The treason of the clerks

It seems so clear now, does it not? The issue is never the issue. The imminent destruction of all life on earth due to catastrophic global warming; Russia blackmailing the President; a drug addict’s death in police custody after taking four times the lethal dose of fentanyl; a pandemic plausibly created as a bio-weapon. These are all squirrels to divert those with short attention spans.

The goal is always power. The means, according to Yuri Bezmenov, is the four-step process of demoralization, destabilization, crisis, and normalization:

The demoralization has been the cultural marxism dividing the West by race and sex for the last several decades, culminating in the original sins of white racism and toxic masculinity.

The destabilization has been the last four years of open sedition and insurrection, with zero response from law enforcement.

The crisis is the stolen presidential election of 2020.

The new normal, if a Biden win is certified by the Electoral College, will be permanent masks and lockdowns, and perpetual humiliation of whites and east Asians, men, and Christians and Jews.

Who wants power so badly? The West’s self-appointed priestly caste, the cognitive elite: GAMETEBB. That is an acronym for Government, Academia, Media, Entertainment, Technological Elite, Big Business. They are brainy talkers who lack the capacity for independent thinking, and are eager for approval, as my friend Nitzakhon observed in a recent blog post:

I will address the psychopathy of the left at another time. Suffice it to say now that they feel entitled to rule. Any rejection of their superior wisdom is derided as mere populism. They are in a continual war against the American founding (the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence), in favor of a Platonic bureaucracy of the credentialed.

This was illustrated well by Alexander Vindman’s horror that the elected President of the United States chose to act in opposition to “the interagency consensus”, a phrase that appears nowhere in the Constitution. The legislative and executive branches have been losing power to the judicial branch, but this power center too is expected to bow before the almighty bureaucracy.

This cognitive elite, who hold the levers of power and money in modern society, have conscripted the underclass to act as their violent enforcers. If a person expresses doubts about whether the electoral process was followed properly in Wayne County, Michigan, the only possible motivation for expressing doubts must have been racism. Consequently, it is appropriate to threaten the lives of the doubter’s children, to encourage the doubter to have the proper opinion. GAMETEBB applaud dutifully, never imagining this would ever happen to them.

I do not want to live with such people. If the government continues to refuse to enforce the laws against violent crimes and terroristic threats, society will become ungovernable, and people will turn in desperation to whoever can provide order.

12 thoughts on “The treason of the clerks

  1. I don’t want to live w/them either.

    Just for once I would like to see someone stand up tall and say “you can take your race crap and shove it where the sun don’t shine”.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I hear you. That’s part of what I want to talk about next – leftist projection. They call us all types of foul names – because that is the kind of activity they engage in. I guess that is Alinsky 101.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Yesterday, I went to a Youtube channel owned by a man named Jared, called “Guns & Gadgets”. The subject of his video was basically “Help others prepare for what’s coming”. The shocking thing about the hundreds of responses to this video was the breathtaking unpreparedness of most of the respondents. Many people seemed to be confused concerning what that should be prepping for. If … at this late date … there’s no understanding as to what is “coming”, it’s already too late for them to prepare.

        Here in the Old Dominion, we seem to be perpetually one election away from having most of our gun rights stripped from us. Indeed … on a national scale … America seems to be reliving the events of 17th Century England. Charles I has been beheaded, Parliament is in power, but everyone knows that there will be a restoration of the monarchy. Charles’ son and heir will have his revenge, and we know it. God bless Oliver Cromwell and PLEASE, grant him long life.

        Alinsky 101 is about revenge against America and Americans, as it is simply gaining power.

        As Mike Adams said to me, the day before his “suicide” … “Keep your guns loaded.”

        The Presidency of Donald Trump is the equivalent of the rule of Cromwell. When he leaves office, “Charles II” will have his revenge.

        Liked by 3 people

  2. First, thank you so much for the mention! 🙂 Shabbat shalom!

    Second… they really do think they’re smarter, more educated, more noble, and just plain BETTER PEOPLE than you or I or any of the other “dirt people” on whom they pile disdain.

    I see it everywhere on LinkedIn. “You uneducated stupid Trumpster” is a paraphrase one of the milder ones.

    I’m no psychologist, nor do I play one on TV, but I’ve been doing a lot of reading. One of the things I’ve found is that people who are, secretly, very insecure do is PROJECT onto those they view as their enemies their own beliefs of inadequacy.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Besides the projection, there is also reaction formation: Reaction formation occurs when a person’s mind turns an unacceptable feeling or desire into its complete opposite. For example, a child who is jealous of a sibling may exhibit excessive love and devotion for the hated brother or sister.
      Likewise, a person who harbors murderous rage toward his fellow humans may claim to be a devoted pacifist and refuse to eat meat or even kill a cockroach.
      I see a lot of that from the Dhimmicrats.
      I think the projection and reaction formation may actually overlap in some ways.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. It’s amazing. I hold a Juris Doctorate, yet people (Left Wingnut Regressives) always attempt to “explain” the law and constitution.

      You cannot make up this stuff.

      Liked by 1 person

    3. The same people who think we’re stupid are best represented by Mayor Bloomberg who reminded us how very easy it is to grow food. Just stick something in a hole and food comes out, right?

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Could not reply to your post directly Wolfie02.
    I am not surprised by the responses you mention from people concerning the Youtube video.
    Many who have been calling themselves preppers (a term I do not care for) for a long time seem to deal with it like it is a game of some kind that they can play, rather than realize that it is something very real that you need to understand in regards to a physical, and mental preparedness in order to protect yourself.
    For the younger people, it may be that they have played too many video games, and the lack of reality comes from thinking that playing the video games is the same thing.
    Admittedly, some video games will help you to improve eye/hand coordination, but I don’t think they will necessarily help in regards to knowing what you need to do to actually prepare yourself for a bad situation, whether that is an earthquake, a hurricane, or a communist takeover of your country.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. My brother-in-law (now deceased) was quite the computer gamer. Although he wasn’t a veteran, he had real-life experience in the proper handling of firearms, as an instructor for the security force at a nuclear power plant.

      In one of the games he was playing … a so-called “first person shooter” … he had been struggling to get past a room in his “unit’s objective”, but kept getting shot upon entering that room, every time. It was very frustrating, to him. When I arrived at his house, he showed me what was happening, and asked for help.

      I asked him if he could shoot through the wall, and he said no (the game didn’t allow it). Then, I had him show me the control layout. By this time, his brother, son, and a man who was a veteran of Afghanistan were standing around the computer.

      I moved that character back and sprinted towards the door, leaping into the room where the enemy was. Then, I rolled to a sitting position, and fired a three-round burst. The enemy crumpled to the floor.

      Looking at the veteran who had just exclaimed, “Hot Da”n!”, I asked what he would have done in A-Stan. He said, “I would have tossed in a grenade or two!”

      My response was, “There you go!”

      I then informed my brother-in-law that … in real life … he would have been dead. Real life means death … forever. And then I informed my brother-in-law that real life is not a video game.

      When the communists try to take over the country, they will find that Marxist theory hasn’t adequately prepared them for people willing to fight and die for their America, and their freedoms. And a great many of us are combat veterans.

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      1. Good evening, Wolfie. I just read a very interesting comment, which I present to you:

        Pres. Trump fired Esper as SecDef and appointed Chris Miller to the post. Miller appointed Ezra Cohen-Watnick, former DIA/SOCOM/Flynn protege, as Undersecretary of Defense Intelligence which runs the DIA. Kash Patal was transferred from Nunes’ employment as chief of staff to become Miller’s chief of staff.

        Ezra is a spook and a Trump loyalist.

        Kash helped uncover the 2016 coup and the Steele Dossier.

        First thing Miller did was transfer SOCOM/JSOC from civilian leadership that ran through the CIA and Joint Chiefs to report directly to him. They are now their own branch of the military.

        The Joint Chiefs are cut out of the loop and isolated. This is because they betrayed us and Pres. Trump by lying about troop withdrawals and running illegal operations/wars. Flag staff are compromised and removed. All things are going directly to SecDef Miller.

        Miller launched the raid to seize the Syctl (CIA) server from Frankfurt, Germany from a CIA building. SOCOM seized it and all records contained within.

        As it stands now, we’re in a war situation since this election fraud was perpetrated by four foreign nations with support from both Republicans and Democrats. This means EO13848 makes all crimes committed to be done through military courts. Pres. Trump has the check stubs for everyone involved and knows who’s clean/dirty.

        EO13848 was invoked the moment Pres. Trump signed it on September 12, 2018.

        Currently, SecDef and the DoD are loyal to Pres. Trump. CIA, AG, FBI, and State Department are out of the loop and locked out from all executive functions. As this is because they are all traitors. This is why you haven’t seen any anonymous sources from X department being written by the enemedia recently. It’s complete radio silence and why the enemedia is going after Pres. Trump and his team directly.

        Liked by 3 people

  4. Good morning, Surak!

    That’s an incredible story which I need to digest, fully, before I can competently comment on it. I can say that the Attorney General has been an extreme disappointment to me. I’ve waited with breathless anticipation for the indictments which everyone assumed were coming, and which never did.

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