europe” “Scientists and data specialists are puzzled by the growing increase in deaths recorded in Europe” I wonder why?

The Vaccine: Safe or Effective? – Dr. Colleen Huber on Eye to Eye with Dr. Kerry Gelb” 50 minute video, but chock full of information. Dr. Huber is awesome. I want her as my doctor! Too bad she is so far away…

Brucha Weisberger: “From My Heart” “You have never lived through anything like this before” The title and subtitle do not do justice to the sweeping extent of this survey of our present condition. She ties all the big pieces together, from the pandemic through tyranny to the culture war. This is a war to the death. Excellent essay and well worth sharing.

L’Shanah Tovah – to a good year!

Bible festival

This will be a short one today, as I celebrate a special accomplishment. I have finally completed reading the Tanakh, the Hebrew Bible, in its original language (together with English translation and commentary, of course!). But this is only the beginning of my studies.

I would like to share with my Jewish readers some resources for learning more about the core texts in our heritage. First up is the “Siddur” (actually sidur: prayer book) in Hebrew and English, one for Ashkenazim and one for Sefardim. It should get you through the whole year except for the High Holidays. It is not designed for prayers in Israel, for which the publisher, Artscroll, offers alternatives. They also publish the siddur in different sizes. Below is the full-size version.

Next is the full size Hebrew-English version of Artscroll’s Tanakh, with minimal commentary. Several alternative formats are available.

A deeper understanding of the first five books, the Torah, is necessary. You can find this extended commentary in Artscroll’s Chumash (set of five). Below is the full-size version; again several alternatives are available.

Judaism has an enormous body of holy books, of which the Tanakh constitutes a bit less than 5%. The Chumash contains marginal notes that show you how to complete the Torah in one year, the usual practice. At a similar rate, you can complete the Tanakh in about 3 years, and the whole corpus of Jewish holy books in about 84 years, unless you step up your pace. So let’s get studying, people! 🙂

See you next week!

Witness to evil

The most demoralizing aspect of witnessing evil is not its existence; that latter is a part of human nature. The worst thing about evil is the inaction of “good” people. “Good” people do not act; they watch. They express their sympathy; they pray for the victim; but they do not DO anything to stop the evil from occurring.

The Bible forbids inaction in the presence of evil, in Leviticus 19:16: “…you shall not stand upon the blood of your fellow…” The Jewish understanding is that this is not referring literally to where you stand, but rather it forbids inaction. You MUST get involved. My amateur impression is that this is one of two lessons of the parable of the good Samaritan; you MUST help when you are needed. (The other lesson is that the acts of your benefactor are more important than his or her religion or ethnicity.)

My nature, for many years, has been to run towards the fire; to take point in the expectation that others would follow my lead. I have been disappointed time after time after time. My inclination now is to refrain from being a lonely hero who paid a big cost, while others play it safe. I look to others for leadership.

But no leadership is forthcoming. For the first time in American history, the home of a former president, and likely future presidential candidate, was raided by law enforcement. Also, Republican Representative from Pennsylvania Scott Perry’s phone was just seized by the FBT (Federal Bureau of Thuggery). To top it all off, the insolent Hillary Clinton is now selling baseball caps bearing the slogan “But her emails” AHA HA HA HA HA HA. That’s right; she destroyed 30,000 e-mails under subpoena, and is flaunting her criminality.

The federal bureaucracy, not mentioned in the Constitution, is no longer accountable to the citizens who pay their salaries, nor to the nominal chief executive we elected in 2016. They do whatever they can get away with – and they can get away with absolutely anything, because we refuse to stop them.

We have two nations living on this continent. One is committed to living under the trilogy of the Bible, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution. We believe in God and His law; the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and self-government with which He endowed us; and equal justice under the law. The other nation hates God and His law passionately, because the latter interferes with the gratification of their impulses towards debauchery, greed, and power.

We believe in self-control; they are tools of the totalitarian id. They will back us up further and further and further, as long as we accept it – and we do.

They have erased the borders of America, which now hosts some 22 million invaders. This is treason, and we do nothing about it. We sympathize with the poor Border Patrol officers who have betrayed America.

They have ignited a race war, identifying skin color as the new original sin, alleging that all the evil deeds committed by one member of a race could be held against all members of that race forever. That will not end well.

They have changed the definition of marriage, and so-called “conservatives” fall all over themselves to prove how incredibly tolerant they are of what God has forbidden. Today, I read that a significant number of Republican congressmen voted to change the definition of marriage from the one that every religion and every civilization has ordained since time immemorial.

The corruption of the young is the most insidious of all. The godless left craves the destruction of innocence so they will not feel so intensely lonely and miserable. This is the ultimate symptom of a suicidal civilization.

There is one hydra with many heads: the leftist totalitarian id; the Democrat totalitarian temptation; the brazen flouting of law; violent crime; the Great Reset; destruction of farms; central bank digital currency for complete control; social media censorship; gaslighting; injection after injection.

What am I going to do about it? Nothing. I have tried to be a leader in the past, and failed. I am awaiting more powerful leadership, from the people whose names we know, in politics and the media. They are gutless wonders, however. The Q theory of a secret society that could come to our rescue – you know, the “white hats” in “milint” (military intelligence) – could come to pass, as soon as we discover the unicorns upon which they will ride. Other than Wolfie’s God-fearing son (upon him God’s blessings and protection), are there as many as 100 patriots among the flag officers? What do our patriotic friends do when they have the opportunity to save this country? Follow orders.

What do I expect from potential leaders? I am looking for news that the states are withdrawing their cooperation with federal “law enforcement”, and will actively protect their citizens from the federal government under the 10th Amendment. I would like to hear this from Governors Abbott, DeSantis, and Noem, for starters, along with candidate Lake. I realize such a declaration could have consequences; I look forward to that.

I am also looking for a Republican Congress, should it be elected by some miracle, to do something they have never ever done, even when they held both houses of Congress and the White House: actually to defund federal agencies. A federal agency cannot abuse us if it has been defunded. The employees will not work for free. It is monstrous that Republicans have never defunded NPR or PBS, or the abusive agencies that now terrorize the American public.

What would you think if your spouse were rushed to the emergency room, to the operating room, and then – all the medical personnel fell to their knees and began reciting prayers? There is a time for prayer and there is a time for action (Exodus 14:15, Psalms 119:126, Ecclesiastes 3:1-8).

In my humble opinion, and I hope to God I am wrong, it is too late to save the United States of America. We can save what is best about our heritage in a New America, only by detaching ourselves from the anti-God totalitarian id left.

The wisdom of Rabbi Chananya Weissman and the pandemic

I just checked in yesterday at the website of Rabbi Chananya Weissman, after not having been a regular at Front Page Magazine for many months. Rav Weissman has been writing powerful columns on the social and religious response to CoVID. I don’t know his politics. I do know that his perspective is based 100% on Torah, by which we mean not just the first 5 books of the Bible, but the whole heritage based on that foundation: the remainder of the Hebrew Bible, the Oral Law, the law codes, and the classics of Jewish philosophy and character development. That is – he is Orthodox.

He has spent the last few years scorching the Orthodox Jewish religious establishment for destroying Jewish communal life, the dignity of the individual, and many specific individuals. The reader should be familiar with the conservative insistence that an apparent emergency does not override the Constitution. Similarly, Rav Weissman argues that the pandemic should not have caused leading rabbis to hand over their authority to self-anointed “experts” to decide what we must do and what we must not do. He compares society’s worship of “THE experts” to idolatry.

I would like to share with you links to some great essays Rav Weissman has written in 2022.

Covid Apology Letter” In which it is imagined that a rabid supporter of lockdowns and injection mandates decides to do penance for ruining the lives of his or her fellows.

Medical Tyranny Versus Authentic Torah“, parts 1 through 4. “…fear of illness is not a jailable offense for the healthy…” Wow! “I have a two-word response to everyone playing God who says the world has too many people and some of them need to go. The words begin with F and Y. You first.” Oh!

Trusting Doctors in Halachic Responsa“, parts 1 and 2. Halakhah is law (Torah means teaching or instruction, not law). “…someone who has successfully treated many people for covid-like symptoms over the last two years has far more credibility than even the “best doctors” who read scripts and make proclamations from on high. When it comes to wisdom and hands-on experience, there is no pulling rank… Doctors don’t make decisions for us. We examine the information they provide us and decide for ourselves… Those who claim that perfectly healthy people should be treated like deathly ill patients and injected with “vaccines” are distorting [Torah]…”

Please write in if there are any words in these articles that are not clear. They are written mostly in English, but also largely for an audience already familiar with much of the Hebrew vocabulary of Orthodox Judaism.

See you next week!

Non compos mentis

Tucker Carlson: “Biden’s Mental Decline Is No Longer Possible to Deny” “How did he manage to get through the campaign? Well, it turned out, we learned later, his staff supervised by Dr. Jill, his wife, was giving him pills before every public appearance, checking the time and at a certain hour, giving him a dose of something. Now, it’s not a guess. We’re not making that up. We’ve spoken directly to someone who was there and saw it happen multiple times. Now, before taking the medication, this person said, Biden was “like a small child. You couldn’t communicate with him.” He changed completely because he was on drugs and he clearly still is on drugs. No one is pushing to know what those drugs are. We should know.”

The Feds Pile Up Vaccine ‘Adverse Event’ Reports as They Decry Scaremongering Elsewhere” Dr. Jessica “Rose acknowledges the messiness of VAERS, but believes it provides enough information to tell a story of danger. She said that in her analysis, 60% of VAERS reports describe events within 48 hours of vaccine administration – one more criteria for causality. Rose said: “It isn’t on me to prove that these products aren’t safe, this is on them [CDC, FDA], legally, to prove that these products are safe. And they’re not doing their jobs.” On that point, a recent public records request by Josh Guetzkow, Ph.D., and the legal team at Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Children’s Health Defense found that CDC has not been analyzing the VAERS data on COVID-19 shots using its own stated methods.” I have read studies concluding that a) VAERS is mostly reliable, and b) it underreports adverse events by substantial ratios. Consider my father’s paralyzing stroke despite taking anticoagulants, and my young nephew’s atrial fibrillation, both starting after getting jabbed.

Dr. Marty Makary with Tucker.

Isn’t this “science denial”? “Menstrual changes after Covid vaccines may be far more common than previously known

More “science denial”: “Natural Immunity Is 97 Percent Effective Against Severe COVID After 14 Months

What are they hiding? “Empower Oversight: NIH Can’t Evade Truth on COVID Data Deletion

I think this one came from Nitzakhon: “Hospitals Are Covering Up Baby Deaths By Cremating Babies Themselves” 50 minutes.

Jeffrey Tucker: “Dr. Birx Praises Herself While Revealing Ignorance, Treachery, and Deceit” Scarf lady was not so nice.

Sudden, unexpected…

I hope you are prepared: “Satellites give clues about the coming global harvest

Dutch Dairy Farmer Faces Having to Cull 95 Percent of His Cows” ‘I can’t run a farm on 5 percent’

Dutch Nitrogen Scientist Questions Basis of Government Climate Mandates” ‘We now treat farmers as polluters … which is a very strange perspective’

Brainwashing: “Yellow Sun Bad?” “Weather forecasts now use a deep, dark red to represent glorious sunshine. Why?”

Illegal Alien Charged With Raping, Pimping-Out His Own Child In NC ‘Sanctuary County’” Durham County is home of Duke University and UNC Chapel Hill, if I remember correctly.

Schiff covering up an unconstitutional power grab.

Thou shalt not think!

UK: “New Dystopian Law Would Give All Social Media Users a ‘Truth Score’

Only monetary damages can teach lessons to woke businesses. “Flight Attendant Wins Millions After Southwest Fires Her For Being Pro-Life: ‘A Victory For Freedom Of Speech’

Here is the vote count in Philadelphia in 2020 – crazy! “Philadelphia Edison Data Reporting

Finally! “Twitter Suspends Pro-Abortion Group Publicizing Justices’ Home Addresses

Good grief: “Dance School Drops Ballet from Auditions for Being ‘Built Around White European Ideas’” A European dance school?! Do African and Asian dance schools condemn traditional dance forms from Africa and Asia?

NYC victim of ‘anti-white’ crime says suspect accused her of being Trump fan” So only the “far-right” is opposed to racism and violence?

Some lives matter: “ANTI-COP PROTESTORS MARCH FOR CRAZED SHOOTER KILLED IN STANDOFF; SHOOTER’S VICTIM OUTRAGED BY PROTEST” The woman targeted by the deceased was fired, as punishment for surviving attempted murder. Thou shalt not live?

One man knows how to fight back.

Betsy DeVos calls for abolition of federal Education Department she once led” I wish she had spoken up sooner.

Central Bank Digital Currencies Are the Ultimate Tool of Financial Oppression

Michael Rectenwald: “The Failure of Liberalism and the Conservative Crisis of Faith” “…the conservative establishment must push for decentralization with efforts to loosen the grip of federalism over the states. “Secede and decentralize” should become conservatism’s watchwords—although, again, the approach is asymptotic. In short, the conservative movement must become more libertarian, taking its cues from Hoppe and Rothbard, and from such fledgling political organizations as the Mises Caucus, the ascendant Ron Paul wing of the Libertarian Party. Anarcho-capitalism may be an unreachable goal, but it must remain the goal, nonetheless.” If the conservative movement becomes more libertarian, than what precisely is it conserving?

Food for thought… “If God Created the Universe, Who Created Him?” 2 minutes.

The late, great Rabbi Jonathan Sacks: “PROOF THAT GOD EXISTS IN 4 MINUTES!” Creation; revelation; redemption. 4.5 minutes.

What Happens to the Soul?” A 1.5 minute, hauntingly beautiful overview of life.

See you later!