Monthly Archives: June 2022

The evidence is right in front of us

On Sunday, Mrs. Surak spoke with my sister. My quadruple-jabbed elderly father was unconscious in the hospital after a stroke, despite being on “blood-thinners” (anti-coagulants) for years; hospice care was being prepared. My quadruple-jabbed nephew, who suffered syncope (fainting) post-jab, had heart ablation to combat atrial fibrillation. None of the experts has the faintest idea what caused these maladies. Do you?

Wait – there is more. Before following the experts’ advice to give up on my father, my sister asked for a consult from a neuro-vascular surgeon. He recommended reducing the dose of a medication that has a sedative effect. Lo and behold, my father awoke! He is still paralyzed on one side from the stroke; that did not disappear. There may have been additional strokes we don’t know about. It is too soon to determine his prognosis.

On the subject of prognosis, this nation should recite prayers for the complete and speedy recovery of a national hero, a brave, battle-scarred soldier of medicine, who is fighting every day for our medical freedom: Dr. Vladimir Zev Zelenko (Hebrew name: Velvel Wolf Zev ben Leah): “Dr. Zev Zelenko in Critical Condition, Transferred to ICU” Even in his current condition, he has been organizing his Z Freedom Foundation to fight for American medical freedom.

Our community also needs to recite prayers for our friend Nitzakhon, who has undergone some serious health challenges in the last few days. Still, he found time to send me this essay from Bayou Renaissance Man: “COVID-19 vaccine updates” BRM focuses on accumulating data pointing to a substantial decline in births, in Germany, Switzerland, Taiwan, and other countries. Taiwan’s decline is described as a “26-sigma event”. This is unheard of. A 1-sigma event happens less than 32% of the time; 2-sigma, less than 4.5% of the time (once in 22 tries); 3-sigma, less than 0.3% of the time (once in 370 tries); 4-sigma, less than once in 15,787 tries; 5-sigma, less than once in 1,744,277 tries; 6-sigma, less than once in 506,797,345 tries; and so on. The data is screaming: “STOP!

Igor Chudov: “Vaccine Skeptics are the True Critical Thinkers” “We Overcame the Most Sophisticated Forms of Manipulation” Remember the Asch experiment?

5 Seconds of Summer’s Ashton Irwin has stroke symptoms mid-show: ‘Tears in ambulance’” 27 years old. I wonder what happened?

I wonder what happened?

I wonder what happened?

Danny Bonaduce ‘Couldn’t Walk at All’ and ‘Slurred Really Badly’ Due to Mystery Illness” I wonder what happened?

Steve Kirsch: “Latest survey shows the COVID vaccines are a disaster: ~750,000 dead in US” He is extrapolating from a survey. I am not sure this is valid. The CDC’s weekly totals for all cause deaths are not showing it, unless they are hiding the truth. I just don’t know. However, the stories told in the comment section are heartbreaking. Kirsch is pleading for anyone from the establishment to tell him where he is wrong. So far, he has been stonewalled.

These people are sick.

These people are sick: “Seattle Pride attendees prance nude in front of children

Anonymous poster requests that someone else start a deadly fight on his behalf.

Summer of Rage: Tracking Attacks on Pregnancy Centers & Pro-Life Groups

Far-Left Groups Use Map Created by University Professors to Target Pregnancy Centers

Odd that the left is SO incensed at Justice Thomas, more so than at the other conservatives. Why is that?

Jesse Watters on the response to Dobbs.

Tucker Carlson the response to Dobbs.

Jonathan Turley urges calm: “What to Expect in a Post-Roe World

Jonathan Turley: “Crisis of Faith: Politicians and the Press Escalate Attacks on the Legitimacy of the Supreme Court” Those are your fellow Democrats, professor.

Judge rules NYC municipal voting law for noncitizens violates state constitution” Did they really not know when they passed this law? Was it all just theater?

Out of control.

FBI Raids Home of Retired Texas Couple Who Attended Jan. 6 Capitol Rally” Thugs.

The Astonishing Implications of Schedule F” President Trump’s nearly successful atttempt to overthrow the deep state.

Victor Davis Hanson – one of his best ever: “America Is More Fragile Than the Left Understands” “America’s bounty was predicated on each generation following the prompt of the prior, modulating when change was necessary, but not daring to tamper with the foundational principles and values that explained our singular wealth, power, and leisure. This generation in its arrogance tested fate. It felt itself smarter and morally superior to its betters of the past. It lost that wager and now we the public are paying for its foolishness. To destroy America as we have always known it, there was far less necessary to ruin than our elite believed. Like a stunned adolescent whose reckless incompetence totaled the family car, the Left seems shocked that America proved so fragile after all.” This one is a keeper.

Charles Hugh Smith: “The Age of Discord

Numbers 6:24-26

Good is called evil and evil is called good

Dr. Simone Gold, who has been trying to save our lives, was invited by Capitol Police to enter the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. She followed police directions, committing no violence and no vandalism. She spoke some words in support of medical freedom, and left when asked to do so. Now she has been sentenced to prison. It is beginning.

Pelosi Responsible For Jan. 6 Security Breakdown At U.S. Capitol” Will she be jailed?

U.S. coach stages dramatic rescue after swimmer faints in pool during world championships” A 25-year-old swimming athlete fainted in the pool and came close to drowning. I wonder what caused that faint? Any ideas?

Tragic: “Schoolboy, 14, collapses and dies in class 30 minutes after telling gran ‘I love you’” What on earth happened to him? At least he will never get CoVID.

The FDA’s “Future Framework” for Covid Vaccines Is a Reckless Plan” Apparently, they are going to streamline if not skip trials. Our lives do not matter to them.

A peculiar warning from the government regarding anticipated infant deaths. I wonder why?

Billionaire buys large portion of ND land, prompts letter from Attorney General” The billionaire in question is Bill Gates, America’s largest land-owner. What does he know?

Michael Snyder: “Rolling Blackouts, Higher Gas Prices, Natural Gas Rationing In Europe And A Historic Diesel Crisis

Summer Preview: Rolling Blackouts, Higher Gas Prices, Natural Gas Rationing In Europe And A Historic Diesel Crisis

Emerald Robinson: “Durham Played You For A Fool!” “John Durham and Bill Barr finally ran out of the clock on Spygate. Why are you surprised?” Excellent.

Philadelphia’s DA is too sophisticated to prosecute violent crime. “Woman Set on Fire in Philadelphia: ‘She’ll Never Have the Face She Was Born With’


Thugs. “Day 1 of the Abortionist Insurrection


Pre-born children resist being killed. Astonishing.

US Abortion Law Closely Aligns with China and North Korea Even After Roe v. Wade Decision” Europe is far stricter than America even after Dobbs.

‘I Lost Friends’: Former Rolling Stone Journalist [Matt Taibbi] Talks Reaction To Him Reviewing ‘What Is A Woman’” Thou shalt not think!

I’m afraid Don Jr. may have a point here.

This activist group warns us that much evidence from the 2020 election will be destroyed on September 4, 2022. If we want to discover what really happened in AZ, GA, MI, PA, and WI, it must be done before this deadline. Will the Republicans deliver?

Mayra Flores, whose slogan is “God, Family, and Country”, welcome to Congress – and good luck when you run again in November!

Mollie Hemingway: “Biden Is Hiding His Plan To Rig The 2022 Midterm Elections

DeSantis outperforms Trump against Biden in virtually every demographic, and improves the total conservative advantage by 8%.

Russia warns of ‘non-diplomatic’ response to Kaliningrad restrictions” Are they really going to fight all of Europe?

Thanks to Wolfie for this one: “TEXAS GOP Calls for Vote on SECESSION!!!“I link to the Texas National Movement near the bottom of the blog. It would be a good start, but other contiguous states need to join. The reaction to the SCOTUS ruling in Dobbs re-emphasizes that we cannot live together. 12 minutes.

Doug Casey: “Crashing Markets, Commodities, and What Happens Next

Egon von Greyerz: “CONCURRENT DEFLATION AND HYPERINFLATION WILL RAVAGE THE WORLD” “Before this bear market is over, the world will see 75-90% falls of stocks, bonds and other assets… A morally and financially bankrupt western world  has created this coming calamity, and we will now have to suffer the consequences. Sadly, this this is the only way that it can end. A rotten and debt infested system can only end in a calamity. Debts will implode and assets will implode. Society will not function nor will social security, pensions etc. This will create human suffering of a magnitude, which will be devastating for everyone. Global population will also come down dramatically. In the mid 1800s there were 1 billion people on earth with very slow growth for the previous thousands of years. Then population exploded over the next 170 years to 8 billion. A chart that look like a spike up normally always corrects up to 50% down. The reasons for a reduction of world population are obvious: Economic collapse, misery, famine, disease and wars.” Wow…

See you later!

Map: how abortion divides America

This will be a short post, to provide you with a map I just made showing states (light blue) that have strong pro-life laws or believed to be on the verge of enacting strong pro-life laws. The source is the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute:

The Guttmacher Institute says that 22 of these states have laws that pre-date Roe v. Wade, or have trigger laws (that would go into effect in the event of a decision like today’s decision), or ban abortion starting at six weeks. The remaining 4 of the 26 states (FL, IN, MT, NE) are believed to be prepared to enact partial or total bans.

There is a lot to discuss on this issue, which should be left for next week. I thought you would like to have the map, which correlates strongly with our current political realities.

Be on the lookout for political violence. The hooligans are handing out Justice Thomas’s home address. Thomas’s opinion stated that today’s decision, Hobbs, should cause a reconsideration of Obergefell (that claimed that the Constitution requires same-sex marriage). May we live to see that day!

See you next week.

The insurance industry is shining light into darkness

RED ALERT: “Fifth largest life insurance company in the US paid out 163% more for deaths of working people ages 18-64 in 2021” “Company cites “non-pandemic-related morbidity” and “unusual claims adjustments” in explanation of losses from group life insurance business”

Steve Kirsch: “The CDC says “severe reactions” to the COVID vaccines are rare. That’s not what we found.” “A new poll of Americans shows that 1% of people who get the jab (2M Americans over 18) are so seriously COVID vaccine injured that they are unable to hold a job.” Highlights:

  1. “Only 34% of the American public is buying the bullshit and taking the vax. This is why Dr. Peter Marks is so desperate to convince people to take the jab. They must have a lot of inventory they are trying to get rid of by injecting it into you. Dr. Marks will do anything except debate our team of experts (which now includes Dr. Clare Craig and Professor Norman Fenton, both of the HART group).
  2. >1% of vaccinated respondents reported they were so severely vaccine injured that they can’t hold a job
  3. >1% reported that they believe their injuries have shortened their lifespan
  4. Since there are 258M people over 18 in the US and 77.3% of the population has had at least one jab, this is roughly 200M jabbed Americans over 18. This means that roughly 2M Americans have been severely injured.
  5. 14% of the people surveyed said they were vaccine injured: this implies an estimate of over 25M Americans with a vaccine injury that required a doctor or hospital visit (=258M * .14*.8).
  6. Since only 77% are vaccinated, a 14% overall rate of vaccine injury is an 18% rate of injury if you were vaccinated (14%/.77).
  7. 200M people 18 and over who are vaccinated*(.18 injury rate) = 36M vaccine injured people
  8. 23% of the households have a vaccine injured person
  9. 33% of the extended families have a vaccine injured person
  10. In 80% of the cases where there was a vaccine injury, there was either a doctor visit(s) or hospital stay(s) or both.
  11. Nearly 50% of the injured are still impacted today.”

Look at the mindset – unbelievable: “So my mom’s very dear friend called me tonight to tell me that her cancer came back. She was diagnosed over 20 years ago and has been cancer-free. I asked her did you get boosted she said yes, I already knew she was vaccinated. She said don’t start asking me these questions. What does that have to do with anything? They now found cancer all over her uterus and it’s now spreading to her body. You think it’s from the vaccine?  She was perfectly fine all these years before getting vaccinated. It makes me so sad she will probably end up dying.”

They are coming after the children.

Steve Kirsch again: “Young people dying in their sleep is now happening on a regular basis” “Here’s the latest victim. I wonder what the cause is? It only started happening after the vaccines rolled out, and it’s ONLY happening to vaccinated people. The CDC refuses to investigate.”

Do not trust the “experts”: “Most healthcare interventions tested in Cochrane Reviews are not effective according to high quality evidence: a systematic review and meta-analysis!

Vaccination Increases Risk of COVID-19 Infection, But Infection Without Vaccination Gives Immunity” Why do they do it?

Food for thought.

Governor DeSantis, with God’s help the next president of the United States, defying the injection bullies.

Please share. This is extremely alarming – a looming shortage of diesel and engine oil. For your leftist relatives, friends, neighbors, and colleagues, food does not magically appear on the shelves of Whole Foods. This is a thread with four brief videos.

Michael Snyder: “What Is Your Plan To Make It Through The Worst Global Food Crisis In Any Of Our Lifetimes?” This article includes an outstanding list of 50 essential items for prepping.

What Is Your Plan To Make It Through The Worst Global Food Crisis In Any Of Our Lifetimes?

Is this really just coincidence? “Here’s 96 Examples of Food Shortages Being CREATED in Past Year

Jeffrey Tucker: “At the Military Olympics, October 2019, Wuhan, China, Athletes Caught Covid” That is before the official start of the pandemic. What gives?

‘I literally lost organs:’ Why detransitioned teens regret changing genders” “When Chloe was 12 years old, she decided she was transgender. At 13, she came out to her parents. That same year, she was put on puberty blockers and prescribed testosterone. At 15, she underwent a double mastectomy. Less than a year later, she realized she’d made a mistake — all by the time she was 16 years old.”

The military has been infiltrated: “West Point cadets taught critical race theory, including addressing ‘whiteness’” If a foreign nation did this with domestic assistance, we would call it treason.

A nice quiet suburban community: “Parents Find Critical Race Theory Training Material in Pennsylvania School That Denies Teaching CRT

Mental health… Was the franchise expanded too far?

Good news for religious freedom and school choice.

Good news: “CEOs Start to Push Back Against ‘Woke’ Employee Bullying

Rep. Matt Gaetz: Biden’s IRS Spent Approximately $700,000 on Ammo ‘Between March and June 1’” Because self-defense against the government, or against your neighbor, is racist, or something. Nothing to worry about here, I’m sure.

Mark Levin: “‘In Many Ways, We Live in a Post-Constitutional America’ — Says 1/6 Committee ‘Major Participant’ in Demise” Great monologue, with transcript. No solutions offered.

Do you remember Belgian psychologist Dr. Mattias Desmet and his concept of “mass formation psychosis”? He is now out with a book on the topic: “The Psychology of Totalitarianism“. It is #1 on Amazon for politics of privacy & surveillance – and it only came out today! Sure to make leftist heads explode.

Texas ‘Triple Threat’ Leads Hispanic Voters’ Seismic Shift Toward GOP” As America’s most numerous minority, this endangers the success of the Democrats’ race-baiting philosophy of governance. Latinos and Asians are awakening.

Daniel Greenfield: “A Permanent Shortage of Everything

I have to ask – did anyone see this? “Epic alignment of 5 planets, moon to peak after summer solstice” Apparently, it’s only visible in the early morning, near the eastern horizon, before sunrise, around 5:00 AM. I am not up that early… You can see Mercury, Venus, the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn – yes, in order! Very cool.

49 seconds of humor from Senator Ted Cruz.

36 seconds that will put a smile on your face!

See you later!

They hate the good for being good

These words from the atheist Ayn Rand summarize the hatred the demonic left, under the control of their totalitarian id, has for those of us capable of self-governance. Believe me, I know from personal experience, the hatred one receives from “tolerant” leftist family members who flout so many of the laws that God, our Redeemer, gave us as a gift at Mount Sinai.

The latest victim of this persecution is the noble Dr. Simone Gold, founder of American Frontline Doctors, who committed the intolerable crime of saving lives during the pandemic, and of standing up for the Constitution on January 6, 2021. Now she has been sentenced to prison. Violent leftist insurrectionists need have no fear of the same punishment.

The Loss of Equal Protection

Politicizing medicine: FBI/DOJ/Court jail Dr Simone Gold for trespass

Good luck with this suggestion.

The hag clarifies: half of the country, winning an election, constitutes “a danger to democracy”, in which the word “democracy” is defined to mean “our gang wins all the time no matter what the common people say”.

Kavanaugh neighbor describes ‘horrific’ experience dealing with ‘aggressive’ pro-choice protesters” Rent-a-mob will not be prosecuted for their crimes – and they really are specific federal crimes. Garland and Wray must be impeached in January, 2023, for dereliction of duty; Biden as well.

Florida woman who found Ashley Biden’s diary in ‘halfway house’ is under FBI investigation for SELLING the journal in which president’s daughter recalled ‘showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate)’ and details of her drug and sex addiction” Recall that the DOJ, FBI, and the IC (intelligence community) are the enforcement arm for the deep state establishment. No “equal justice under law” here.

Biden to ban ‘conversion therapy’ for gender identity” The president is not a king. He needs to go to Congress to pass a law, a law that is constitutional. This will go to court.

Dr. Jordan Peterson: “We are sacrificing our children on the altar of a brutal, far-Left ideology” “The medical profession is crumbling in response to radical transgender activists”

Babylon Bee: “Spelling Bee Contestant Asks the Definition of ‘Woman’

The thought police are alive and well in the White House.

At last: “Mountain Lakes school district discriminates against white students: lawsuit

Their lives don’t matter, it seems.

Well played, Senator Dr. Paul, well played.

Canadian man one of the first to be awarded compensation for his vaccine injuries. Look and share.

Alarming New Data Confirms COVID Vaccine Link to Fatal Brain Disorder” – CJD, which is short for Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Laypeople call it “mad cow disease”, surely one of the most terrifying forms of death there is. And my professor colleagues are eagerly falling all over themselves to get the fourth injection.

Terrible, Fatal Brain Disease Linked to COVID Vaccines” Read and share.

From the lovely Valerie Sobel: “Unlike Ukraine, Russia is exempt from the list of most-wanted antisemites” A nice reminder of history.

Crazy Lady Loses It on Religious Right After Paying $98 to Fill Up Her Tank” The madness is off the charts! Is the “religious right” in power now? I assume she voted for Biden, and he is fulfilling his campaign promise to wreck American energy production. She voted for this and is now shocked at the results! What??? 1.5 minutes.

Our Economy In a Nutshell” “The economy has reached an inflection point where everything that is unsustainable finally starts unraveling.

Michael Snyder: ““The Economy Is Going To Collapse” – Here Are 18 Signs That The Economic Meltdown We Have Been Waiting For Has Already Begun

“The Economy Is Going To Collapse” – Here Are 18 Signs That The Economic Meltdown We Have Been Waiting For Has Already Begun

A friend sent me this great video: “Gold is acting as a true safe haven despite a calamity in general stock market and crypto space” It demonstrates why the Fed is in a real box – and why a historic economic collapse may be approaching.

From the Gallup poll: “Belief in God in U.S. Dips to 81%, a New Low” I daresay the graph of declining belief in God correlates with other graphs: increasing crime, broken families, and so on. Psalms 111:10: “The beginning of wisdom is reverence for the Lord”.

Mises: “The Great Reset: Turning Back the Clock on Civilization” Yes, indeed: killing the Enlightenment. “The covid-19 pandemic featured an unprecedented fusion of the interests of large and powerful corporations with the power of the state. Democratically elected politicians in many countries failed to represent the interests of their own citizens and uphold their own constitutions and charters of rights. Specifically, they supported lockdown measures, vaccine mandates, the suppression of a variety of early treatment options, the censorship of dissenting views, propaganda, interference in the private spheres of individuals, and the suspension of various forms of freedom. All of these policies and measures were centrally designed by the social engineers of the pandemic. Globalists, who are obsessed with societal control, decided to take advantage of the pandemic in order to increase their authoritarian power.”

See you later!