People are hoarding

Last year it was a demand problem. This year it is a supply problem, which is much worse. “‘People Are Hoarding’: Food Shortages Are The Next Supply-Chain Crunch” “In Denver, public-school children are facing shortages of milk. In Chicago, a local market is running short of canned goods and boxed items.” On Yahoo!? Are they allowed to print that? Sounds deplorable to me!

Two great articles from a Substack author. The theme is how we take everything for granted. Things are very complex, however, and humility is in order. “Starvation Diet” and “Where Stuff Comes From” Here is the keeper quote: “Modern society is awash in stuff. There’s stuff at the grocery store. At the hardware store. At Amazon and eBay. We eat stuff, wear stuff, buy stuff, and store stuff. Click some buttons, swipe a card, tap a phone – and presto! Stuff appears, like magic. At least for now.” I express my demand; no work has to be done; no charge is incurred; my appetite is satisfied for a few minutes. That is not real life.

He should know! “Billionaire Supermarket Owner Warns: Food Prices Will Go Up ‘Tremendously’” I’m sure the lower economic class, that supported the pedophile, will love this news.

Michael Snyder: “They Insist Everything Will Be Fine As We Face Shortages Of Chicken, Coffee, Diapers, Fish Sticks, Frozen Meals, Carbonated Drinks, Etc.

They Insist Everything Will Be Fine As We Face Shortages Of Chicken, Coffee, Diapers, Fish Sticks, Frozen Meals, Carbonated Drinks, Etc.

China’s Magnesium Shortage Could Spell More Trouble For Global Car Industry” Magnesium is needed for aluminum production.

Ace Hardware Shelves Go Bare While Supply Chain Crisis Rages” I have pictures from the local supermarket and pharmacy like those in the article.

Consumer Goods Giant to Raise Prices on More Staples, Blames Increase in Cost on Raw Materials

Record Number of Container Ships Waiting Off Ports of Long Beach, Los Angeles

White House has weighed tapping National Guard to address mounting supply chain backlog” Also, they can drive children in Massachusetts school buses, staff New York hospitals, patrol the streets of Chicago… I wonder if they will bring back the draft.

This – thing – is the United States Secretary of Transportation. He is taking a vacation from work, trying to learn to nurse, while America undergoes its worst supply-chain crisis in my lifetime. I understand the picture is Photoshopped, but the point still stands.

Judge denies request to block vaccine mandate at Los Alamos National Laboratory” A great way to sell out American security.

They aren’t injected? What?: “16K COVID-19 Positive Migrants Released into U.S. by ICE, Says Whistleblower

Australian apartheid.

A bitter disappointment for the left: “Florida’s Coronavirus Case Average Per Capita Lower than All But Two States

Dr. Robert Redfield: “Former CDC Director Gives Alarming Statistic on Fully Vaccinated COVID Deaths” “…more than 40 percent of people who have recently died from Wuhan coronavirus in Maryland were fully vaccinated.” Uh oh.

LEAKED White House Audio Of DOJ Lawyer Mocking Religious Exemptions” Ugh.

Karl Denninger at Market Ticker: “Dewey, Cheat’em And Howe” How an employer can be held liable for injury to an employee subsequent to a mandated injection.

Great 3-video series at FPM featuring Dr. Carrie Madej: injection vials under the microscope; the road to Auschwitz; transhumanism. “The Great Reset’s Technology & Rewriting Your Memories

Destroying the family, one Democrat at a time. “Colorado Governor Says Kids Should Lie And Get COVID Vaccine Without Parents Knowing

Northern Territory Chief Minister Michael Gunner’s family flees home amid vaccine mandate anger” When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fear the people, there is liberty.

Experts and lies about COVID” The story of the 19th-century hero doctor Ignaz Semmelweis, who saved the lives of mothers and babies by going against the consensus. The experts destroyed him.

Biden Quietly Slipped Secret Clause into Vaccine Mandate Docs That Allow Damages for Serious Side Effects” Just for federal employees.

Reconciling Medical Tyranny: Massive Fines Tucked Into Spending Bill Are Worse Than Biden’s Upcoming Vaccine Mandate” Thanks for nothing, GOP.

Ninety Percent of Employers Say Vaccine Mandate Will Cause Employees to Quit” They are happy with that, though. Those are the troublemakers who think for themselves. The majority are sheep. Always have been, always will be.

Dennis Prager has COVID-19, says he deliberately sought infection to gain natural immunity” This is an outrage. Jewish law forbids such activity. The Torah commands, “You shall not put God to the test” by forcing Him to save you from your reckless behavior. This should be condemned.

New Evidence For Infanticide In The Creation Of The Fetal Cell Line Used For Covid Vaccine Testing

AIER: “The FDA’s War Against the Truth on Ivermectin

It’s such a tragedy that we don’t talk enough about race. Ohio: “6th Grader Secretly Records Teacher Peddling Critical Race Theory To Class

Washington state: “School equity leader out after racist and vulgar TikTok videos spread

Climate Scientist Quits Berkeley Over Cancelled Speaker” UC, Berkeley is thrilled to have one less troublemaker.

Virginia Voters, Beware the Weaponization of Teachers” “Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe recently affirmed these ideas when he declared that parents should have no right to tell schools what their own children are taught.” Come on Wolfie, let’s win back the Old Dominion!

EATING BABIES? Georgia School Has Teens ‘Solve’ Hunger With Cannibalism” How is this “education”?

Parents do not have to be prisoners! “Freak Out as Conservatives Exit Public Schools, Abandon Reform” “…conservatives are increasingly abandoning the idea of “reforming” public schools. Instead, …the new approach is to get as many children as possible out of the system and into private schools or homeschooling.”

There Was an Insurrection Last Week and No One Noticed” Laws aren’t for the left.

The only alternative to a Great Divorce between the states is Caesarism” “If there’s any semblance of a societal breakdown, people will support a strong man because they crave security above all else.” What are the chances that what happened in the last two years was deliberate?

Big picture: “It Takes A Lot Of Education To Keep Us This Stupid” “Power is controlling what happens; absolute power is controlling what people think about what happens.”

John Whitehead: “The Empire of Lies Breaks Down: Ugly Truths the Deep State Wants to Keep Hidden” “America is breaking down. This breakdown—triggered by polarizing circus politics, media-fed mass hysteria, racism, classism, fascism, fear-mongering, political correctness, cultural sanitation, virtue signaling, a sense of hopelessness and powerlessness in the face of growing government corruption and brutality, a growing economic divide that has much of the population struggling to get by, and militarization and militainment (the selling of war and violence as entertainment)—is manifesting itself in madness, mayhem and an utter disregard for the very principles and liberties that have kept us out of the clutches of totalitarianism for so long.” There is a great 18-point list of particulars in the article.

Brandon Smith at Alt-Market: “Covid Authoritarians Are The Cause Of America’s Problems, Not The Unvaccinated” “…if some people still refused, then the science would dictate that it doesn’t matter, because if the vax actually works then those people present no threat whatsoever to the rest of society. It is highly revealing that this is not the case, and the more resistance the establishment encounters on mandates the more aggressive they become and the more they lie about the facts and evidence.”

Uh oh: “I found an Amazon folder with thousands of audio recordings from my home gadgets

L.A. first responders ordered to turn over personal and genetic data to China-linked company or face firing” They are really cracking down, aren’t they!

Goodbye Middle Class: 50 Percent of All U.S. Workers Made $34,612.04 or Less Last Year

A worker in Florida applied to 60 entry-level jobs in September and got one interview” But… the labor shortage? First of all, the author is a white male. Second, Mrs. Surak says that employers still prefer H-1B and H-2B employees, who will be more compliant.

The nation’s best governor: “DeSantis to the Rescue” DeSantis 2024! If we still have a united country and honest elections…

Kunstler: “Let us count the ways” After addressing a possible explanation for the supply-chain crisis, he concludes: “Do you think economic collapse will make any of this better? As winter looms, you’ll have plenty of time to mull that over, all bundled-up in your kitchen with the propane tanks empty and the last can of cold Spaghetti-Os in your gloved fist. When the time comes for that, don’t expect “Joe Biden” to be reading Thanksgiving homilies off his teleprompter. He will be gone, and the Democratic Party horse he rode in on with him. And when that time comes, we will be ready to start stitching things back together again in this land, perhaps a bit differently than the way we’d gotten used to. Be patient and brave. Our time will soon be at hand.”

Deep State Cannot Stop Unprecedented Awakening” Greg Hunter with Alex Newman.

Nice change of pace…

See you tomorrow!

12 thoughts on “People are hoarding

  1. Surak, have you seen Chananya Weissman’s latest? “Religious Exemptions are Insidious.” A reader emailed him some Canadian company’s list of hoops to jump through in order to *request* (not necessarily *receive*) a religious exemption from what Rav Weissman calls the crapcine.

    Item #2 in the list is “the physical address of the place of worship that you regularly attend”. When I read that one, I thought, “Soooo, if Elijah wanted exemption, he’d have to show these Canadian who’s-its the cave in Mt. Horeb? And Jonah would have to take them to the belly of the fish? (Maybe he could just leave them there….)”

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Surak, From my vantage point out in the bleacher seats, it appears that Pete Buttsomething’s head and pencil neck have been photoshopped in the “breast feeding” photo.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yeah, I was thinking the same thing about Prager. Unless he thought natural immunity would better protect him in the Dark Winter, maybe? There may be mitigating circumstances here, but on the face of it, it just sounds truly arrogant and like Surak says, a violation of Torah.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is off topic but it is on my mind. I am embarassed to say it is induced by selfishness.
    As I said in a previous comment, I stupidly got a PCR test. I am still kicking myself as I read about one possible insidious, ulterior motive after another. Now I hear it is getting recalled from use, this infernal thing. I don’t know why that is now happening. Perhaps too much pressure from too many people knowing they don’t work? But I wonder if it also means covering up whatever hidden motive there may, or may not have been.

    I do know that, after reading about so many bad things with vaxxes and pcr tests, that so long as I live, I will never trust any medical procedure at all. I may get one, but I won’t ever be sure of the honesty lying behind whatever it will consist of. I already had a dim view of conceited sheeple doctors, socially promoted to credentialed jerkdom, but after all this, my contempt has turned into a whole new form of loathing of the entire medical system, outside of the notable medical professionals who have been fighting back.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Tom. One site you might want to take a look at, if you haven’t already, is Dr. Merritt’s site. Go to her home page: In the upper right corner are 3 horizontal bars. Pressing that will bring you to a page which includes a heading: IMPORTANT COVID INFORMATION… That in turn will bring you to a page that includes a tab for Shedding and Vaccine Remorse.

      (Sorry for the long-winded “map coordinates”. I’m quite computer-stupid, don’t know how to just link it.)

      Anyway, you might find some helpful information there.

      Kol tuv! All the best!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. We are educating each other about alternatives to traditional, corporate “healthcare”. This will end up being a good learning experience for those of us with independent minds.


  5. That 60 applications story brings back bad memories. One interview is infinitely better than 0, at least in principle. If it turns out to be rejection then maybe not. It would be a relief, at this point, if people would just say when White Male Americans, or whoever else is being targeted simply need not apply. Civil rights laws are worse than nothing, if they only amount to a thin veil, driving oppression under yet better cover.

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