The Fauci e-mails

Dear readers, there is a new section at the bottom of this blog entitled “Deep State”. Its first entry is a link to a pdf with more than 3000 pages, containing the Fauci e-mails released under a recent request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). In contrast, as one blogger ruefully notes, we are still waiting for production of the Hillary Clinton e-mails, years after a similar FOIA request.

I will give you just a few of the highlights. But first, watch Dr. Peter McCullough from Texas for 16 minutes: WORLD RENOWNED DOCTOR BLOWS LID OFF OF COVID VACCINE

February 1, 2020: Fauci is informed that the virus looks engineered, and that there are possible HIV components to the virus

February 25, 2020: Zeke Emanuel says that CoVID seems less lethal than the flu

March 2, 2020: confusing the case fatality ratio (CFR) and the infection fatality ratio

March 11, 2020: Fauci informed about a coronavirus bioweapons production method

March 19, 2020: Fauci informed of the benefits of hydroxychloroquine

Fauci Didn’t Alert White House When Gain-Of-Function Research Ban Lifted:

Fauci and Zuckerberg plotted how to push a single narrative through social media:

Daniel Greenfield, Matt Margolis, and Paul Joseph Watson provide other overviews:

“The SARS-CoV-2 has a spike protein on its surface. We now know spike protein gets into circulation. We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen; we never knew it was a toxin. So by vaccinating people, we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin.”

Vaccine particles are hugely sequestered into the ovaries. Do you hear that, ladies?

Johns Hopkins professor says half of Americans already have natural immunity:

Ivermectin reduced cases in India’s most populous state, Uttar Pradesh, by 84%

The True Narrative
1. Covid-19 is a man made bioweapon released from Wuhan viral lab.
2. Fauci and his accomplices gave critical technology and funding to China to develop a weapon of mass destruction.
3. Prehospital treatment of covid-19 was intentionally suppressed. Life saving information and medication was intentionally suppressed.
4. The Zelenko Protocol was developed mid-March 2020. Hydroxychloroquine/zinc/Azithromycin. This protocol reduced hospitalization and death by 84%. Multiple studies have proven this to be a scientific truth.
5. Academic fraud, media false propaganda, and governmental malfeasance vilified prehospital treatment with the zelenko protocol.
6. Out of 600000 dead Americans we could have saved 510000.
7. The American people have been brutalized and are victims of mass murder and crimes against humanity.
1. Immediately endorse prehospital treatment and make it the standard of care.
2. Bring the criminals to justice.
Vladimir Zelenko MD

By denying hydroxychloroquine to the American people, it can be argued that Fauci was responsible for the deaths of about 500,000 Americans. That should result in a trial on crimes against humanity. He and his co-conspirators (Cuomo, Gates, Murphy, Newsom, Pritzker, Whitmer, Wolf et al?) should be held responsible.

14 thoughts on “The Fauci e-mails

  1. As more and more is revealed, look for him to “retire to spend more time with his family”… followed by a tragic case of Arkancide not too long after. Dead men tell no secrets. The enemedia will then circle the wagons to say “Well, looks bad, but he’s dead so let’s move on”.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. I have a strange feeling that Mr. Fauci is going to commit suicide by shooting himself… twice in the back of the head with subsonic ammunition!

    Of course the DNC Propaganda machine will state he used subsonic ammunition (and a silencer) so he would not disturb his families sleep! Hear that rattling sound? That is the devil stoking the furnace in preparation for “Flaky Fauci’s” arrival in the Democrat Fire pit!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. “We the People, in order to ensure a more perfect union…”
    The basis of a more perfect union is TRUST. It is the fundamental requirement of any relationship, and when it is missing, God help us. Research shows that in a marriage, when trust of one party for the other is replaced by CONTEMPT, divorce is inevitable
    I don’t have to sell readers of Surakvulcan blog on the contempt supporters of Donald Trump have endured for hesitating to take the ‘gene therapy’ (it is not vaccination, which activates natural immunity, something we have had for millions of years) Rather, we experience for ourselves the denigration and intolerance that left-indoctrinated ideologues hold in their hearts for non-group thinkers. Now it is time to put the “foo on the other shoet” and generate a little contempt of our own:

    Liked by 2 people

    1. As most folks who frequent Surak’s blog already know, my wife … while she was still incapable of giving informed consent, was given both of the jabs. Since Vietnam, I’ve been a peaceful man, with the intention of debating with those who disagree with me. Indeed, some folks may know that I debated Bill Clinton in Arkansas, at the request of Congressman John Paul Hammerschmidt. Although Clinton blew up at me, I debated him in a calm, reasonable manner. It wasn’t my fault that he presented few, if any, reasonable arguments.

      But if what many are predicting for the Fall of this year happens, and it claims the life of the most beautiful person in my life, there will be Hell to pay.

      Every person who declares the necessity of getting “vaccinated” already has my contempt. I no longer put any trust in the “experts”.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Wolfie, we are all on your side. You need to get your wife’s immune system prepared to deal with the next season of coronavirus, which has been an annual occurrence for decades.

        See the section at the bottom of my blog called “Health and nutrition”. Go to the AAPS link, the Rapid Virus Recovery link, and the Zelenko protocol link, and download the resource guides. Study them to learn how to prepare.

        She can take 1000 IU of vitamin D3 daily, plus a zinc lozenge (like ColdEeze). Vitamin D deficiency is strongly correlated with morbidity and mortality from CoVID, and zinc has anti-viral properties. She can also take elderberry capsules, quinine capsules, and drink green tea daily (loose Japanese green tea leaves have a high concentration of EGCG anti-oxidants). We also use elderberry syrup mixed into tonic water (with quinine) as a beverage, and elderberry gummies with vitamins C, D, and zinc, but these items are low maintenance dosage, not treatment dosage.

        Go to my link for Speak with an MD. Write in and make a telemedicine appointment with a doctor. Explain the situation. They can get you a prophylactic and/or therapeutic prescription for either hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) or ivermectin. Studies to date show HCQ is very good, and ivermectin great, in treating CoVID. She can take a tablet once per week now to strengthen her immune system, and then take at a higher dose – daily – if she becomes symptomatic.

        We make very successful use of Chinese herbal teas, all of which can be found on Amazon, if you don’t have an Asian market nearby. Our first go-to is banlangen tea; taken less than 24 hours after symptoms begin, it has stopped almost every cold in its tracks, within hours. Star anise tea and pu’erh tea are more powerful and usually work when banlangen does not. The dosage of antioxidants is not especially high, but the delivery method – hot tea – seems to increase bioavailability. I am an empiricist; it works.

        Buy a nebulizer in the pharmacy, and a bottle of hydrogen peroxide (HP might be found in the oral care section, since it’s used for oral debriding = anti-fungal agent). At the first sign of symptoms, she could nebulize with a 50-50 mixture of HP and filtered water for 10 minutes, a couple of times per day. She could also increase her vitamin C intake substantially to at least 1000 mg/day; some people recommend up to 5000 mg/day; you can get a buffered or esterified form to reduce stomach upset. Also, she could take EGCG capsules, which are said to help moderate the cytokine storm.

        Finally, you need a relation with a doctor you can trust. Maybe your colleagues can give you contacts if your own doctor just parrots the establishment line.

        Best of luck, and may God protect the Wolfies.


    2. Just a brief word, Chuck… Almost all of your comments automatically go into moderation, I think because of the links. As soon as I see them, I approve them. That’s how WP seems to be set up.


  4. There is another thing that needs to be done, and that is to punish China.

    Ban ALL inward investment, confiscate all Chinese owned assets and a massive programme of returning manufacturing back to the west.
    There’s no politician anywhere with the balls to do it.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. We DID have a politician with the intestinal fortitude to do it, but he was “defeated” in the last election.

      China would be appalled and rattle its sabers, I’m sure. But secretly, we could reacquaint them with the fact that they have 550 nukes, and we have over 7500 such warheads. But as you say, our politicians are seriously lacking in “certain areas”.

      Liked by 3 people

        1. Thanks, Wolfie. Sometimes I look at Mike’s website, Natural News. However, I am not clear whether he is providing intelligence from anonymous sources, or is just out and out speculating.

          As we discussed previously, it certainly couldn’t hurt to be prepared just in case that worst-case scenario is real. The conduct of the elites this past year has destroyed my confidence in them. At this point, I take almost everything I hear from the government, academia, and establishment media, and just assume the opposite is true.


  5. A few days ago I finally had the nerve to confront the doctor in our neighborhood, someone whom I have known for 35 years and consider to be a very decent person, but of course rather narrow-minded about anything other than standard medical treatment. I actually was rather pleasantly surprised that he stated that he knows about Ivermectin and thinks that it was suppressed to make money for the vaccine companies, and also that he agrees that there is a of political agenda behind many of the decisions being made about the ‘pandemic’. OTOH, he is sure that the vaccine is working and has saved endless lives, and that the danger of ADE has already passed without manifesting itself.

    He also had not heard of the “Great Reset” by name, but was aware in general about depopulation plans, although he thought that there was no way they could actually take place.

    I’m not planning on listening to him for my personal decisions, but it is an example of someone who is at least partially open-minded.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. “People won’t always agree with you, but they WILL go away and think about it”.
      That was a quote from my daughter in response to a screed I imposed on her about the frustration I experience when trying to make myself understood. When I repeated this to a friend, he responded “SOME people will”.
      fsy, I’ve read your comments before and noted the depth of feeling, thoughtfulness and the intelligence you project. I suspect the doctor has as well. We don’t know how we affect others, because “what others think of us is none of our business”. Isn’t it wonderful to know we sometimes make a greater impact than we realize? Especially among those we respect. Leadership is the process of inspiring others.


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