Pandemic and vaccine news: July 19, 2021

The understanding dam is starting to break; our greatest scientists are finally starting to understand the specific types of damage done by the coronavirus and by the vaccines. The information dam, in contrast, is stronger than ever.

Some links were brought to my attention by Nitzakhon, and at least one by Wolfie (Steffen). I am sorry I do not have records for attribution.

“DIRE WARNING FROM DR. CHARLES HOFFE” How spike proteins lead to clotting. 8 minutes.

“mRNA vaccines appear to be damaging red blood cells”

“Vetted Images of Red Blood Cells Before and After mRNA Injections” Watch the embedded 5 minute video showing damaged blood cells and clotting.

“More Microscopic Images of Blood Post-Covid Vaccination” From the same blog. This is what the “vaccine” damage looks like.

Explanation of the photos in a 12 minute video with Stew Peters and Dr. Jane Ruby.

In this 30 minute video, Dr. Richard Fleming (MD, JD, PhD!) explains the mechanism of the disease and the “vaccines”. Sadly, he warns us that even the Novavax subunit vaccine is too dangerous, and he explains why. The spike protein carries prions which will cause neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s and mad cow disease.

On his website, Dr. Fleming presents protocols for prevention and treatment – even post-“vaccine”. The first link is to a list of pdf documents; the second has a list of image files.

“CoVID and the Clash of Ideologies” 1 hour 5 minute presentation from PANDA: Pandemic Data and Analytics. An overview of the fear generation machine, combined with CoVID facts. One slide shows the WHO changing their definition of herd immunity to exclude natural immunity, a former part of the definition.

Here is the home for that presentation:

Here is the 77-page pdf from the presentation:

The same with notes:

“MILLIONS Are Seriously Injured Or Dead From Covid Vaccines – EU Database”

Only government-approved statements are permitted, you swine.

“The White House Just Confirmed Facebook Works as a Government Censorship Tool” Isn’t that called fascism?

Used to be a wonderful charity…

“Chaos in Melbourne as furious protestors flood the city just hours before Victoria’s crippling five-day lockdown begins”

Vaccine passports are breaking out around the world.

“Get Vaccinated – or Else: The Left wants to make life hell for the non-compliant.”

Weird – what she’s saying is the opposite of Britain and Israel…

Psaki has totalitarian envy…

“Nearly 11,000 Deaths After COVID Vaccines Reported to CDC, as FDA Adds New Warning to J&J Vaccine” Summary from Children’s Health Defense.

“Vaccine Hesitancy Is ‘Highly Informed, Scientifically Literate,’ and ‘Sophisticated'” Wow, we’re not stupid after all?

“”This Is Worrying Me Quite A Bit”: mRNA Vaccine Inventor Shares Viral Thread Showing COVID Surge In Most-Vaxxed Countries” You don’t say!

Here is that thread. The most highly “vaccinated” countries in Europe are surging with new cases, unlike the less “vaccinated” countries. Are we allowed to ask why, or does that make us deplorably anti-science?

From that same doctor: “mRNA Vaccine Inventor: I Risk ‘Being Assassinated’ For Speaking Out Against Experimental COVID Shots”

A French doctor in 1995 on “magnetic vaccines”.

Look at the stupid warning Twitter slapped on this factually correct tweet. They deleted the comments as well.

“State data shows one-third of NY hospital workers are unvaccinated” What do they know that we don’t know?

A man is carried out on a gurney from a “vaccination” clinic. The sheep wait in line for their jab.

I will post some of the reference links at the bottom of the blog later. Be well.

11 thoughts on “Pandemic and vaccine news: July 19, 2021

  1. Here is a potentially huge story. An attorney has sued the Secretary of HHS (Becerra) on behalf of an anonymous client, a whistleblower who works in detecting fraud in the healthcare industry. She claims that CMS (Center for Medicare Services) is hiding data showing over 45,000 deaths within 3 days of the “vaccine”. She believes that deaths are 5 times higher than are recorded on VAERS – currently standing at 11,000 – so the true number is 55,000???

    Liked by 1 person

  2. We are living a nightmare that never ends. We are being willingly murdered. The medical system betraying us I think is the worst part, not really sure because there are so many “worsts” spinning us through this hell.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. P.S. Not that I enjoy reading all this, I have to say Surak is doing one of the best jobs hands down of putting all the info in one place to read. Thank you!

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Here is the whistleblower’s affidavit:

    The affidavit is supporting a lawsuit by AFLDS against HHS Secretary Becerra demanding an immediate injunction against the “vaccines”:

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have read the entire lawsuit case, as you provided above, and reasonable people would rule in favor of the plaintiffs. Reasonable people. However, in the current climate, how is “reason” going to prevail?

      Someone screams,”FIRE!”, in a crowded theater, and everyone knows the inevitable result. The government and its “experts” have been screaming “FIRE!” for a long time, now. Americans are rushing to get their “vaccinations” in their hundreds of thousands and millions. Billions of dollars are flowing into the coffers of the pharmaceutical companies, and that shows no sign of letting up, anytime soon.

      It boils down to one simple endgame … government coercion on a massive scale. I read something, the other day, about FEMA ordering millions of plastic coffins. The government knows what the result of the vaccination campaign will be, and they don’t care. That result is precisely what they are pursuing.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. First, thank you for the HT. FYI, I’m folding this into my next Covid post at Liberty’s Torch (coming Friday).

    Second, that comment about the WHO removing natural immunity from “herd immunity”… why, it’s almost as though immunity is not the goal, Jabs are. “Almost”.

    Third, there are more and more and more “breakthrough” cases of Covid in fully Jabbed people. Thus the 24/7 onslaught of disinformation about it only being the unvaccinated who are getting sick.

    Every single data point I see – every single one – points to A NEEDLE IN EVERY ARM HEEDLESS OF THE PRICE INDIVIDUALS PAY.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Given our mutual faith and spiritual home, I am very frightened for Israel.

      America too, of course, but Israel’s small size and population mean a far greater crisis & risk if the die-off starts in earnest.

      Liked by 3 people

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