Monthly Archives: August 2020

The Suicide of the West: Culture Matters – Culturism, Islam, and the West

To paraphrase Dr. John Kenneth Press, the author of “Culturism,” focusing on the lavender cluster of countries is most certainly not racism, but rather culturism. Indeed, the east Asian group nicely complements the Western group in this cluster, while Israel is the root from which the Western group grew.

Both in America and in Europe, immigration policy is central in current political discussions. Outside of Western civilization, it is universally acknowledged that every society has the right to perpetuate itself. Only within Western civilization is it argued that the society must destroy itself in order to accommodate hostile invaders, and as penance for perceived sins of the past.

Immigration policy should not be determined by the country of an immigrant’s current residence or birthplace, or even that of his or her ancestors. However, it should be determined by the culture with which that immigrant affiliates. Islam correlates strongly negatively with values cherished within Western civilization and throughout the lavender cluster. The scatterplots and trend lines below display the relation between increased Muslim population[1] in a country, and levels of freedom, terrorism, and female genital mutilation.

Islam is very strongly associated with a drastic decline in freedom, and a drastic increase in terrorism and female genital mutilation. The points far from the trend lines do not disprove this main point.

In the first plot, the points in the lower left corner are communist countries with few Muslims.

In the second plot, the high terrorism in some countries with low Muslim populations is still often committed by Muslims; the rising trend line merely reflects the support jihadists find in societies with higher Muslim populations, and the willingness of Muslims to attack their own.

In the third plot, all countries with substantial female genital mutilation also have substantial Muslim populations.

Below, we plot the aggregate cultural score that was used to create the first map as a function of the Muslim percentage of the population. There is a significant negative association between the Muslim percentage of the population and positive, life-affirming cultural values.

Cultures, even religions, change over time. In the wake of World War II, Shintoism was forcibly reformed by the conquerors to remove the Japanese emperor as a deity. It may be that the jihad imperative embedded into Islam will finally force the world into a war against militant Islam. If Islam survives such a war, it must condemn and renounce the violent Medinan suras, the Sunna, jihad, female genital mutilation, rape, burqas and niqabs, relying only on the more tolerant Meccan suras.


The Suicide of the West: Culture Matters – Clusters of countries

Rather than limiting ourselves to one aggregate score, however, we can determine groups of countries that have mostly similar scores, on a scale from 0 to 100, in the nine outcomes discussed above, by using cluster analysis. The results for the 143 countries fall most naturally into seven clusters, shown in the map below. (The number of clusters was chosen on the basis of a technical statistical criterion, balancing the competing needs of minimizing the number of clusters, while maximizing the amount of variability between clusters explained by the partition.)

The rose cluster has an exceptionally high female genital mutilation rate, and exceptionally low economic freedom and literacy. Average score: 9.5.

The pumpkin cluster has an exceptionally low political freedom score, and exceptionally unbalanced sex ratios (the east Slavic group has not enough men, while the Arabian group has not enough women). Average score: 10.9.

The custard cluster has the highest fertility rate. Average score: 16.2.

The avocado cluster has an exceptionally high terrorism rate. Average score: 40.8.

The blueberry cluster has an exceptionally high murder rate (especially the “northern triangle” central American group). Average score: 41.3.

The sky cluster does not represent any extremes among the clusters. Average score: 41.9.

The remaining countries, the lavender cluster, have an average score of 73.5.

The highest homicide rates per 100,000 population are in countries that are in Central America, northern South America, the Caribbean, and sub-Saharan Africa.

The highest marks on the Global Terrorism Index on a scale of 0 to 10 are in countries most of which are either majority Muslim or are confronting a Muslim insurgency.

The lowest scores from the Freedom in the World report on a scale of 0 to 100 are in countries that are either majority Muslim, communist, recently communist, or sub-Saharan African.

The highest prevalence of female genital mutilation is in countries that are all African; most are majority Muslim.

The lowest literacy rates are in countries most of which are sub-Saharan African. In all these countries, female literacy is sharply lower than male literacy. In Niger, the female literacy rate is 11.0%.

The most unbalanced fertility ratios are in countries most of which are sub-Saharan African.

The most unbalanced sex ratios are in countries that are mostly either majority Muslim or part of the former Soviet Union.

The lavender cluster has the lowest murder and suicide rates, the lowest terrorism rate, the highest political and economic freedom, and the highest literacy. To the rational mind, the lavender cluster is the most desirable place to live. Its average aggregate cultural score of 73.5 is well above the world average of 44.7. Unfortunately, it also has the highest public debt ratio and the lowest fertility rate.

The lavender cluster includes what is generally thought of as Western civilization: most of Europe west of the former Soviet Union, the three Baltic states, Cyprus, Georgia, and Armenia; the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Moreover, it contains three Latin American countries (Chile, Costa Rica, and Uruguay); Israel; three east Asian tigers (Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan); and an African country, Ghana.

The statistical algorithm that constructs these clusters finds that the United States most closely resembles the United Kingdom; this pair most closely resembles Ireland; this trio most closely resembles Israel; this tetrad most closely resembles a group of countries including Canada, Japan, and much of continental Europe; this enlarged group then merges with a group of countries including Australia, New Zealand, and much of Scandinavia; and so on.

The Suicide of the West: Culture Matters – A cultural values index

We shall focus on nine outcomes that are more or less objectively quantifiable for most countries, outcomes that express values cherished in the West in general, and in America in particular. These fall mostly under the headings of life, liberty, and property. Data was collected during 2015 from sources identified in parentheses.

Life: murder rate and suicide rate (World Health Organization, UN Office of Drugs and Crime); terrorism (Institute for Economics and Peace: Global Terrorism Index)

Liberty: political rights and civil liberties (Freedom House: Freedom in the World[1], based on compliance with Universal Declaration of Human Rights); female genital mutilation rate (UNICEF)

Property: economic freedom (Heritage Foundation, Wall Street Journal: Index of Economic Freedom[2]); public debt as percentage of GDP (CIA Factbook[3])

Other: literacy rate (CIA Factbook); fertility rate (CIA Factbook[4]); sex ratio (CIA Factbook)

If reliable international statistics on rape had been available, they would have been added to the study.

There are other quantifiable measures contributing to quality of life, such as life expectancy and per capita income (purchasing power parity). However, these quantities are less subject to individual control than the ones indicated above: hence, are less indicative of cultural values.

Each outcome is transformed to a score between 0 and 100. The results are combined to create an aggregate cultural score for each country. The aggregate score is computed in such a way that it is difficult to achieve a high score without scoring highly in each component category. In other words, a single low category score causes a heavy penalty in the aggregate score.

The 143 countries in this study were chosen mostly on the basis of large population or GDP, and a few on the basis of large area, with the intention of including the vast majority of the world’s population, economy, and area. A map of the results appears below. The highest quality of life is enjoyed towards the purple end of the spectrum, while the lowest quality of life occurs towards the red end of the spectrum. Countries and territories not included in the study are shown in gray.

Following the map is a table of country scores. The scores for each country are given in the table below. Small differences in relative rankings are not important; large differences in overall scores are.

A glance at the map above reveals that the countries with the lowest scores are almost exclusively Muslim, African, communist or former communist, or Central American.

The UN Development Programme publishes a Human Development Index (HDI)[5] comprised of three components: life expectancy, average educational level, and per capita income (purchasing power parity – that is, adjusted to local prices). The graph below demonstrates that these other quality of life variables, as mentioned earlier, do correlate positively with the aggregate cultural score above. In other words, cultural values do have a tangible, material association with a better life.






Culture, race, and the rules of this blog

The purposes of this blog include exploration of the differences between cultures, the superiority of Western civilization, what the left is, how the left threatens Western civilization, why the West is reluctant to defend itself, how the West can save itself, and some outline of a peaceful separation between the West and the left.

There are many common beliefs shared by the mainstream left and the far right. Among these is the belief that culture is synonymous with race. This is how the old Democrat party was able to move so smoothly from its pre-Civil War advocacy of racial segregation, through its post-Civil War advocacy of racial segregation, to its modern progressive advocacy of – you guessed it – racial segregation. It makes perfect sense that a well-known leader of the KKK would endorse a well-known leftist agitator in Congress, saying that she is his favorite Congressperson, despite her being black and Muslim.

Diversity of cultures is deadly for a society, and we shall present quantitative evidence to support this position later in this blog. Diversity of ethnicity, however, need not entail diversity of culture, provided that society commits to accepting a common culture for all its citizens and for the immigrants who are permitted to settle here. That idea of a common culture was known as the melting pot, which required all Americans to identify primarily as Americans.

Today’s far right has accepted the destructive postulate of the left, to the effect that different races cannot get along. They speak wistfully of an America inhabited solely by “heritage Americans”. This does not mean indigenous, pre-Columbian Americans. Rather, they say it means descendants of people who lived in America prior to the Civil War. In the 1860 census, the black population was approximately 14%, which doesn’t match with the purely white paradise envisioned by the far right.

The truth is that America was a multi-racial society from its inception. One estimate holds that blacks constituted over 20% of America’s population from 1750 through 1780. The white homeland is Europe, not America. America cannot continue to exist without integrating two imperatives: mono-culturism and multi-racialism.

This post is being written in response to a comment submitted for moderation on this blog. The internet is a large place, and one can post opinions almost anywhere. The commenter has his own blog, and comments frequently at Front Page Magazine.

The comment in question repeats a theme often expressed by this commenter. He objects vigorously to what he calls “mixing of the races”. This is ironic, given that the commenter is an ethnic Jew and recent immigrant: certainly not a “heritage American”. Jews of eastern European background have a genetic profile showing a mixture of Levantine (Israelite: eastern Mediterranean or west Asian) genes, and southern European genes (presumably from the time of the Roman Empire and exile). There is already a mixing in the ancestry of the commenter and me.

I am curious, too, to know how the far-right plans to implement their dream of a racially pure America. Apparently, only about 21 million Americans define themselves as having “American” ancestry. Most Americans, however, identify with ancestry from a specific region. This map from Wikipedia shows the plurality ethnicity in each state. The key: German – blue; African – aqua; Mexican – orange; American – red; English – plum; Italian – purple; Irish – green; Japanese – yellow.

I am married to a naturalized citizen who immigrated legally from eastern Asia. The commenter has not said whether our marriage constitutes an inappropriate “race-mixing”. My spouse embraces Western civilization completely. In contrast, many white “heritage Americans” are engaged in subversion, sedition, and treason. Which ones are the true Americans?

I appreciate the need for open, vigorous debate in the public square. This blog is not going to be that place. Racial provocation or separatism of any sort will not be permitted here. This is a place for reasoned discussion among those who are trying to preserve Western civilization from its most deadly attack. The ground rules include sincerely accepting a society built on the Bible, Declaration of Independence, and Constitution. We are going to judge people by the content of their characters, not by the color of their skins. Thank you for understanding.