A ringing assertion of freedom

A delegation of MEPs (members of the European Parliament) held a press conference October 28, 2021, last week, led by a Romanian delegate, Cristian Terhes, who had the most dramatic moment in the conference. The best speech came from Christine Anderson, AfD, Germany. Here are 2 minutes from her 3 minute speech. A transcription follows.

“All through Europe, governments have gone to great length to get people vaccinated. We were promised the vaccinations will be a “game changer”, and it will restore our freedom…turns out none of that was true. It does not render you immune, you can still contract the virus and you can still be infectious.

The only thing this vaccine did for sure was to spill billions and billions of dollars in the pockets of pharmaceutical companies.

I voted against the digital green certificate back in April, unfortunately it was adopted nonetheless, and this just goes to show there is only a minority of MEPs who truly stand for European values. The majority of MEPs, for whatever reasons unbeknown to me, obviously support oppression of the people while claiming – shamelessly – to do it for the people’s own good.

But it is not the goal that renders the system oppressive – it’s always the methods by which the goal is pursued. Whenever a government claims to have the people’s interest at heart, you need to think again.

In the entire history of mankind there has never been a political elite sincerely concerned about the well-being of regular people; what makes any of us think that it is different now? If the Age of Enlightenment has brought forth anything, then certainly this: never take anything any government tells you at face-value.

Always question everything any government does or does not do. Always look for ulterior motives and always ask: cui bono – who benefits?

Whenever a political elite pushes an agenda this hard and resorts to extortion and manipulation to get their way, you can almost always be sure: your benefit is definitely not what they had at heart.

As far as I am concerned, I will not be vaccinated with anything that has not been properly vetted and tested, and has shown no sound scientific evidence that the benefits outweigh the disease itself and possible long-term side effects – which, to this day, we don’t know anything about.

I will not be reduced to a mere guinea-pig by getting vaccinated with a mere experimental drug. And I will most assuredly not get vaccinated because my government tells me to and promises in return I will be granted freedom.

Let’s be clear about one thing: no one “grants” me freedom, because I am a free person.

So I dare the European Commission and the German government: throw me in jail, lock me up and throw away the key for all I care, but you will never be able to coerce me into being vaccinated if I, the free citizen that I am, choose not to be vaccinated.”

Twitter link: https://twitter.com/wakeupfromcovid/status/1454449996619829248

Here is the full, 29-minute conference.

5-minute video: “Major Government Report Proves Covid Vaccines are Bioweapons” “UK Report shows immune systems are failing at a rate of 5% a week”


Illinois Reports 77.7% of Its Covid DEATHS Last Week Were “Vaccinated”


This should do wonders for healthcare. 3 tweet thread.

This should do wonders for safety in New York City: “26 FDNY firehouse companies out of service over vaccine mandate staff shortage


3M workers obviously must be anti-science! “3M- We Will Not Comply

Illinois Limits Religious Objections to COVID Prevention Measures” Soulless.


India is anti-science! “No fresh case in 71 Uttar Pradesh districts in 24 hours, 42 declared CoVID-free” Their recipe? Ivermectin, no injection. Well what do they know?


Cruelty to a child with Down’s syndrome.

Can Bill Maher bring the left around? Or does he get canceled too?

On The Origins of Covid-19” It still matters.


Precedent of charging Bolsonaro with ‘crimes against humanity’ threatens leaders that deviate from the western Covid narrative” Five black presidents were assassinated for refusing the injections.


Nano Particles to Contaminate Entire Food Supply Under Guise of Food Safety” 3-minute video.


Melbourne rising.

RFK Jr. announcing a November 3 national walkout to reclaim our God-given rights. 1 minute.

RFK Jr. argues further that America is now in Nazi territory.

Staten Island, New York City, warning the world.

Attorneys General in 10 States Join Fight Against Biden Admin’s Vaccine Mandate


‘I Had to Stand Up and Try to Do Something:’ Professor of Medicine on Suing School Over Vaccine Mandate” Do you think he might have known a little bit more about medicine than the bureaucrats?


Is Nothing Sacred Anymore?” “Our secular culture has given our government more power to oversee every facet of our lives, deciding right and wrong according to their quest for power and not eternal, transcendent values. Their efforts routinely fail because they seek man-made solutions to what are often spiritual problems... My conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and I will not retract anything, since it is neither safe nor right to go against conscience. Here I stand. I can do no other, so help me God.”


A very important and detailed thread on the torture and other constitutional violations perpetrated against the January 6 political prisoners. I have not heard President Trump speak up on their behalf. They came to DC at his request.


A philosopher speaks. “The Myth of White Privilege” “There is little reason to believe that racial injustice caused the lion’s share of white-black differences.”


Overtly racist ruling from a judge: “Judge rules UNC non-admittance of white and Asian students, race-based admissions not discriminatory


Open borders: “North African Migrants Decide Spanish Woman Is ‘Fascist’ and Brutally Beat Her


Daniel Greenfield: “Biden Screws US Steelworkers, Loses Ohio and Pennsylvania


Living in an Age of Lies” Stalin and today’s age.


A philosopher speaks. “Should The Founding Principles of the United States Be Retained?” “Would it be useful or realistic to rename Manhattan and call it Transhattan in respect of gender fluidity?”


Ilana Mercer discusses Gibbon’s Decline and Fall and considers its relevance for today’s West. “For The West To Revive, Christians Must Toughen Up” Christians have long smarted under Gibbon’s accusation that Christianity played a role in the fall of the Roman Empire. Never have Christians considered a possible rejoinder: did the Roman Empire deserve to survive? Was it worth saving? The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates appears in the comments.


The Democrats in our lives” “How to interact with the Democrats in our lives is an issue many Republicans have wrestled with for some time. …out of the blue, almost a year after the 2020 election, a close relative sent a profanity-filled text attacking me because I am a Republican who voted for President Trump.  This person called me an “idiot,” “moron,” “douche bag,” “Repubutard,” and “dips—,” and told me I should not seek to communicate again if I liked President Trump.  This individual’s opinion that President Trump was a “liar” and the Republican party was a “pack of liars” was given as the reason I should not vote or register Republican.  However, no examples of the supposed lies were provided.  We had never discussed why I am a Republican or my reasons for voting for President Trump.  We had not discussed politics in years.  My sense of our unspoken contract was we had agreed to disagree and get along.  My previous text was “Miss you.  When can we get together?”” This hits painfully close to home.


Wisconsin May Surpass Arizona And Be First State To Decertify 2020 Election” I’ll believe it when I see it, but still worth noting.


Israel and the United States are heading for a diplomatic breakdown” Biden’s insistence on putting a separate consulate in Israel for Arabs against Israel’s will may be a violation of the Vienna Convention (regarding diplomatic relations).


Is Climate Alarmism an Establishment Attempt to Restore Social Control?” Of course!


Very detailed and complete: “I’m A Twenty Year Truck Driver, I Will Tell You Why America’s “Shipping Crisis” Will Not End


See you tomorrow!

2 thoughts on “A ringing assertion of freedom

  1. “ Let’s be clear about one thing: no one “grants” me freedom, because I am a free person.

    So I dare the European Commission and the German government: throw me in jail, lock me up and throw away the key for all I care, but you will never be able to coerce me into being vaccinated if I, the free citizen that I am, choose not to be vaccinated.”

    Finally, finally a politician who is speaking the truth.

    I thought Britain’s dumb lockdown responses were bad enough but the likes of Australia and others have demonstrated that our dummies were not as dumb as the other dummies.

    Stay calm throughout this nonsense everyone, keep asserting your freedom, but don’t let the bastards grind you down!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I spent several hours, yesterday, as a poll-watcher (first time I’ve ever done such a thing), and the mood was uplifting.. Although it was required, I saw, perhaps, 2-3 people with masks on. No one hassled the unmasked, and I was not wearing a mask, myself. I looked at the crowds gathering to vote, and became convinced that the spirit of freedom was not dead in America, yet.

      Mo, for many years, my wife and I considered all the nations of the world we could escape to, if we wanted. Sadly, our first choice was Australia. Today, I thank God we never did that.

      Liked by 1 person

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