The republic is dead; hail the oligarchy

Eichah” (the first word of the book of Lamentations). Speak a lament, for the mighty Republic is dead; Mr. Franklin, we could not, or would not, keep it. It was, we thought, “the last, best hope of earth”, Mr. Lincoln. We lost it because it was only suitable for a virtuous people, Mr. Adams, and we would not undertake the unpleasant duty of forcefully cleansing vice, Mr. Jefferson. King David, you told us that “You who love the Lord [must] hate evil” (Psalms 97:10); instead we accommodated ourselves to it.

A deliberately degraded, coarsened populace lost interest in the classical virtues (prudence, justice, fortitude, temperance), self-governance, and independent thought, preferring to be fed tidbits of approval in the form of “likes” on social media, that echoes monolithically the truisms of the news media and academia. Those who deviate from the standard narrative are, in the words of Pelosi, “enemies of the state”. Note well her words: not “enemies of the people”, but rather “enemies of the state”; and so indeed we are.

Our rulers are not God, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution, but rather the unelected and unholy junta of Bezos, Cook, Dorsey, Fauci, Gates, Pichai, Soros, Zuckerberg, and others – and the people rejoice in their bondage.

This outstanding article by Angelo Codevilla analyzes the shock of the past four years to the deep state, and their willingness to weaponize a pandemic and racial tensions to destroy the Constitution and the Republic:

A new birth of freedom may awaken in Texas. State representative Kyle Biedermann has filed HB 1359, the “Texas Independence Referendum Act”. This act does not call directly for independence, but rather a November, 2021 referendum on “Texit”. Texit is not secession, but rather a process of negotiation like Brexit:

Conservatives in other states appear very interested in this process, as well they should be. The current corrupt regime will tell you what to think and who to hate:

The regime will not permit free elections again:

Twenty-two million illegal aliens, new states of DC and Puerto Rico, permanent universal mail-in voting, and a stacked Supreme Court will cement a permanent cultural marxist stamp on this land. Republicans who dream of a comeback in 2022 or 2024 are delusional.

As we prepare our new America, I have turned to reading critically important documents overlooked in our civic education: not merely the somewhat well-known Federalist Papers, but their equally important, and arguably more prescient counterpart, the Anti-Federalist Papers. An editor compiled the latter set of writings into a set of 85 essays, matching the 85 essays in the former collection. Thus it is easy for me to read essay 1 in each collection one day, essay 2 in each collection the next day, and so on.

Although the idiom is unmistakably 18th century, I assure you that the content is riveting and absolutely current. It is easy to assume that the authors are writing about today’s top political concerns. Conservatives have identified themselves for decades with the Federalists ( for example, the Federalist Society). Under the current regime, patriots are far more likely to understand the concerns of the Anti-Federalists, and perhaps to wish they had won their argument. The future constitution of a new America must incorporate Anti-Federalist philosophy.

Please join me:

10 thoughts on “The republic is dead; hail the oligarchy

      1. I knew, of course,that things are going downhill quickly. For example, I listened to a Glenn Beck video, this evening, where he talked about how the establishment is gearing up for more foreign wars, with help from billionaires and trillionaire financial interests (making the warnings of President Eisenhower’s final address to the nation a reality). But these interests are taking a dark view of us … those who still believe the Founding of the nation to be beautiful and the Constitution to be remarkable document.

        After reading your blog post and either reading or watching all of your links, it almost literally took the breath out of me. It’s not that I didn’t know this could happen. But events are moving faster than I ever dreamed. They are darker than I ever dreamed possible.

        Plus, today a military convoy was seen passing through town on its way to Richmond. I take notice of many separate incidents and put them together, these events … as a whole … are nothing short a sinister and Satanic in nature.

        Biden’s Cabinet is forming, composed of “people” who would be happy to live in the old USSR.

        My God …

        Liked by 3 people

      2. Wolfie, I intended to add a rhetorical flourish to the article, to the effect that our present regime is a government of the people, by the elites, for the oligarchy.

        At the same time I am coldly realistic and honest about the current threats we face, I think we should start to pivot psychologically to answer the question: how do we save ourselves and that which we hold dear?

        That is why I shared the link about Kyle Biedermann’s proposal for a Texit referendum. I am not yet optimistic it will pass. It probably will not pass as long as people are still comfortable. It seems that it will take even more oppression for the mainstream conservative to awaken to his peril. The good news is that Biden-Harris-Pelosi-Schumer-Bezos-Fauci-Gates et al are willing to deliver the necessary additional oppression.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Love your intro, Surak, where we tip-toe up to our founders, hat in hand, to acknowledge our dismal failure. But we were never on even ground with the enemy: fallen human nature energized by the dark forces that tripped us up at every turn. We did pretty damn well there for awhile, until the inevitable kicked in, But as Yogi said, it ain’t over ’til the fat lady sings. She’s definitely warming up in the wings with the her “me, me, mes,” but she’s not on stage yet. At least I don’t think so.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I’ve wondered for years, when push came to shove, if the US military would fire on its own citizens. I no longer wonder, or have any doubts.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I pulled out Kindle edition of the Anti-Federalist papers, Richard Henry Lee being one of my very favorite Founders, and even the very first papers had me riveted! It has been a long time.

    I have not seen thismcommentedbon by oerut I believe that the Old South was largely Anti-federalist, the North was largely Federalist. This was an unreported breach between the two. Ne’er the twain shall meet.

    We have become what these wise men feared. It will come to blood.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I am not sure that we have to worry about the powers that be and what they may do, as much as we need to worry about the True Power and the Chastisement that He, God the Creator (Elohim), may very well start, and not just in the US but all over the world.
    I had thought that He would gie us more time, but as we so unfortunately found out, the evil is far more wide spread and deep than we could imagine. No, do not think it will be another Noah’s flood, as God promised no more such events.
    What we may see could be earthquakes on a Biblical scale, volcanic activity as never seen before, the jet stream dropping down to sea level in some parts of the world, and probably things we cannot imagine.
    Catholic prophecy has something called the 3 days of Darkness. It has been debated exactly what it means. Some say it will be 3 days of the demons from hell being released over the entire earth with only darkness, no sun.
    Some say that the darkness will not be the loss of light, but rather the loss of the presence of God.
    Don’t know if that is so much different than what I first mentioned that some think the prophecy is about.
    If God has decided that the Chastisement has to start, then it will be worse than any of us can even begin to imagine.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I agree completely with all,with the exception of Mr. Sourdough.With all due respect,I view that aspect of his interpretation of biblical prophecy differently.But that is a discussion that I’m going to avoid,for to each his own.I remember telling my wife after the 9-11 attack,that this will not bring the country together.It will take something much larger than this to galvanize people to understand the darkness that we face.Low and behold,that flags stated coming down,and it was right back to the ordinary everyday political tug of war b.s.I feel that without extreme disruption to the very comfortable way of life we Americans have been accustomed to,despite the pains of the china virus repression and the constant daily grind we all face,we shall not see any change that will remedy this problem…that being the blindness to the fact that the most threatening element to our blessed way of life is our own goverment.The present day oligarchy has indeed reigned supreme for many decades Mr.Surak.I applaud you for your observation of this fact,for now perhaps many others can finally come to comprehend this reality also.May the Lord bless us all and continue to shine His light ever so brightly upon us.

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