Category Archives: Americana

The three most powerful words

A rabbi wrote an article about relationships, teasingly entitled “The three most powerful words in a relationship”. Of course, the reader expects that those words are the romantic, “I love you”. No, that was not what the author intended. The three words were either “I was wrong” or “I am sorry” (it has been a while; I cannot recall).

It will take a lot to get to that point, in regard to the devastating consequences of religious leadership on CoVID. I have spoken to an activist with a real track-record of accomplishment in outreach and education in the Orthodox Jewish community regarding the dangers of the injections. She hopes to get Jewish religious leaders to sign onto a statement that will reverse the suicidal drift of portions of our community. In turn, that will require many such leaders to acknowledge the profound harm they have caused. Can they say “I was wrong; I am sorry” before it is too late?

Baltimore Jewish community injection campaign administered by George Soros” Finishing the job he left incomplete 77 years ago.

Doctor pushing COVID shots on religious Jewish children admits lack of confidence in jab

The following chart comes from Our World In Data. It compares the performance of high vaccination and low vaccination countries on deaths and cases. The low vaccination countries, India and Tanzania, had low morbidity and mortality, compared to Australia, Israel, and the USA. Moreover, in Israel’s case, one can clearly see, as bright as day, that the spike in new cases and even deaths came after the vaccination campaigns.

I believe I shared the trailers, but not the full video, for the Canadian documentary “Uninformed Consent“. 2 hours 10 minutes. Watching the thugs in police uniforms beating the elderly and gleefully spraying their eyes is infuriating. This what the left wants for you.

Steve Kirsch: “My interviews with Ryan Cole, Deb Conrad, and Gina Doane: Why aren’t docs seeing vax deaths?” “Want to know why nobody is seeing any deaths from the vaccine? It’s because they aren’t looking! Duh! These two 90 minute interviews will explain it in detail.”

Dr. Robert Malone: “Sounding the Alarm: Normalizing the Jab with Lies” ‘Endless mRNA vaccines are in the works, as the CDC and FDA play “hide the data”‘ Meanwhile, you are the fool for failing to inject yourself with a novel experimental technology…!

“Covid Is Here to Stay,” CDC Concedes After Two Years Of Orwellian Hysteria” “About two and a half years after the draconian Covid “response” began, as the American public’s patience is running thin heading into mid-terms, the CDC has finally changed its tune on the virus.” That is ONLY because of the approach of the mid-term elections. The week after the election, expect the lockdowns and mandates to return.

Another young Canadian doctor dead. At least he will never get CoVID!

Thank God for web archive! “Covid Jab Cover-Up: CDC Quietly Removes Sentence Claiming ‘mRNA & Spike Protein’ Don’t Last Long In Body” No explanation. It never said that! Oh yes it did.

Brave: “Time to assume that health research is fraudulent until proven otherwise?

Sir, do you not have a brain?

Michael Snyder: “A Horrifying Drought Is Causing Widespread Crop Failures Throughout The United States And Europe

A Horrifying Drought Is Causing Widespread Crop Failures Throughout The United States And Europe

Snyder again: “People Are Going To Go Absolutely Insane When Food Prices Double Or Triple From Current Levels

People Are Going To Go Absolutely Insane When Food Prices Double Or Triple From Current Levels

H/T Nitzakhon: “A parasitological evaluation of edible insects and their role in the transmission of parasitic diseases to humans and animals

The Great Reset lunatics: “You WILL Eat the Bugs: Major Brands Quietly Slipping Insects Into Your Food” Cricket flour and cricket protein. Read the labels of everything you buy! This is a must! This junk could make you very sick!

Friendly tip for Christian readers… The article linked above gives just one example of why observant Jews look for kosher labels when they are food shopping, because the Torah prohibits consumption of insects (other than locusts…). The kosher symbol, called a hechsher, can be thought of as a type of quality control, an inspection, for food. Here are the big four. There are others out there if you are interested.

There are more movies out regarding the 2020 election steal. The Deep Rig was produced by Patrick Byrne. Selection Code has posted a trailer and the full movie should be available next week.

Support for the J6 political prisoners.

Remember: “20 Federal ‘Assets’ Embedded at Capitol on Jan. 6, Defense Attorney Claims

Trump Raid Warrant, Receipts Make No Mention Of ‘Nuclear Weapons’” Does anyone care? As lawyers say, you cannot unring a bell.

Missouri AG Questions Need for Potentially Armed IRS Army” #MeToo. MTG says that using the “Fair Tax” rather than the income tax eliminates the need for the IRS. That is an increasingly powerful argument for the Fair Tax.

Former FBI Agent Says Mar-a-Lago Raid Was Government’s Attempt to ‘Embarrass’ Trump” The only people they embarrassed were themselves, and they are incapable of embarrassment, because they are brazen.

Reporter Paul Sperry, banned from Twitter: Hillary conspired with the National Archives to provoke this raid.

Trump Raid: DOJ Allegedly Seized Privileged Attorney-Client Materials” Illegal, but everything is permitted to get Trump.

Turley: “Justice Department Accused of Taking Attorney-Client Material at Mar-a-Lago

Turley again: “Why the Case Against Donald Trump Remains Incomplete

The FBI Is Now the Federal Bureau of Intimidation” Have I not been saying this?

Don Surber: “In March, [Trump] filed a RICO lawsuit that says Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee form a Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization. They created the Russiagate Hoax to discredit and undermine his presidency. This really was an attempted coup and sedition. He filed it in federal court. In Florida.” Now you understand why they did the raid, right? Smart!

Look at the Hispanic number!

She knows!

Jim Jordan has 14 FBI whistleblowers. 14?! Is that all?

FBI barricades headquarters in DC” A little drama, in preparation for a false flag. First they barricaded the Capitol, now the FBI. How must the government be mistreating the people if they are so desperately terrified of the people?

Similar theme: “FBI Is Terrified After Mar-a-Lago Raid Backfires, Now Obsessively Combing Through Social Media Profiles for ‘Signs of Agitation’

Rand Paul Moves to Pull Rug Out from Under DOJ, Leave Them with Nothing Usable from Mar-a-Lago Raid” Repealing the Espionage Act.

Minneapolis teachers union contract calls for layoffs of white teachers first” Illegal, but what judge would block this? Do you want ANTIFA hunting you down the rest of your life and harassing you and your family? You understand that government is refusing to enforce the law, don’t you?

So Much for Privilege: White Working Class Boys to Fall Even Further Behind In Education” Did they have it coming to them?

Turley: “Oberlin Faces New Controversy over Islamic Scholar’s Support of the Rushdie Fatwa” Had the scholar been a (heavy breathing) Christian conservative, imagine the uproar! Imagine – an evangelical!!! Of course, an evangelical would not have endorsed such a document, but who cares about details?

Rachel Campos-Duffy: “Communists Attack Religion, They Have to Get Rid of It” 2 minutes.

French conservatives slam push by Macron’s deputy to legalize voting for all foreigners in municipal elections” Coming soon to a “progressive” city or state near you. Once that happens, the nation is dead. Congratulations; you are now a global citizen.

Pennsylvania Grandmother Celebrates 100th Great-Grandchild: ‘I Always Wanted a Big Family’” I love it because it enrages the left.

See you later!

Beyond Antares

Goodbye, Nichelle Nichols. I always loved this song from the original Star Trek.

Igor Chudov: “Boosters Now PROMOTE Covid Deaths in Europe” The analysis in this article is ingenious. Chudov examines 29 European countries and the relation between injection rates and CoVID death rates during 3 time periods: Jan-Mar 2022, Mar-May 2022, and Jun-Jul 2022. His finding is subtle. The relation is negative (the injections really are protective) in Jan-Mar 2022; the relation is neutral (the injections neither help nor hurt) in Mar-May 2022; the relation is positive (the injections are harmful) in Jun-Jul 2022. He explains “immune tolerance” and concludes: “The main takeaway is that boosters now mean increased deaths. I expect this to get worse and worse over time, due to reinfections taking people down gradually, and the virus taking advantage of the useless booster antibodies. Significant increases in total mortality are likely to happen.

Emerald Robinson: “Why Is The CDC Hiding Excess Death Data?” “There’s 50,000 Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) & cancer deaths that have gone missing” Here is the issue. We can argue about someone’s cause of death until the cows come home: was it CoVID, was it the injection, was it something else… The best epidemiological tool we have is the time series of all causes deaths. Nevertheless, we have seen that deaths due to “unknown causes” have increased. Ms. Robinson addresses the issues. This one is extremely important. “The number of “non natural cause” deaths in America has skyrocketed so much that the CDC has simply stopped processing the data. In fact, the CDC stopped updating cancer deaths in Week 50 of 2021. Researchers who use the CDC’s “mortality statistics” cannot access the data at all.

UK: “Covid Vaccines Give Zero Protection Against Death, ONS Data Suggest” Is it possible they cause death?

UK: “Excess Non-Covid Deaths Top 10,000 in Last 12 Weeks – But Government Refuses to Investigate Why” Could it be intentional?

Big legal problem: “Mom sues LAUSD after she says son was vaccinated without her consent, suffered side effects” How likely is a court to support family over “THE experts”?

Triathlete, 27, becomes 5th [Greater Toronto Area] doctor to die in July” (Actually within a 2-week period) At least she didn’t get CoVID!

Make that six.


40 seconds without blinking? That takes some powerful medication…

Hypocrisy, thy name is Democrat.

Thou shalt not think: “Wikipedia Editors Feverishly Change Article on Recessions to Match Biden Talking Points” You see, the old definition is not supported by “reliable sources”. What are “reliable sources”? Those who have decided the outcome in the way we have chosen.

Illinois: “Mother Loses Custody of Daughter for Refusing Transgender Status: ‘She Is a Girl’” Science deniers.

We must fight back against health care’s terrifying conquest by the radically woke” Med schools are being infected by critical racism theory and gender ideology. It’s more important than anatomy and physiology.

This is extremely important. Pause on this one. Share it.

Wannabe Kavanaugh Assassin Claimed He Was “Shooting For 3” SCOTUS Justices” Is he a community activist?

UCLA student Brianna Kupfer stabbed 26 times during murder” Cultural enrichment, because only some lives matter. Gorgeous girl, but it would be racist to mourn her passing.

Oh, so this is what the FBI is so busy with.

Your FBI at work.

It’s OK when we do it. “Peter [Doocy] – why is the Biden administration building a border wall in Arizona- Is this racist!”

Bet these people (the elites) are not prosecuted: “73 Illegal Immigrants Found In Homes Operated By Human Smugglers In Affluent Part Of Washington, D.C.

Michael Anton: “They Can’t Let Him Back In” The elites are so frantically opposed to Trump that they will do ANYTHING – WHATEVER – IT – TAKES – to prevent his return. “The people who really run the United States of America have made it clear that they can’t, and won’t, if they can help it, allow Donald Trump to be president again. …while Trump’s core MAGA agenda is decidedly not outside the historic bipartisan mainstream, it is well outside the present regime’s core interests. Our rulers’ wealth and power rise with open borders, trade giveaways, and endless war. Trump, at least in principle, and often in practice, threatens all three. The old America—the one in which Republicans cared about the heartland and weren’t solely valets to corporate power, Democrats were pro-worker and anti-war, and Bill Clinton and The New York Times could advocate border security—is in the process of being replaced, if it hasn’t already been, by one in which there is only one acceptable opinion on not just these, but all other issues. Anti-Trump hysteria is in the final analysis not about Trump. The regime can’t allow Trump to be president not because of who he is (although that grates), but because of who his followers are. That class…must not be allowed representation by candidates who might implement their preferences, which also, and above all, must not be allowed. The rubes have no legitimate standing to affect the outcome of any political process, because of who they are, but mostly because of what they want. Complaints about the nature of Trump are just proxies for objections to the nature of his base. It doesn’t help stabilize our already twitchy situation that those who bleat the loudest about democracy are also audibly and visibly determined to deny a real choice to half the country. “No matter how you vote, you will not get X”—whether X is a candidate or a policy—is guaranteed to increase discontent with the present regime. People I have known for 30 years, many of whom still claim the label “conservative,” will no longer speak to me—because I supported Trump, yes, but also because I disagree on trade, war, and the border. They call not just my positions, but me personally, unadulterated evil.” Well done.

The government’s war continues against the people who grow our food.


Recent Warming is Not Unusual as Temperature Spikes Within Decades Have Occurred Regularly Over the Last 150 Million Years” So that is not Trump’s fault?

See you later!

RIP, Jim Seals

We may never pass this way again…

Edward Dowd provides the sources; this was planned. Look at this and tell me how I misunderstood it. “It’s just a coincidence, just like Event 201!”

Karl Denninger: “Took The Jabs? Welcome To Hell” The jabs make you more likely to get sick! “WHILE I AM SICK, I AM GRATEFUL FOR THE PROTECTION MY VACCINE CONTINUES TO PROVIDE”

COVID Vaccine Blood Clot Issue ‘May Be in the Hundreds,’ but ‘Heart Issue Is in the Thousands’

Co-authored by Dr. Stephanie Seneff and Dr. Peter McCullough: “Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs” The CoVID injections “…potentially have a causal link to neurodegenerative disease, myocarditis, immune thrombocytopenia, Bell’s palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, impaired DNA damage response and tumorigenesis.” Are you paying attention yet?!

Emerald Robinson: “John Roberts Breaks The Silence About Vaccine Injuries” Emerald is one of the brave ones. The stories related here are dreadful.

Nitzakhon: “Dark Thoughts in the Small Hours” Exceptionally good.

Dr. Robert Malone: “Monkey Pox” “Truth versus fearporn.”

The Infamous Wuhan Lab Recently Assembled Monkeypox Strains Using Methods Flagged For Creating ‘Contagious Pathogens’” I’m shocked!

Shocking Public Resignation: ‘Never Have I Been So Ashamed Of My Country’ Says Russian Diplomat” “I simply cannot any longer share in this bloody, witless and absolutely needless ignominy.” I hope he will be the first of many.

America the Miserable” “Misery loves company. And unfortunately for America, the merchants of misery will be in charge for a long time.” All the while, you are expected to affirm that you are happy!

White Nationalism? Are You Kidding Me?” “Imagine a child going to school and being taught the need to apologize for his very skin color. You think that won’t bring out the crazy in at least a few of them?”

Jonathan Turley: “NSTA Guide Advises Against the Use of “Parent,” “Male,” Female,” “Mother” and “Father”

Destroying innocence. Say the words with me: “pervert”; “perverse”; “perversion”.

This is the left. Do not tell me they are ignorant. This is evil.

Young Americans Don’t Know ANYTHING!” This is why they have to take arithmetic in college, and why we have a trade deficit, and why the border is open, and why the country is run for the benefit of perverts.

Covid was liberalism’s endgame” “Liberal individualism has an innate tendency towards authoritarianism” It’s for your own good!

More regarding possible malfeasance at the Census Bureau, as we discussed recently: “Why Did Biden Census Bureau Add 2.5 Million More Residents to Blue-State Population Count?

Census Bureau Undercounted 5 Red States, Overcounted 6 Blue States

Was Census Count Rigged, Too? Texas, Tennessee, Florida May Have Been Robbed of Congressional Seats

‘We’re in a crisis’: Farmers sound alarm over coming food shortage

A food insecurity expert predicts that there’s only 10 weeks of wheat supplies left in the world as Russian invasion disrupts production

Jennifer Zeng: “【Top Secret Recording】 War Mobilization Meeting of the Southern War Zone of the PLA: Guangdong Province in The State of War” PLA = People’s Liberation Army (China). Guangdong = Canton (southern province).

Cattle Supply and Demand Issues for the 2022 Marketing Year

Peter Schiff: “The Recession Is Already Here and It Won’t Be Mild

International Man: “A surprising benefit to owning gold– especially now

15 Items Every Prepper Should Horde for SHTF” 14 minutes.

Great Reset- What do they think of people who will live in the country?” Notice the agonized warning on YouTube. 14 minutes.

Ohio Amish Barn Raising” These will be the survivors. We may well live to see the meek inherit the earth. It will be a better place.

See you soon!

Memorial Day, 2022

Independence Day and Veterans Day are hard every year; the nation they honor has passed away. Memorial Day, however, is more tragic.

We pause to remember those who gave their lives in patriotic sincerity. They died to give others the blessings of life and liberty. I do not know how much they suspected about their leaders and their fellow countrymen, but I find it hard to argue that we are worthy of their ultimate sacrifice.

Many times I have read the comments of surviving veterans, or the children of veterans who passed away, who look at the social landscape of America and question, “What was I fighting for?”

The three foundations of America are God and His Bible; the Declaration of Independence; and the Constitution. We have turned our backs willfully on all three.

Every day I see evidence that this country has gone stark, raving mad, calling good evil and evil good, and more are openly embracing Satanism. The border is wide open; our election was stolen; corruption succeeds; the rights to speak, to worship, and to defend oneself are in jeopardy; violent criminals have their way; the elites are stoking race and sex wars; children are seduced by perverts as parents are punished for resisting; doctors are punished for saving people’s lives; scientists are punished for original thoughts; the world’s food supply is being destroyed to satisfy the nightmarish plans of a sweater-wearing billionaire… Have I left anything out?

If I had a teenage or young adult child, I could not in good conscience advise him or her to enter the military to defend the cultural marxist kleptocratic perverted elites. I grieve for the lives lost on the battlefield – and after the battlefield – with the hope of keeping a republic. We let them down.

The best thing we can do to honor their memory is to prepare ourselves to start over. We can do that in one of two ways, perhaps both.

  1. Secession. We have discussed that before. The maps are on the right side of the blog; the links are at the bottom.
  2. Foundation. This is said in the spirit of Isaac Asimov’s Foundation trilogy, in which a group of scholars warned the Galactic Emperor of the impending fall of the empire. They proposed creating a foundation to preserve knowledge, thereby shortening the anticipated dark ages.

In either case, the goal must be a true conservatism: conserving something, namely, Judeo-Christian Western civilization. If we can do that, perhaps our fallen comrades can be proud of us.

Society requires memory

Alas, Mrs. Surak was not feeling well enough to travel today. We have postponed our plans. But I will still share some pictures with you, as I promised!

This region is within the boundaries of the USA. It is a little bit different from Baltimore, Berkeley, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, New York City, Philadelphia, Portland, St. Louis, San Francisco, Seattle, Washington DC, and the like.

Here are some of the people.

They live as most of our ancestors lived up until about 200 years ago. They work very hard six days per week, producing much of the food we eat. They then devote one day per week to the worship of almighty God. They are very productive, self-reliant, and close-knit. As in many religious communities, those who dare to question and to leave are “shunned”.

Could you live like that now? Your ancestors did. If there were an electromagnetic pulse weapon directed at the USA, their lives would continue mostly unaware. They would survive more easily than you.

Would you live like that now? Should you live like that now? Their educational level goes up to the eighth grade, I believe. My mind could not accept such constraints. I hunger to know the architecture of God’s mind (logic, mathematics) and the glory of His universe (science, history, philosophy). I revel in the beauty uncovered by musicians and artists. I cannot be satisfied merely to labor.

Yesterday, I offered you an introductory interview with Alexander Dugin: I do not want to make too much out of Mr. Dugin, but in a time of social collapse, I open my mind to those who have questioned the basic foundations of our society.

As I recall, Dugin and others distinguish between two types of societies. One type, with which we are more familiar, lives closer to the sea, engages more in foreign trade, engages in more intellectual speculation, and is more comfortable altering the parameters of its life. Here, we might be referring to coastal America, Britain, Greece and Rome, and so on.

The other type of society is more continental, more inland, more insulated from outside influences, more traditional, and less willing to change. Presumably Russia is the archetype of such a society. These two types of society are destined to conflict.

Dugin pushes further and identifies the stable societies as those characterized by an ethnos: a specific cultural-ethnic-linguistic identity. China, India, Japan, and Russia all have that distinctive character. So did Britain, France, Germany, and Italy until the late 20th century.

A society does not need to be 100% ethnically pure in order to have a dominant culture, provided assimilation is demanded of immigrants, and the dominant culture is respected by minorities. Once that demand and that respect are declared “racist” (but only in some countries!), that society’s cohesiveness is dead, and it is but a matter of time until the country itself fractures.

I love to visit the area pictured above. I feel calmer and more grounded. Yet my intellect needs to continue to work and to strive upward. In such times, I think a lot about a particular Psalm.

A Song of Maalot [the Temple steps] of David. Lord, my heart is not haughty, nor my eyes lofty; nor do I exercise myself in great matters, or in things too high for me. Surely I have behaved and quieted myself, like a child who is weaned from his mother; my soul is like a weaned child. Let Israel hope in the Lord from this time forth and for evermore.

Psalm 131

I think this may be the secret of the people in the pictures above.

(picture credits: Wikipedia,