Seeking refuge in tyranny

I have no deep conclusions about Afghanistan. The very same people who have been shrieking for years or decades that we should end all foreign wars and interventions, bring the troops home, no foreign entanglements, let them solve their own problems, it isn’t America’s business – these very same people are inscribing solemn essays asking “Who lost Afghanistan?”, “This is Biden’s fault”, and so on.

I have whiplash. Make up your mind. Do you support foreign wars or not? Can we at least agree on one thing – that if you are going to fight, you must fight to win? I still wonder what my strategy would have accomplished, when I marched into the office on September 12, 2001, and told my colleague: “Nuke Kabul.”

The US military has been prevented from winning a surrender from the enemy in any major conflict since World War 2, under Democrat and Republican presidents; but I must give Trump some credit. Now that the US military’s mission has changed from winning wars to correct pronoun usage and taxpayer-funded sex-change operations, I am not even confident that the US military could even protect the homeland. Not that the politicians would ever want the homeland protected, of course.

Why Do Some People Support Tyranny While Others Defy It?” Another excellent essay from Brandon Smith. He really nails the psychology. “[Totalitarianism] only thrives because there is an inherent portion of any given society that secretly loves it and wants it to exist… There are two types of people in this world: Those that want to control others, and those that want to be left alone.” The Fear Engine; The Safety of the Mob; False Piety in Place of Self-Worth (what Nitzakhon calls the Covidian Cult); The Love of a Cage; The Defiant and Free (that’s us). Highly recommended.

Why Do Some People Support Tyranny While Others Defy It?

“2021 Is 1984 – Our Liberties And Freedoms Are Being Ripped Away From Us And America Is Almost Gone” “…now we are facing a full-fledged frontal assault on our most basic liberties and freedoms. And what makes it even more frightening is the fact that millions of completely brain-washed Americans are cheering them on as they do it. If our founders could see us today, they would be absolutely horrified at what we have become. Because I am often so critical of what has happened to us, a lot of people out there assume that I must hate this country. But of course that is not true at all.  I deeply love America.  I deeply love our history, I deeply love our traditions, and I deeply love the values that this nation is supposed to represent. That is why it deeply grieves me that these things are now being ripped away from us. We are the generation that is witnessing the end of America. For whatever period of time the political entity known as “the United States” is allowed to continue, it won’t be “America” anymore.”

2021 Is 1984 – Our Liberties And Freedoms Are Being Ripped Away From Us And America Is Almost Gone

“American ‘Depersonalization’ Is a Threat to the Nation” Psychological war and prelude to democide.

Share this link far and wide. Banning interstate travel “would be too polarizing FOR THE MOMENT.” Senator Tom Cotton replied that for illegal aliens, there are no borders.

“ER DOCTOR WITNESS AT SARASOTA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL” A doctor is restrained in a hospital when he requests antibiotic for a patient with pneumonia. This sounds like a horror from a communist or fascist country, but it’s America. Absolutely avoid hospitals if it all possible.

Coming soon to America…?

“Majority of Britons Would Treat Unvaccinated Like Pariahs, Refuse to Use Their Services”

In Philadelphia, public workers who are not injected must double mask.

Matt Walsh takes a stand in Tennessee. The employers (the citizens) are trying to take charge of their insane employees (government bureaucrats).

Iranian-American Christian parent reads the Riot Act to his local school board.

Tucker Carlson with Michael Anton.

“Half Of America Believes Vaccine Mandates, COVID Passports More Important Than “Protecting Freedom””

“”Herd Immunity Is Not A Possibility”: Dr. Malone Vindicated After Oxford Prof Warns Over New Variants”

“Nurses Threatened, Coerced to Get Covid Vaccine” Shameful.

“Baltimore Symphony Fires Principal Flautist Over COVID Conspiracy Theories” Thou shalt not think!

“COVID19 Vaccine TERMINATES 4 out of 5 pregnancies via “spontaneous abortions””

Data that does not fit the narrative: “COVID Fatality Rate Hits Lowest Level on Record Despite Media Hysteria Over Delta”

“Dr. Robert Malone Explains mRNA Vaccines and The Noble Lie Used by The Medical Establishment to Manipulate Vaccine Propaganda”

“Woke Nonsense Is Warping Everyday Life” Great essay by Victor Davis Hanson.

Pathetic: “Capitalist Giant American Express: Capitalism Is Racist”

“January 6 political prisoners deserve much more outrage than they’re getting” The Bill of Rights has been shredded beginning to end. Where’s the ACLU? Cheering the inquisition.

The left urging each other onwards in support of political violence.

The borders have been erased. This is politicide.

Great overview of the big picture from Sundance. “COVID-19, The Color Revolution, The Intelligence Branch and Over a Decade of Test Nudges”

Important cultural watershed: “Just 1-in-5 Marriages Were Religious in UK, Dozens of Religious Gay Weddings Celebrated”

Dissolving the culture. “Police Official Skipped ‘Sacred’ Ritual for Slain Chicago Cop: ‘We Don’t Have 20 Minutes for This S***'”, meaning the bagpipes. Mayor Lightfoot called the slain policeman “Ella Fitzgerald”; her name was Ella French.

See you tomorrow.

14 thoughts on “Seeking refuge in tyranny

  1. The Afghan Army that we spent billions on training, that had every resource available to them, just up and walked away. Kabul has 6 million people and yet a handful of militants in comparison, have turned their city over to them w/out a fight. What are ya gonna do? What are we going to do here in America? Our time is near.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Many years ago, when I still regularly posted at Frontpage Magazine (and before that), I was a self-confessed neoconservative of the old school of that kind of thought. That is, I believed in the inherent goodness of America and the system it represented, and believed that it would be good for the world if that system were exported around the world. When the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center happened, I saw it as a golden opportunity to put theory into practice. After all, hadn’t the British exported their system and beliefs around the world, during their push for empire? Weren’t we better than they?

      Needless to say, Irving Kristol, and his son Bill.have been proven wrong, just as I was proven wrong. Twenty years after 9/11, billions of dollars and thousands of deaths later, our “great experiment” in empire has collapsed, as the Fall of Saigon is being re-enacted before our eyes. A long, dark night of terror, oppression, and death is settling in on the people of Afghanistan. My heart grieves for the people of that country … and especially the women who Westernized … and terror will be the norm for decades to come.

      I guess you can call this post “Confessions of a Neoconservative”.

      Also, we may soon be in need of a foreign power to save us from the terror our own government is soon to unleash. I don’t know who that would be, however. Perhaps an alien civilization could save us from ourselves …

      … unless they think that we would be tasty …

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Never get involved in a land war in Asia. — Princess Bride

        In many respects I echo Surak: Nuke Kabul and the four other largest cities there, and done.

        Our arrogance in thinking that we can export our kind of freedom and democracy is insane IMHO. But, adding, I do feel crushed over the women who, for some years, had hopes – and got educations – and now, if they can’t somehow flee, are doomed to being sperm receptacles and baby factories.

        Speaking of the Grok, my latest:

        Liked by 2 people

      2. You reminded me of the old twilight episode, To Serve Man. Other than maybe using a woke word in place of man, the present situation feels like the aliens have already landed, and they are, sort of, us. I wish it were just a silly sci-fi plotline.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Surak and all:

    As always, a treasure trove of info. I was awake last night thinking that they’ll mandate vaxxports for everything. Someone’s going to shoot back. And then they declare martial law.

    On Gab was a meme:

    Has anyone noticed, the Hospital “SURGE” is so bad that they are firing Nurses who won’t take the “Jab”? (Copied verbatim.)

    Did anyone see the alleged tweet threat where one person asked why we still had Covid TRAVEL PASSES rather than electronic ones. Some purported administration flunkie sayd “Wait a few weeks”.


    The only people I actually feel sorry for are the women who, in the past years, have had a sense of what it means to not be required to be a man’s baby factory but to actually be their own persons in their own right. I’ve read some heart-rending tales about that.

    And lastly, the Chicago police need to slow-drive to any Chicago pol’s call.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I know nothing about military strategy or tactics and am not sure whether the war in Afghanistan was a good idea or not or whether Pres. Trump’s conduct of it was competent.. Nonetheless, one thing is clear: For Biden to blame Trump (whom he calls only “my predecessor”) for anything is the essence of irresponsibility. No one forced him to run for the position, he knew the situation in Afghanistan and once he was in office, it was up to him to make the decisions.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Thank you for the links Mr.Surak.

    LMGA…”our time is near”…absolutely!We are sliding down the slope to chaos at an exponential rate.May God have mercy on us.

    Mr Nitzakhon…they have been pushing us with such radical agendas to make someone snap and open fire for seven months now.Someone’s eventually going to do it;its a miracle no one has yet.(Thank the Lord)But it’s coming…martial law is their goal.OT- I enjoy your articles and drawings on the Grok.

    Again,joyous praises for your wife’s return Mr. Ritter and prayers for all who post here.Pax Vobis.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. When the US decided after the WTC/Pentagon attacks to invade Iraq and Afghanistan, the Dhimmicrats and their minions in the Lame Stream Media were all crying out that no one had ever conquered Afghanistan, which was not true. Alexander conquered Afghanistan in 1 year. He did so by sending troops wherever there was any resistance, and those troops neutralized the resistance. Meaning they killed everyone that resisted. 1 year later there was no more resistance. Unfortunately, the US lacks the resolve to fight in such a way. Yet, it is the only way to fight the musulmen, as they know no other way way too fight. There were no musulmen in Alexander’s time, but the remnants of Persia and the tribal system of Afghanistan was always enough to cause anyone great problems.
    The British were no more successful at nation building than the US has been. It lasted a while longer for the Brits because there was no one big and strong enough to stop them. WWI and WWII took care of that aspect of things and left the Brits with a very diminished empire, that is all gone now except for the Commonwealth.
    The Korean war brought the start of wars that would not be called wars, and would not be won, they would all be Stalemates. MacArthur was not fired for insubordination by Truman as much as he was fired for refusing to turn over his battle plans to the UN Secretary General, who at the time of the Korean War was a Soviet. Yeah, give your battle plans to the ones who started the Korean War and see where that gets you. If the News Media was aware of this at the time, Truman would have been the first President to be forced to resign.
    The game has been continued to be played ever since, with the Soviets continuing to eat away at our country from within, and then having China join in when it received Most Favored Nation Status.
    We opened the gates wide, and invited in all our enemies thinking we had won the Cold War, when all we were doing was what King Priam had done when he thought he had defeated the Greeks at Troy. We even threw a great party as he did to celebrate our great victory, while our enemies were savoring every bite of our country and way of life, leaving us on the brink of the abyss where we are currently at deciding whether to live or die as did Troy.


    1. Alexander’s victory sounds mixed to me. He brutalized them into submission, but not really in any lasting way. We’ll never really know what sort of long term victory he could have achieved, because he died so young. But he does not seem to have won in any way like our elites were promising. He certainly did not leave Western values there. And they rebelled as soon as he died.

      Our elites think they are too big to fail. The dollar, the Ivies, Hollywood, the military etc. They really seem to think that everything is either too prestigious or capable of failing. You can never win when you can never fail. But you can sure ride on fantasy, all the way to implosion. Slim Pickens famous moment in Dr Strangelove seems accurate, except you have to recast him so he looks like he just left a party at Martha’s Vineyard. Honestly the decadence of Rome seems the closest ancient analogy, with the dynasties and the bizarre and the backstabbing etc. Replace the (controversial) lead theory with fentanyl, or now quasi-vax and the parallel gets eerie. People even refer to a Pax Americana. Maybe a better parallel in cinema would be Frank Thring playing a Hays version of a flaming homosexual Pontius Pilate, standing alone and decidedly childless, in an imposing hall telling Heston’s Hur about the grandeur of Rome, Rome forever.


      1. I suddenly thought about the thought police. Let me go on record as saying, buzz off, in advance. Art is art, and homosexual men ought not to abandon their brothers, or their decency and intelligence, in these dangerous times. Enough of this divide and conquer. Enough with the troublemakers.


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