Setting the stage for a new worldview

I am going to start catching up with a number of important articles, trying to focus on essentials, so I also have time to narrate to you what I observed on this recent trip. We will also be away during the first full week of July, so time is of the essence. I will be telling you what I saw at the high school graduation of Mrs. Surak’s niece, why I don’t believe in the Pledge of Allegiance any more, and what you need to know about the greatest civilizational collapses in history you may not have heard about.

We need to prepare in every way for what is coming, including by reading critiques of our society from sources we have been trained to disregard. Western civilization is killing itself voluntarily under the urging of charismatic leaders who bring a credible threat of force. As Jim Jones gazes on in awestruck horror from Hell, Bezos-Dorsey-Fauci-Gates-Zuckerberg say, “Hold my beer.”

While I was vacationing in the “new South”, Nitzakhon was busy reading my mind and produced an exceptional essay here:

This is just what I was thinking about as I drove through Virginia. I will return to this topic in a few days.

“What Can Be Done?” The culture war and how to fight back, as seen by friends of the South.

“The New Secession Crisis” A bill of particulars, much like the original Declaration of Independence.

The New Secession Crisis

First Australia, Britain, and Canada – next, America…

“The Single Best Thing Americans Can Do to Retake America” Dennis Prager is right.

“NY Accounting Program Bans White People”

“The Totalitarian Threat of Critical Race Theory Rears Its Ugly Head”

Health Care Journal Publishes Research Calling Whiteness A ‘Parasitic Condition’ Without ‘Permanent Cure’

“iHeartMedia Staffer Scrambles to Fix ‘Only Diverse Hires’ Memo After News Exposé”

“Whistleblowers Explain How Biden’s Woke ‘Extremism’ Training Is Tearing the Military Apart”

“Parents Are Revolting, Teachers Are Resigning, and Critical Race Theory Is to Blame”

Your tax dollars at work…

“Outsourcing The Production Of Virtually Everything Has Brought Us To The Brink Of A Nightmare Scenario For The U.S. Economy”

Outsourcing The Production Of Virtually Everything Has Brought Us To The Brink Of A Nightmare Scenario For The U.S. Economy

“Dem Tells High School Grads They’re Entering A World Of “Capitalism” and “White Supremacy,” Encourages Them To Remember “Jihad” And Reject Objectivity”

“Biden’s DHS Won’t Let Border Patrol Arrest Human Smugglers”

“Many U.S. Cities Are Already Starting To Resemble Post-Apocalyptic Cesspools As America’s Collapse Accelerates”

Many U.S. Cities Are Already Starting To Resemble Post-Apocalyptic Cesspools As America’s Collapse Accelerates

One parent trying to fight back against the school-endorsed sexualization of American children:

“The collective insanity that’s rapidly erasing America” “Many of us older than half a century no longer recognize the country we grew up in.  We have a hard time reconciling that past America with what we see happening today.” More:

  • We shun those who do not comply with outrageous and unconstitutional mandates.
  • We blindly believe government officials and their allies in the media, though they have proven time and again that they lie and should not be trusted.
  • We’re emptying our jails of violent offenders while imprisoning law-abiding citizens — sometimes for simply exercising their rights.
  • We’re taking political prisoners like any third-world dictatorship.
  • We allow our cities to be torched and looted with few repercussions.
  • We’re tearing down our history, our culture, and our traditions in the name of progressivism.
  • We invite seemingly anyone who wants to enter the country illegally to take our jobs, receive public services, and drag down wages.
  • Our national debt reaches into the stratosphere while politicians go whistling past the graveyard.
  • We abort the innocent and defenseless while vigorously defending the guiltiest among us.
  • We scare our children into radicalism with tales of impending doom due to climate changes that are as old as the Earth.
  • We’re wrecking entire industries to “protect the Earth” while propping up those same endeavors for our enemies.
  • We deny biological realities and allow men to use women’s facilities and participate in women’s activities, provided that they “self-identify” as women.
  • We subject the military to ideological litmus tests.
  • We fraudulently change election results while casting those who push for transparency as “conspiracy advocates” and add their names to a list of domestic terrorists.
  • We allow the government to censor those who oppose the lunacy that passes for public policy.
  • We teach dependency and hatred at many school districts across the country, and within our colleges and universities.
  • We accuse, disarm, and punish the law-abiding while acquitting the guilty.
  • We deny science in the name of science.
  • We obfuscate truth for the purpose of compliance, conformity, and profit.
  • We have forsaken the Constitution to silence and disarm our population.

So before you suspect me of having insufficient patriotism, I ask you to read the articles above and those to follow in the next few days. I have seen enough evidence to convince me that America is a formality, a dead country walking, so to speak. No amount of conservative reform is going to save it, in the same sense that you don’t attempt to reform an avalanche. You save yourself by getting out of the way and rebuilding when the avalanche has passed.

8 thoughts on “Setting the stage for a new worldview

  1. It was late when I started to comment, so I’ll keep it brief. I will be back, tomorrow, and in depth.

    My son tells me that patriotic young men and women are leaving the military in large numbers, now. When they are all gone, God forbid, we shall have a military that is ideologically aligned with the Left, in increasingly large numbers. Considering the lethality of modern US weaponry, what we will be left with is a military that will consider us the enemy of the nation.

    We shall have militias, of course, and they shall be aligned either Left or Right. The Lest-aligned militias will be surreptitiously supplied with some of the most modern weapons in the inventory. The Right-aligned militias will be on their own for weapons, ammunition, and supplies. They will have little to no access to the latest intelligence on the enemy, and virtually no supply train.

    More tomorrow …

    Liked by 3 people

    1. It will be internecine warfare at its ugliest. We will need moles in high places and Mossad-style special operators to take out key players. Of course, the great equalizer as far as the technological disparity is concerned would be an EMP, but in that event millions would die. It is almost too horrendous to even contemplate.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. “So before you suspect me of having insufficient patriotism, I ask you to read the articles above and those to follow in the next few days. I have seen enough evidence to convince me that America is a formality, a dead country walking, so to speak. No amount of conservative reform is going to save it, in the same sense that you don’t attempt to reform an avalanche. You save yourself by getting out of the way and rebuilding when the avalanche has passed.”

    No, Surak, I don’t accuse you of insufficient patriotism any more than I would accuse the proverbial canary in the coal mine of laying down on the job. I have been of the mindset for several years now, certainly before President Trump took office, that there is no longer any civil solution to our ills. Unfortunately, the constitutional Republic has allowed itself to be painted into a corner and it is time now to fight or die. I have not yet read the articles but will do so. Have gotten the gist from the links. A dead country walking. Indeed. And it happened so quickly. Or did it?

    And then my mind wanders off into prophecy and wonders if all our feverish considerations are simply “swapping deck chairs on the Titanic” as we courageously resist the inevitable.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. First, thanks to Surak for linking to & praising my essay… plus, of course, accusing me of telepathy. 🙂

      I have often posted about the interweb about how my moment of clarity of the future of America, at least the America I remember, died on election night 2012. I had been absolutely sure that Imperious Barackus Rex’s “inflexibility” hot mike capture would have done him in. In the wake of his victory over, admittedly, a milquetoast Romney* I concluded that America was like the proverbial pea-brained dinosaur, wounded to the core but still thrashing.

      Now, in the wake of the naked vote fraud in 2020, I have to wonder… were things being gamed so much even back then (and earlier elections too) that he DID lose, but that vote fraud – which the Left has been refining for decades – carried him over the line? This is not mere paranoia; I now believe they’ve been doing it for a looooong time, but that 2020 was going to be such a blowout for Trump that all the stops came out in desperation. Trump was their doom and they knew it. He “had to be stopped BAMN” and thus they could no longer do it in dribs-and-drabs, but nakedly and in your face – and then count on the enemedia to dismiss and deride what clearly happened.

      Shabbat shalom, Surak and Mrs. Surak. And to all a great weekend.

      * Romney could have delivered the knock-out at the second debate, having CRUSHED Barackus in the first. For many years I wondered at that, and how spineless the GOP was in general. But knowing what I know about Arkancide now, and the DS, it makes me wonder… was Romney shown his pre-written fatal accident write-up with it made clear that he was to subtly cede the election? These are thoughts that, pre-Trump, would have made me question my sanity. Now, I question the cognitive abilities of those who don’t see the possibility and what’s happening now.

      Liked by 4 people

  3. That video from Australia really says it all for me. From the first days of the coronavirus “crisis” here in Israel in March 2020, it all seemed completely bizarre. The govt. from the very start and right down to today demonstrates no interest in what the people actually want and in how their policies are affecting people’s lives. If they had really been concerned with people’s welfare, there would have been lots of effort to make the measures as mild as possible, and to provide help for those harmed by them. Instead, there has been nothing but barking of orders, fines, and even jail for law-abiding citizens who just want to live a normal life. Those 6 policepeople tackling a guy for not wearing a mask in the street with more viciousness than you ever see today against real criminals reveals that the govt. hates “ordinary” people, and considers them to be a nuisance at best.

    However skilled these evil people are at lying, they are incapable of hiding the pure contempt they have for anyone who is not a member of their “elite” class, and anyone who cannot see this is blind.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It would almost be worth it to have 2-3 “operators” with long-range remote drills, and a person willing to be bait…

      No sane person wants that.

      But when the cops swarm a person like that, standing in the open, outside air, and manhandle him like that? Solzhenitsyn and his comment about thugs not making it home come to mind.

      Liked by 1 person

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